Supervision & Evaluation. The Field Supervisor shall provide the Student with informal and formal feedback throughout the Externship. At the beginning of the semester, DePaul will send the Agency contact information for the Faculty Mentor. DePaul (either through the Faculty Mentor, the Field Placement Assistant Director, or the Associate Xxxx for Experiential Education) and the Field Supervisor will remain in regular communication throughout the Externship. The Field Supervisor shall promptly contact DePaul in the event issues or concerns arise concerning the performance of any Student, or in the event that significant events occur within the Agency which may have an impact on any Student's ability to complete the Externship. During the semester, the Field Supervisor must sign-off on the Student’s first and second monthly reports. At the mid-point of the Externship and again at the end of the Externship, the Field Supervisor will complete an evaluation for the Student on forms provided by DePaul. Completed evaluations shall be promptly submitted to DePaul for review by the Faculty Mentor or his/her faculty designee. Field Supervisors will be asked to comment about the Student’s efforts in terms of his or her (1) legal analysis, (2) legal research, (3) legal writing, (4) ability to orally express ideas and concepts, (5) practical skills, (6) reliability, and (7) cooperativeness. Also, the Field
Supervision & Evaluation. The Superintendent shall supervise and evaluate the work of principals and shall make timely reports to the Board concerning the performance of both probationary and tenured principals. In discharging these responsibilities, the Superintendent or his designee shall:
1. Publish a list of the criteria by which principals are to be evaluated;
2. Conduct a beginning-of-the-year conference with each principal in July, August or September to set objectives for the coming year; and
3. Conduct an evaluation conference with each non-tenured principal by March 1st and each tenured principal by April 1st. A report of this conference shall be written by the Superintendent or his designee and co-signed by the principal being evaluated. The report shall be given to the principal being evaluated by May 1st of each year.
Supervision & Evaluation. Describe the supervision to be provided. What kind of training and ongoing assistance will you receive? Who will you speak to if a problem arises? How will you know that you have achieved the objectives needed by this organization? How will you evaluate your progress towards meeting these objectives?
Supervision & Evaluation. In the absence of practical faculty by the Academic Agency, the Interpreter Education Practicum Agency will provide direct, on the premises supervision of Academy Agency’s assigned students by personnel who are licenses by the state in which they practice and/or hold national certifications or credentials in their area of expertise as deemed acceptable and appropriate by each Academic Agency program of study. The Interpreter Education Practicum Agency will incorporate the goals/objectives of each applicable Academy Agency program of study in the practical education opportunities provided to the student. However, the Interpreter Education Practicum Agency retains all responsibility of student/client care.
Supervision & Evaluation. After submission of the project, student(s) and supervisor receive a short questionnaire with
Supervision & Evaluation. The parties agree to the Supervision and Evaluation process and the three (3) job specific instruments contained in Appendix A of this agreement. The implementation of said process in the 2016-2017 school year is described in the Memorandum of Agreement also contained in Appendix A.
A. The wages of employees shall be fixed by the Superintendent at rates established in this article.
Supervision & Evaluation. Add the following as a new paragraph to the end of Article 8: The SPA and the District agree to convene a committee whose composition is to be jointly determined by the Superintendent of Schools and the President of the SPA in the event that the New York State Legislature and/or Department of Education modify the existing paradigm set forth in Education law Section 3012-d. The Committee will complete its work by June of the school year in which it is convened. The parties agree to re-open negotiations limited solely to those areas of the APPR plan that constitute mandatory subjects of bargaining.
Supervision & Evaluation. During the time period at Children’s National Hospital, the faculty who will assume educational and supervisory responsibility for the resident/fellow(s) is: .
Supervision & Evaluation. Employees shall not be evaluated in any instruction system or method in which supervisors/administrators have received in-service training until and unless Employees have received the opportunity for similar in-service training in the same system of method. Employees shall be given a copy of the evaluation report prepared by the evaluator. Such copy will be provided not later than three working days after the observation but not less than two working days prior to the conference. The Employee shall have the right to submit a written response to the evaluation, which shall be attached to the file copy. Any evaluation, which is less than satisfactory, must be accompanied by written specific recommendations for improvement with a commitment for direct assistance in implementing such recommendations.
Supervision & Evaluation. The Superintendent of Schools is the chief executive officer of the Blackstone-Millville Regional School District and is responsible to the Blackstone-Millville Regional District School Committee and shall exercise all authority as provided by law. He/she is assisted by the Assistant Superintendent. They shall supervise the Assistant Principals.