TEMPORARY UTILITIES. A. Contractor shall pay all costs associated with use of temporary utilities on the Job Site during construction, including application fees, permits, engineering, and metered service for water, electric power, heating and cooling. Temporary utility systems provided by Contractor shall be designed and installed to protect the public and construction personnel and conform with applicable Laws and Regulations.
B. Utility services shall be re-listed in the name of Owner on the Calendar Day following Substantial Completion, and Owner shall pay for utility services after that date.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the Specifications or on the Drawings, the Principal Representative shall be responsible for the locations of all utilities as shown on the Drawings or indicated elsewhere in the Specifications, subject to the Contractor's compliance with all statutory or regulatory requirements to call for utility locates. When actual conditions deviate from those shown the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Article 37,
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. Temporary utilities required for the completion of the project shall be provided by the University at no cost to the Contractor. Temporary utilities shall include but are not limited to lighting, heating, cooling, electrical power, water, telephone, sanitary facilities, and potable water.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. A. Construction Manager shall provide or cause to be provided all temporary water, heating, cooling, ventilating, electricity and lighting necessary for the proper performance of the Work and the work of other contractors.
B. Construction Manager shall provide temporary utilities as necessary for testing and inspection and to ensure suitable working conditions for those performing work on the project.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. Mobilization and demobilization, electric service (including field office trailers), water service (including field office trailers), sanitary holding tank and portable toilets, gas, heat and ventilation, construction facilities and services, construction fencing, storage trailers, dewatering (not including subsurface water intrusion), weatherization, winterization, fire protection, IT, site lighting, construction roads, temporary construction parking, clean-up, dumpsters, signage, safety, audit, and record storage.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. A. Prior to execution of the Work, the Contractor shall confer with a representative of the Facilities Department regarding the use of utilities and facilities at the worksite. No Town utilities or facilities are to be used by the Contractor in the performance of this Contract without the prior approval of the Town.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. XXXX shall provide the necessary temporary utilities for construction use and bear the responsibility for their proper operation. If any utilities are in place and in use by the Owner at the Project site, such utilities -- excluding telephone -- may be utilized by the XXXX at no cost, to the extent the utilities are available without impact to the Owner’s operations. If Owner supplied utilities are utilized by the XXXX, the XXXX shall exercise conservation of energy and utility resources to the satisfaction of the Owner, or such provision of utilities by the Owner will be terminated at Owner’s discretion.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. Lessee or Lessees contractor are responsible for arranging temporary utilities to the jobsite.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES. Contractor shall provide the necessary temporary utilities for construction use and bear the responsibility for their proper operation.
TEMPORARY UTILITIES a. Temporary Water Service, Design-Builder Obligations:
(1) Provide water adequate for demand of construction operations.
(2) Piped water service:
i. Do not use permanent piping system to distribute nonpotable water.
ii. Connect to existing water main.
iii. Provide meter and shut-off valve.
iv. Disinfect temporary piping before use.
v. Take precautions to prevent damage due to leaks and spills.
b. Temporary Power and Light, Design-Builder Obligations:
(1) Provide electricity adequate for demand of construction operations.
(2) Electrical service:
i. Obtain temporary service from local utility.
ii. Provide disconnect at connection to service.
iii. Provide service conductors and equipment. This document is provided as a DRAFT and is not intended to be considered FINAL. The Commission explicitly reserves the right to modify this document and provide a revised Sample to Phase II Proposers.
iv. Provide metering equipment.
v. Provide service to other temporary facilities specified.