TERM AND TERMINATION 8. .1. This Agreement becomes valid and effective on the moment of its execution by all parties to the contract and unless specified otherwise, it shall expire in the moment of completion of all activities set forth to the Investigator a Healthcare institution in the observational study plan, in this Agreement and in respective laws and regulations, and payment of remuneration by the Sponsor in a manner corresponding to the present Agreement. 8.2. Each contractual party may terminate present Agreement effective as of the day of delivery of such notice to other parties solely in the following circumstances: - In case other contracting party fails to fulfill any provision of this Agreement and fails to remedy such failure within 30 days delay following the delivery of written request to ensure the remedy; okamžiku provedení veškerých činností stanovených Zkoušejícímu a Zdravotnickému zařízení plánem observační studie, touto Smlouvou a příslušnými právními předpisy a zaplacením odměny Zadavatelem způsobem podle této Smlouvy. 8.2. Kterákoliv ze smluvních xxxxx xx oprávněna tuto Smlouvu písemně vypovědět s účinky ke dni doručení výpovědi ostatním smluvním stranám, a to pouze v následujících případech: - pokud některá další smluvní strana nesplní či neplní jakékoliv ustanovení této Smlouvy a neodstraní závadný stav ani ve lhůtě 30 (třiceti) dnů od doručení písemné výzvy k jeho odstranění; - v případě podstatného porušení jakékoliv smluvní povinnosti jinou smluvní stranou. 8.3. Zadavatel je oprávněn vypovědět tuto Smlouvu písemným oznámením doručeným ostatním smluvním stranám s účinky ke dni doručení, pokud zjistí, že observační studie není vědecky nebo technicky proveditelná xxxx xx proveditelná pouze s nepřiměřenými náklady či rizikem pro subjekty hodnocení. 8.4. Dojde-li k předčasnému ukončení této Smlouvy, je Zadavatel povinen Zdravotnickému zařízení uhradit část ceny připadající na provedenou část observační studie. Odměna se hradí poměrně podle uskutečněných úkonů. 8.5. Při skončení studie Zkoušející a Zdravotnické zařízení vrátí Zadavateli prostřednictvím společnosti Neox
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TERM AND TERMINATION 8. 1 This Agreement is effective at the beginning of the Project Period and expires at the end of the Project Period, unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Agreement. The Parties hereto may extend the Term of this Agreement in writing for additional periods as desired on mutually acceptable terms and conditions. 8.2 Either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause if written notice of termination is given to the other Party at least sixty (60) days prior to the proposed termination date. Sponsor may terminate the Agreement immediately upon notice if University or any University Personnel breaches its obligations set forth in Sections 3.2 or 6.1.[37] 8.3 Termination of this Agreement by either Party for any reason will not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties accrued prior to the effective date of termination. Excepting the performance of the Project and delivery of the Deliverables, the rights and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement. [37] Parties may want to include a period to ‘cure’ the breach before the agreement can be terminated, assuming that it is possible to cure. In the context of a publication or disclosure of Confidential Information, the parties may define a “cure” as taking all reasonable steps to mitigate any potential harm.
TERM AND TERMINATION 8. Doba platnosti a ukončenie
TERM AND TERMINATION 8. 1 The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on May 1, 2001, and shall continue until June 30, 2002. Thereafter, this Agreement shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless either party provides written notice of non-renewal and termination not less that ninety (90) days prior to the end of the then-current term. 8.2 In the event that the parties are unable to agree on a proposed modification to the Program Guidelines as provided in Section 7, above, the party proposing the modification shall have the option of terminating this Agreement by providing written notice of termination to the other party. Such termination will be effective on the following March 1. 8.3 To the extent permitted by applicable law, if either party should become subject to bankruptcy, receivership, or other proceedings affecting the rights of its creditors generally, this Agreement will be deemed terminated thereupon immediately without the need of notice from the other party, and the party becoming subject to such proceedings will promptly notify the other party thereof. 10 <PAGE> 8.4 Termination shall be prospective only and shall not affect the obligations of the parties hereto which were incurred prior to such termination or any of the warranties and indemnities contained herein or the provisions of Section 9 below (regarding confidentiality). In no event shall the LENDER be entitled to xxx for specific performance of this Agreement by XXXX with respect to the guaranty of Loans other than those as to which a binding commitment shall have been made prior to the sending of notice of termination of this Agreement. SECTION 9:
TERM AND TERMINATION 8. Prazo e Encerramento This Advisory Agreement becomes effective as of the date it is accepted by AGA and your AGA Account is opened, as evidenced in accordance with AGA’s procedures and/or practices regarding account opening. Este Acordo de Assessoria entra em vigor na data em que for aceito pela AGA e sua Conta AGA for aberta, conforme evidenciado de acordo com os procedimentos e/ou práticas da AGA em relação à abertura de contas. You agree that AGA and/or any of its affiliates or contractors may suspend the provision of services to you or delay, limit, restrict, or refuse any transaction at any time for any length of time without prior notice to you if AGA believes in good faith that such suspension or delay is necessary or appropriate: (i) to ensure compliance with, or to avoid, violating any law or regulation applicable to AGA or its affiliates or a transaction relating to the Program; (ii) to comply with a request or guidance from a regulatory or law enforcement authority with jurisdiction over AGA or its affiliates or a transaction relating to the Program; (iii) to avoid a loss to AGA or its affiliates; (iv) to remediate or otherwise address problems with technology; (v) due to interruptions in the access to or operation of any technology that AGA or its affiliates directly or indirectly uses in connection with the Program; (vi) to prevent a breach or violation of any term, condition, or other provision of this Advisory Agreement; or (vii) to obtain from you any additional information that AGA in its reasonable discretion deems necessary for advisory services to be provided to you pursuant to this Advisory Agreement. Você concorda que a AGA e/ou qualquer de suas afiliadas ou contratadas podem suspender a prestação de serviços para você ou atrasar, limitar, restringir ou recusar qualquer transação a qualquer momento, por qualquer período de tempo, sem aviso prévio, se a AGA acreditar de boa fé que tal suspensão ou atraso é necessário ou apropriado: (i) para garantir o cumprimento ou evitar a violação de qualquer lei ou regulamento aplicável à AGA ou a suas afiliadas ou a uma transação relacionada ao Programa; (ii) para cumprir uma solicitação ou orientação de uma autoridade reguladora ou de aplicação da lei com jurisdição sobre a AGA ou suas afiliadas ou uma transação relacionada ao Programa; (iii) para evitar xxx xxxxx para a AGA ou suas afiliadas; (iv) para remediar ou resolver problemas de tecnologia; (v) devido a interrupções no acesso ou operação ...
TERM AND TERMINATION 8. 1 This Agreement shall commence upon 8 PLATNOST SMLOUVY A JEJÍ UKONČENÍ the date it is published in the Contracts Registry (as defined in Section 9.2 below)and shall remain in force until the 8.1 Tato smlouva vstoupí v platnost k datu, kdy je zveřejněna v registru smluv (jak je definováno v oddílu 9.2 níže), a pokud completion of the Study, unless terminated earlier as provided for in this nedojde k jejímu předčasnému ukončení dle tohoto oddílu, bude v platnosti až do section. dokončení studie.
TERM AND TERMINATION 8. Relationship of the Parties; 9. Confidential Information; 11 Warranty, Disclaimer, and Limitation of Liability; 12. Non-Solicitation; 13.
TERM AND TERMINATION 8. 1 This AGREEMENT shall expire in each country on the date of expiration of the last to expire patent included with PATENT RIGHTS in that country or, if no patents are issued, ten (10) years from the EFFECTIVE DATE of this AGREEMENT at which time OSIRIS shall have a fully paid up noncancellable license to all TECHNOLOGY with respect to which it has exercised the option under Article 8 of the Research Agreement. 8.2 Any matter or disagreement arising under Paragraphs 1.13 (c), 5.3, 4.1 or 4.2 shall be submitted to the arbitration procedure set out under Section 9 below. 8.3 Except as provided in Paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 above, upon breach or default of any of the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT, the defaulting party shall be given written notice of such default in writing and a period of ninety (90) days after receipt of such notice to respond in writing to the notice of default or breach. If the default or breach is not corrected within an additional ninety (90) day period, the party not in default shall have the right to terminate this AGREEMENT. 8.4 OSIRIS may terminate this AGREEMENT for all or some of the licenses granted herein under in any country under any PATENT RIGHT, for any reason, upon giving CBA ninety (90) days written notice. In such case, the provisions of Paragraph 8.1 shall not be applicable and CBA shall have the right to freely use all those PATENT RIGHTS covered by such termination. 8.5 Termination shall not affect CBA'S right to recover unpaid royalties or fees or reimbursement for patent expenses incurred, if any, pursuant to Paragraph 7.1 prior to termination. Upon termination all rights in and to the licensed technology (including PATENT RIGHTS) shall revert to CBA at no cost to CBA. 8.6 Upon any termination of this AGREEMENT, OSIRIS at its option, shall be entitled to finish any work-in-process which is completed within six (6) months of termination of this AGREEMENT and to sell any completed inventory of a LICENSED PRODUCT covered by this AGREEMENT which remains on hand as of the date of the termination, so long as OSIRIS pays to CBA the royalties applicable to said subsequent sales in accordance with the same terms and conditions as set forth in this AGREEMENT. 8.7 In the event that this AGREEMENT and/or the rights and licenses granted under this AGREEMENT to OSIRIS are terminated, any sublicense granted under this AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect as a direct license between CBA and the SUBLICENSEE under the t...
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