TIME STUDY. 25.01 Time Studies will be made on the basis that an experienced seniority Bargaining Unit operator can make standard, if he/she performs at a normal pace.
25.02 The Plant Chairperson, Union Time Study Representative and department supervisor must be informed as to the date of the time study. Prior to any revised production standard being implemented the Company will:
a) Meet with the Union Time Study Representative and Plant Chairperson or his/her designate to review the Time Study and appropriate method, material or machinery changes. The purpose of this meeting is to review the industrial engineering department’s data that was used to develop the production standard. During this meeting, the Union will be given a copy of the Time Study.
b) Meet with the affected shift employees and Union representative to review any method, material or machinery changes. The Supervisor of the affected area along with a member of the engineering department will represent the Company at these meetings.
c) All present and future production standards will be posted in each department where applicable.
d) Once standards are set they will remain in effect unless there is a change in method process or equipment that would affect the accuracy of the standard, such standards will only be revised to the extent of the affected elements.
25.03 The Company will recognize the Union Time Study Representative for the purpose of investigating production standard disputes. In the event of a dispute on any standard, a stop watch method will be used for verification and shall include allowance of 6% for rest periods and wash ups, 5% for personal relief and fatigue and up to 4% for immeasurable delays. Disputes regarding standards shall be subject to the grievance procedure. Should the dispute continue to exist over the fairness of the standard, the Union shall have the right to request a National Time Study Representative to review the standard and conduct its own time study regarding the dispute. The Company shall have the right to request an independent time study conducted by a qualified third party and the Company may include this independent study to help resolve the production standard dispute. The Industrial Engineer, Plant Manager, Union Time Study Representative and Chairperson will meet if necessary for the purpose of resolving the dispute. An established production standard where no grievance has been filed shall not be changed except for the following circumstances:
a) To corre...
TIME STUDY. 25.01 Time Studies will be made using the MOST method.
25.02 The Plant Chairperson, Union Time Study Representative and department supervisor must be informed as to the date of the time study.
a) Meet with the Union Time Study Representative and Plant Chairperson or his/her designate to review the Time Study and appropriate method, material or machinery changes. The purpose of this meeting is to review the industrial engineering department’s data that was used to develop the production standard. During this meeting, the Union will be given a copy of the Time Study
b) Meet with the affected shift employees and Union representative to review any method, material or machinery changes. The Supervisor of the affected area along with a member of the engineering department will represent the Company at these meetings.
c) All present and future production standards will be posted in each department where applicable.
d) Once standards are set they will remain in effect unless there is a change in method process or equipment that would affect the accuracy of the standard, such standards will only be revised to the extent of the affected elements.
25.03 The Company will recognize the Union Time Study Representative for the purpose of investigating production standard disputes.
25.04 One (1) member of each plant committee shall be designated as the Union Time Study Representative. The Company will pay to train the Union Time Study Representative on MOST in a manner chosen by the Company.
TIME STUDY. 19.1 Time study will be made available on the basis that an experienced seniority bargaining unit operator can make standard, if he/she performs at a normal pace and will allow for the fatigue factor and consideration of the customer’s scheduling requirements and their Customer’s own time studies. Such studies will be done on the day shift and by qualified time study people. All time studies done in conjunction with setting standards or improving standards and all data pertaining to standards or improved standards will be made available to the Chairman. Disputes regarding standards shall be subject to the Grievance procedure. In case of a grievance, the Union will be allowed access to the Plant to conduct its own time study in regard to the dispute and the Company will make available all data upon which they set their standards to the Union time study person. An arbitrator will not have jurisdiction to lower the standards below that required by the customer.
TIME STUDY. DHS shall convene a workgroup with ADP/DD consumers, delivery systems and SEIU to discuss a process for a task study and health related tasks. The workgroup will issue a report to DHS on or before June 30, 2014.
TIME STUDY. The State agrees to conduct a time study specifically for documentation time following the OARs provided above. The study will be completed by June 30, 2024 unless the parties mutually agree to extend. The Union agrees to fully support the study, will provide input and be kept abridged of the methods and plans used to conduct the study. The results of the Study shall be shared with the Union.
TIME STUDY. All school district employees who are involved in Medicaid administrative activities and support will participate in a random moment sample (RMS) as the preferred method of reporting time and effort. For more information on RMS see Random Moment Sampling in step 4. It is important that the local school district staff not knowingly perform activities that are already being offered or should be provided by the Division of Medicaid Services, State Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, managed care organizations, and other entities who are providing outreach, referral and assistance to Medicaid eligible and potentially eligible children and their families. School districts should constantly strive to become knowledgeable of Medicaid and health care resources in their communities and develop mechanisms to coordinate activities. As appropriate, this requires the close coordination between school districts, Division of Medical Services, Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, providers, community and non-profit organizations, and other entities related to the activities performed. IDEA provisions require school staff to perform a number of education related activities which can generally be characterized as child find, evaluation (initial) and reevaluation, and development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Schools are conducting the above activities for the purpose of fulfilling education-related mandates under IDEA; therefore, the associated costs of these activities are not allowable as administrative costs under SDAC. Administrative activities performed in support of medical services that are not coverable or reimbursable under the Medicaid program would not be allowable as Medicaid administration. In order for a medical service to be reimbursable, the provider furnishing such services must be participating in the Medicaid program and bill Medicaid for the service. It is not always administratively efficient for the schools to verify for each referral whether a provider is participating in the Medicaid program. The state has developed a provider participation rate in order to represent the percentage of referrals to participating providers.
TIME STUDY. 19.1 Time study will be made available on the basis that an experi- enced seniority bargaining unit operator can make standard, if he/she per- forms at a normal pace and will allow for the fatigue factor and consideration of the customer's scheduling requirements and their Customer's own time studies. Such studies will be done on the day shift and by qualified time study people. All time studies done in conjunction with setting standards or improving standards and all data pertaining to standards or improved xxxx- dards will be made available to the Chairperson. Disputes regarding xxxx- dards shall be subject to the Grievance procedure. In case of a grievance, the Union will be allowed access to the Plant to conduct its own time study in regard to the dispute and the Company will make available all data upon which they set their standards to the Union time study person. An arbitrator will not have jurisdiction to lower the standards below that required by the customer.
TIME STUDY. 38:01 The Union agrees that the Company has the right to set time standards subject to the Union’s right to grieve said standards pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement.
38:02 The speed of operations and production standards shall be based upon accepted work measurement techniques made on the basis of fairness and equity, consistent with quality workmanship, efficiency of operations, and the reasonable work capacity and normal pace of experienced seniority bargaining unit operators and shall give due consideration to fatigue, personal time and non-cyclic work elements. All time studies will be done on the day shift.
38:03 All time studies done in conjunction with setting standards or improving standards, and all data pertaining to standards or improved standards will be made available to the Plant Committee Chairperson.
38:04 One (1) member of the bargaining unit shall be designated as the Union time study representative. The member of the bargaining unit so designated will:
(i) Be paid for lost time by the Company for time necessary to attend such time study training courses jointly approved by the Company and the Union. Fees for such approved time study courses and expenses related thereto will also be paid by the Company.
(ii) Remain as the recognized representative for the duration of this Collective Agreement;
(iii) Be made aware in advance of the time and date of any time study;
(iv) Actively and in good faith participate in all time studies performed by the Company;
(v) Openly and immediately discuss or otherwise present to the Labour Relations Manager, or his or her designate, any issues with respect to any production standard;
(vi) Liaise between the bargaining unit and the Company with respect to issues arising at any operation at which there are impediments to the achievement of a production standard as herein established; and
(vii) Actively participate in production-related process improvement initiatives as requested by the Company.
38:05 Copies of all production standards will be posted in the area of operation showing the method of operation, cycle times and any time cycle for added operations.
38:06 No standards are to be increased without job improvements.
38:07 An established production standard where no grievance has been filed shall not be changed except for the following circumstances:
(a) To correct an arithmetic error, in which case only the arithmetic error shall be corrected.
(b) When the company makes a change in the job tha...
TIME STUDY. Each MAC participant to be claimed must time study for the entire time study week. This is not a sampling or random moment approach. A time allocation methodology (time study) is applied to determine the appropriate percentage of personnel time dedicated to Medicaid administrative activities during the claiming period. Time studies are performed once each quarter for a seven consecutive day period. The time study captures information to distinguish allowable administrative costs from non-allowable costs. See Part II for an explanation of the time study methodology. Determination of Actual Expenditures Collection of the Actual Expenditure Data Financial information is collected from all participating entities each quarter. The financial data used to calculate the claim is based upon actual detailed expenditures obtained directly from the participating entity’s financial accounting system. The types of expenditures are: salaries; fringe benefits; indirect cost; personal service contracts; supplies; and others. Each financial accounting system from which the expenditure data are obtained must adhere to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the following five principles apply to the preparation of the claim: • The methodology and calculated financial data are fully consistent with the requirements of OMB Circular A-87 and adhere to Medicaid principles of reimbursement as stated in CMS Publication 15-1. • The financial information is classified in a format that facilitates the application of the time study results. The appropriate MER is applied for each MAC code. • The process minimizes the time spent by financial personnel to meet the reporting requirements while maintaining assurance of the accuracy of the data. • Reporting is on a cash basis. All supporting documentation will be made available by the claiming entity for audit by the State of Ohio (including ODM, ODH, the Auditor of the State of Ohio, the Inspector General of Ohio, or any duly authorized law enforcement officials) and by agencies of the United States Government. All supporting documentation is retained by the claiming entity for three years from the last quarter of the federal fiscal year of reimbursement. ODH will adhere to the federal regulation 45CFR Subtitle A § 92.42 which states: “If any pending litigation involving the records has been started before the expiration of the three year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of...
TIME STUDY. At the conclusion of the time study, the time study man shall calculate the standard according to the following procedure: Disregard no watch reading obtained during the unless a clear explanation for any strike-out appears on the observation sheet. Use the average of the observed performance times for each element in determining the average of the reading for each element. Apply the frequency of Occurrence to the average of the readings €or each element to obtain average timeper cycle. Apply the performance rating factor to each average time per cycle for manual to obtainn o d time cycle formanual elements. In no case shall performance below eighty (80%) percent be used to establish a Subtract minutes the job allowances expressed in minutes of expected non- productive time per hour to obtainthe per hour available for production. the minutes per hour available for production normal cycle time obtain pieces per at normal pace for the operation. isunderstood that standards shall be based on the principle that any changes in standards shall permit the same incentive as existed under the accepted original standards. The procedure for determining whether or not a change or decreases the standard time per piece shall