ROTATION LISTS. A. A call to an operator shall constitute one turn on the list, and the operator shall be moved to the bottom of the list. 1) This includes when the operator fails to answer the phone, is unable to respond, is unable to perform the required service, refuses to respond or provide service, or is canceled due to excessive response time. B. If it is determined the operator is not needed and is canceled by the CHP, up to and including arrival on scene and standby time which does not result in a tow, there shall be no charges and the operator shall be placed back at the top of the list. C. If the operator responds to a CHP call and is canceled by the vehicle’s registered owner or agent, prior to the operator taking possession of the vehicle, there shall be no charge and the operator shall be placed back at the top of the list. 1) Possession is deemed to arise when the vehicle is removed and is in transit, or when vehicle recovery operations or load salvage operations have begun (Section 3068.1[a] of the Civil Code [CC] and Section 22851[a][1] of the California Vehicle Code [CVC]). 2) Whenever a vehicle owner returns to a vehicle that is in possession of a towing company prior to the removal of the vehicle, the owner may regain possession of the vehicle from the towing company if the owner pays the tow company the towing charges incurred at the time service is concluded (Section 22851[a][2] CVC). NOTE: Simply attaching a cable to or blocking a vehicle does not constitute recovery or load salvage operations. D. Nothing in the TSA shall prohibit an Area commander, supervisor, or scene manager, from requesting a specific tow company when, in their opinion, the necessary resources to clear a hazard are not available from the tow company currently at the top of the rotation tow list. 1) In such an instance, the selected company would then go to the bottom of the list and those tow companies which were by-passed, would remain in the same list order. E. Nothing shall prohibit a Class B, C, or D operator from maintaining a position on a lighter class rotation list, provided the tow truck meets the equipment specifications for that class of operation. 1) Regardless of the class of tow truck utilized or responding to the call, charges shall not be more than for the class of vehicle towed or serviced, except when vehicle recovery operations require a larger class tow truck. F. A Salvage and Recovery Rotation Tow List shall be established for each Area office when there are ...
ROTATION LISTS. A. Nothing in this PRPD TSA shall prohibit the PRPD Chief of Police, supervisor or officer on scene from requesting a specific tow company when, in his/her opinion, the necessary resources to clear a hazard as expeditiously as possible are not available from the tow company currently at the top of the rotation tow list. In such an instance, the selected company would then go to the bottom of the rotation tow list. Tow companies on the same list that were bypassed would remain in the same order until their selection for a rotation tow for which they are qualified. B. A call to an operator shall constitute one turn on the list and the operator shall then be moved to the bottom of the list. This includes instances when the operator fails to answer the phone, is unable to respond, is unable to perform the required service, refuses to respond or provide service, or the request is canceled due to excessive response time. 1) If it is determined the operator is not needed and the request is canceled by the PRPD, up to and including arrival at the scene and standby time which does not result in a tow, there shall be no charges, and the operator will be placed back at the top of the list. 2) If the towing request is canceled by the vehicle’s registered owner or agent prior to the operator taking possession of the vehicle, there shall be no charges for towing. The operator shall immediately contact the PRPD and advise them of the cancellation. The operator will then be placed back at the top of the list. C. If two or more operators are called to the same incident, distribution of the vehicles shall be at the discretion of the PRPD supervisor or officer in charge.
ROTATION LISTS. Two rotation lists will be maintained throughout the year. One for weekday field trips and one for weekend/holiday field trips. Each rotation list is individual and operates separately from the other. However, both operate on a seniority rotation basis.
ROTATION LISTS. Sports Rotation List The rotation list will rotate continually through the sports seasons. At the beginning of each school year, drivers may select, based on seniority on the rotation list, the sport for which they will drive. In the event of absences, the next available driver on the extra duty field trip rotation list will be assigned.
ROTATION LISTS. A. The Beaumont Police Department shall maintain a rotational tow list to ensure an equitable distribution of calls among operators. Nothing in this agreement shall prohibit an Officer from requesting a specific tow company when, in the Officer’s opinion, the necessary resources to clear a hazard as expeditiously as possible are not available from the tow company currently at the top of the rotation list. In such an instance, the tow company selected would be the next tow company on the list that has the required qualifications (equipment, skills, timeliness, etc.) to provide the required service. Also, at the direct request from an owner of a vehicle, an Officer may contact a specific tow truck company for services. With regards to any fatal or near fatal collision, or where inspections of the vehicle are necessary and related to an investigation, or where the vehicle is being held as evidence to an investigation, the primary Officer or Investigator reserves the right to choose a specific tow company regardless of their position on the list. 1. In such an instance, the selected company would then go to the bottom of the list and those tow companies which were by-passed would remain in the same list order. 2. In the event a vehicle is towed to the holding area located inside the Beaumont Police Department’s parking area as evidence or for any other reason, the vehicle shall be released to the tow company which towed the vehicle to this location, regardless of their position on the rotation list. The tow company may then charge the owner, agent, etc., the standard fee for only one tow and storage from the date returned to their storage facility. In the event the owner of the vehicle is determined to be the victim of the crime or incident being investigated, the Officer or Investigator shall offer the owner an opportunity to recover their vehicle from the Beaumont Police Department holding area at no cost. If the vehicle is not recovered by the owner within a 48-hour time frame following notification, the vehicle shall be returned to the initial towing company for release and all fees may then be charged the owner, agent, etc. B. Nothing shall prohibit a Class B, C, or D operator from maintaining a place on a lighter class rotation tow list, provided the tow truck meets the equipment specifications for that class of operation. Regardless of the class of tow truck utilized or responding to the call, charges shall not be more than for the class of vehicle towe...
ROTATION LISTS. A. Within each TOWINGAREA, the HamiltonCountySheriffshallmaintainrotationaltowliststo ensurean equitable distribution of calls. B. An OPERATOR may receive placement on more than one towing category rotation list provided that: 1. The OPERATOR makes a request for placement in multiple categories. 2. The OPERATOR meets the requirements for that category. 3. There is an available opening on the list in that category. 4. The OPERATOR is approved for placement in that category by the Sheriff. C. Regardless of the category of towtruck, charges shall not be more than the category of vehicle towedor serviced, except when recovery operations require a larger category of truck. D. A call to an OPERATOR shall constitute one turn on the list and the OPERATOR shall be moved to the bottomof the list. This includeswhenthe OPERATOR fails to answer the phone, is unable to respond, or is cancelled due to excessive response time. If it is determinedthat the OPERATOR is not needed and is cancelled bythe Sheriff's Office, upto and including arrival at the scene, there shall be no charges and the OPERATOR will be placed back on top of the list. E. If hookup orservice hasbegunandiscancelled bythevehicleowner oragentthereshall be no charge and the OPERATOR shall be placed back at the top of the list. F. If two or more OPERATORS arecalled to thesame incident, distribution of the vehicles shall be at the discretion of the Xxxxxxxx County Sheriff on-scene OIC. G. The Xxxxxxxx County Sheriff’s Office on-scene OICmaydirect an OPERATOR tomovevehicles tohelpclear a roadway or for lifesaving operations. OPERATORS shall provide the requested assistance. H. A Xxxxxxxx County Sheriff’s Office OIC may direct an OPERATOR to dispatch more than one tow truck to a multi-vehicle collision scene in response to a rotation tow call. As a general rule, one OPERATOR will be asked to handle one vehicle involved in a single crash. If that crash involves the use of both Heavy Duty and Light/Medium Duty tow trucks, the choice for both will be made from the Heavy-Duty list and a turn will be recorded for that OPERATOR on both lists. If the OPERATOR from the Heavy-Duty list is not also approved for the Light/Medium Duty list, the next available Light/Medium Duty OPERATOR will be dispatched to the scene for that class of vehicles. Refer to Section VI.D. for more information on sub-contracting of services. I. Nothing in this agreement shall prevent a vehicle owner from requesting the service of their choice, ...
ROTATION LISTS. The rotation list shall include each operator who signs a roster for extra curricular, athletic, or any field trip. The rotation list (by high school attendance area) shall be followed except when an operator is not available in the area or due to cancellation, rescheduling, sickness or unforeseen circumstance. Any operator who refuses more than three (3) trips will be dropped from the contact (rotation) list for sixty (60) work days. Any trip not accepted by an operator within one (1) work days’ notice will not be considered a refusal. Approved leave from duty does not constitute a refusal. If a trip is assigned and then canceled the operator will receive a minimum of one (1) hour show-up pay at the field trip driving rate if they were in-route or already at the point of departure.


  • Rotation Where the Employer's designate and the Union's designate at the local level agree that shifts be rotated, the shifts shall be rotated on an equitable basis among the employees involved.

  • Seniority Lists A copy of the seniority list will be posted by January 31st and July 31st of each calendar year on designated bulletin boards with a copy forwarded to the bargaining unit president. Included in the list shall be a breakdown of total hours paid for part-time employees. All lists will include date of hire. Any errors noted in the seniority list should be noted and the employer notified within thirty (30) days, after which the list shall be considered final.

  • Employee Lists The Controller shall also provide with each payment a list of employees paying membership fees and a list of employees paying service fees. All such lists shall contain the employee's name, employee number, classification, department number and amount deducted.

  • Shift Rotation Routine shift rotation is not an approach to staffing endorsed by the Employer. Except for emergency situations where it may be necessary to provide safe patient care, shift rotation will not be utilized without mutual consent. If such an occasion should ever occur, volunteers will be sought first. If no one volunteers, the Employer will rotate shifts on an inverse seniority basis until the staff vacancies are filled.

  • Directory Listings 15.1.1 CBT, as publisher of its White Pages, will include Primary Listings of CLEC’s resale directory customers in its White Pages, and shall cause its publisher to include primary listings of CLEC’s directory customers in its Publisher’s Yellow Pages Directories under the following terms and conditions: CBT will publish the Primary Listing of CLEC Directory Customers located within the geographic scope of its White Pages directory and will recover costs for both resale and facility based Customers in accordance with the Act.

  • White Pages Listings 5.1 BellSouth shall provide <<customer_name>> and their customers access to white pages directory listings under the following terms:

  • Customer Lists We hereby agree that we shall not use any list of your customers which may be obtained in connection with this Agreement for the purpose of solicitation of any product or service without your express written consent. However, nothing in this paragraph or otherwise shall be deemed to prohibit or restrict us or our affiliates in any way from solicitations of any product or service directed at, without limitation, the general public, any segment thereof, or any specific individual, provided such solicitation is not based upon such list.

  • Seniority List The Employer shall maintain a seniority list showing the date upon which each employee's service commenced. An up-to-date seniority list shall be sent to the Union and posted on all bulletin boards in January of each year.

  • Catalog Information about Hawthorn University is published in a school catalog that contains a description of certain policies, procedures, and other information about the school. Hawthorn University reserves the right to change any provision of the catalog at any time. Notice of changes will be communicated in a revised catalog, an addendum or supplement to the catalog, or other written format. Students are expected to read and be familiar with the information contained in the school catalog, in any revisions, supplements and addenda to the catalog, and with all school policies. By enrolling in Hawthorn University, the student agrees to abide by the terms stated in the catalog and all school policies.

  • Posting of Seniority List The Administration shall post the seniority list twice annually by October 1 and March 1 of each work year. The seniority list shall be posted on the designated bulletin board in each building/work site and will indicate, by area of certification, license, or entry-level requirement, the first day worked, the date of Board resolution to hire, and the contract status (limited or continuing) of each employee. Said list shall be provided by the Superintendent to the Association President on or before the date of posting. A. The name of employees on the seniority list shall appear in seniority rank order within areas of certification, license, or entry-level requirements, with the name of the most senior employee appearing at the top of the listing and the name of the least senior employee appearing at the bottom of the listing. B. The names of employees who are certificated, licensed, or otherwise minimally qualified in more than one (1) area shall be included on the listing for all areas of certification, license, or entry-level requirement. C. The names of part-time employees shall appear on the seniority list but shall be listed separately from the names of full-time employees.