Union Access Sample Clauses
Union Access. The Union shall have reasonable access to all work locations to verify that the terms and conditions of this Agreement are being carried out and for the purpose of conferring with employees, provided that access shall be subject to such rules and regulations immediately below, as well as to such rules and regulations as may be agreed to by the department and the union. Union access to work locations will not disrupt or interfere with a department’s mission and services or involve any political activities.
Union Access. Accredited representatives of the Local, District Council 75, or International American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO, upon proper introduction and notice, shall have reasonable access to the premises of the Agency during all working hours to conduct Union business (with appropriate observation of the security regulations of the Agency). During periods of bona fide emergency, this provision may be temporarily suspended by the Agency as required for the duration of the emergency.
Union Access. The UNION or its representatives shall have reasonable access to all work locations to verify that the terms and conditions of this CBA are being carried out and for the purpose of conferring with employees, provided that access shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as may be agreed by the Appointing Officer or its designated representative and the UNION. Disputes arising pursuant to said rules and regulations shall be referred to a panel comprised of a representative of the SFMTA Human Resources Director and the UNION.
Union Access. Union business such as investigating grievances and other legitimate routine matters may be conducted on Police Department premises, provided that such business does not interfere with Police Department operations. The Employer shall provide reasonable access to Department premises to authorized Union representatives for the purpose of handling grievances and other legitimate Union business, provided that such access does not interfere with the work and duties of Union employee representatives or of other on-duty employees. Scheduled Union meetings may be held in Police Department facilities, provided that such meetings do not interfere with Police Department operations and are approved in advance by the Police Chief.
Union Access. With the written consent of the employee, a Union representative shall be allowed to review the contents of the employee’s personnel file.
Union Access. Authorized representatives of the Union shall be permitted to visit the operation of the Employer during working hours to talk with the stewards of the Local Union and/or representatives of the Employer concerning matters covered by this Agreement without interfering with the progress of the work force. The Union will arrange with the Employer for a time and place prior to the occurrence of such visits.
Union Access. The Union shall have access to bargaining unit members outside of their assigned duties; before and after work hours, at meal and break periods, without prior notice.
Union Access. The Union’s authorized staff representatives may have access to the Employer’s premises where employees covered by this Agreement are working, excluding direct patient care areas, for the purpose of investigating grievances and contract compliance at reasonable times, after notifying the Employer. Access for other purposes shall not be unreasonably denied by the Employer. The Union’s representatives shall advise the Employer as to which department or area the staff representative wishes to visit, and will confine such visits to the department or areas agreed upon. Such visits shall not interfere with or disturb employees in the performance of their work during working hours and shall not interfere with patient care.
Union Access. The Company will sponsor the officially designated representative(s) of the Union in obtaining appropriate credentials (S.I.D.A. Badge). The Company agrees to admit to its bases the officially designated representative of the Union to transact business as is necessary for the administration of the Contract. Such business will not interfere with the operations of the Company.
Union Access. Union staff representatives and bargaining unit stewards will have access to University premises at reasonable times and with reasonable advance notice to the appropriate administrator. Such visits will be conducted in a manner that will not be disruptive to University operations or interrupt employees’ work time.