Vacancy Announcement. Whenever a vacancy occurs in an assignment, and such vacancy is going to be filled by the Division of Fire, an announcement of the existence of such vacancy shall be posted. Employees desiring a change of assignments may make a written request on the designated Fire Division form for such change. When a vacancy occurs in any 48-hour assignment, the assignment to the vacant position will be made on the basis of rank seniority unless the skill, ability, and work performance of a less senior bidder is greater. Upon the request by a representative of the Local Union and/or the member(s) in question, the Fire Division shall substantiate, in writing, why it considers the skill, ability and work performance of the less senior bidder to be greater. Should a grievance be filed contesting (1) a posted vacancy or (2) the employee selected to fill a vacancy, the vacancy which is the subject of the grievance shall not be filled by permanent transfer until the grievance is resolved. In addition, if any bidder with seniority higher than the person who the City otherwise intends to select for the grieved position is also the bidder with the highest seniority for another posted vacancy (i.e., an "affected vacancy"), such affected vacancy shall not be filled by permanent transfer until the grievance is resolved. When there is no qualified bidder for the vacancy, and the vacancy has been advertised, the least senior qualified unassigned person in the relevant rank with proper certification shall be so transferred. The least senior (rank) officer in the relevant rank shall be determined on the closing date of the vacancy list. The least senior officer in the relevant rank on the closing date (deadline for submission of bids) of any vacancy list shall be the officer subject to force filling.
Vacancy Announcement. The Members agree to a text for the vacancy announcement, including the required qualifications and the job description for the post of Executive Secretary (see below). The Director-General of FAO sees that the vacancy announcement is duly posted on the FAO and GFCM Websites and is publicized elsewhere, as appropriate, in accordance with the additional guidelines of the Commission. Applications are accepted by FAO (Fisheries and Aquaculture Department) during a period of six weeks from the date of announcement of the vacancy notice. The applications received are examined by a Selection Committee comprising: – the Chair and two Vice-chairs of the GFCM; – the Chair of the GFCM Committee on Administration and Finance; – the Chair of the GFCM Compliance Committee; – two representatives of the Director-General of FAO;
Vacancy Announcement. The vacancy will be announced and posted in departments with bargaining unit members for five (5) working days for bargaining unit members when the Employer determines to fill a vacant position within the bargaining unit. Applications from bargaining unit members will be accepted by the Human Resources Department within the five (5) working days after the date of the announcement.
Vacancy Announcement. CLOSED PROMOTIONAL POSITION 13.101 The following positions will be closed promotional: Bus Driver Instructor Journey Mechanic II Lead Journey Mechanic II
Vacancy Announcement. The notice of a job vacancy should contain the following information:
A. Position title
B. Unit or service or department of assignment
C. Description, role, function and qualifications
D. Educational and experience requirements E. Tours of duty, if specific F. Anticipated date the vacancy will exist, if in the future
Vacancy Announcement. 12 A. The Assistant Superintendent Human Resources shall publish a list of anticipated vacancies as they become 13 known. Such lists shall be posted on the Association bulletin board at each school and mailed to the
Vacancy Announcement. Vacancy announcement DL Form 1-391 shall be used in advertising and shall include the following information about the position to be filled:
(1) Title and grade.
(2) Geographic and organizational location.
(3) Summary statement of duties.
(4) Qualifications (including any special qualification requirements).
(5) Relative importance of the essential knowledges, skills, and abilities.
(6) Where additional information may be secured.
(7) Where applications and required forms should be sent.
(8) Issue and closing date (vacancy announcements shall be open a minimum of ten (10) calendar days).
(9) If the position to be filled is one with known promotion potential, this shall be explained in the announcement.
(10) Percent of travel required, if ten (10) percent or more.
Vacancy Announcement. All vacancies or newly created positions within the bargaining unit shall be announced for five (5) working days (Monday through Friday) setting forth the classification, location and the requirements for the position. Announcements will be posted on the bulletin board at each work location covered by the bargaining unit. Employees interested in applying for the vacancy shall make written application to the Community Mental Health {CMH) Director within the announcement period.
Vacancy Announcement. Variable Pay .............................................................................................................................................. Within-Level Increases..............................................................................................................................
Vacancy Announcement. A. A Vacancy Announcement will be prepared in accordance with the Position Description for the job series and grade level(s) involved.
B. The Vacancy Announcement will be posted on the bulletin board, and will contain, as a minimum, the following information:
(1) Name of Agency;
(2) Announcement Number;
(3) Opening and Closing Dates;
(4) Position Title, Series and Grade;
(5) Location of Position;
(6) Number of Positions (when filling more than one);
(7) Qualification Requirements;
(8) Statement indicating promotion potential;
(9) Name, Address, and Phone Number of Contact Person;
(10) Forms required for applying for position;
(11) EEO Statement;
(12) Test to be used, if any;
(13) KSA’s Required;
(14) Summary of Duties of the Position; and
(15) A statement of bargaining unit status.
C. The Vacancy Announcement will be issued to all FCIC Divisions and Branches and a copy will be provided to the Union.
D. The SF-171 should address the Knowledges, Skills and Abilities required for the position and listed on the vacancy announcement.