Voluntary Furloughs. The Union and Company have agreed on a voluntary furlough program whereby employees may volunteer for time off in lieu of a layoff or a reduction of work hours. If employees do not volunteer, XXXXXXXXXXX'X has the right to layoff or reduce work hours.
Voluntary Furloughs. The Union and CSI have agreed on a voluntary furlough program whereby employees may volunteer for time off in lieu of a layoff or a reduction of work hours. If employees do not volunteer, CSI has the right to layoff or reduce work hours.
Voluntary Furloughs. Employees in Health Care Services who volunteer to accept furloughs shall:
a) Maintain full seniority for retirement and layoff purposes, b) accrue sick leave and vacation benefits as though the furlough had not occurred and, c) will receive the county contribution to medical, dental and vision as though the employee worked a full schedule and maintain all other benefits. No regular employee in this unit shall be required to accept a furlough.
Voluntary Furloughs. Voluntary furloughs/hours reduction may be made on an individual basis. Voluntary hours will be integrated into imposed involuntary hours.
Voluntary Furloughs. 1. Prior to involuntary furloughs, the Company will offer voluntary furloughs.
2. Voluntary furloughs will be awarded in Occupational Seniority order.
3. IFCs on voluntary furlough are not eligible for furlough pay.
4. IFCs on voluntary furlough shall continue to receive medical, dental, vision, and life insurance at active rates until the end of the month in which she/he is furloughed unless extended by mutual agreement of the Union and the Company.
5. IFCs who are on a voluntary furlough and who are subsequently involuntarily furloughed, will be removed from voluntary furlough status and placed on involuntary furlough status with all terms, conditions and benefits of involuntary status.
6. The Company will not contest any unemployment claim on the basis of voluntary furlough.
Voluntary Furloughs. Bargaining unit members may volunteer to be furloughed. However, the decision to accept voluntary furloughs will be by the district, as they see necessary for the direction of the work force, on a case by case basis. If more than one bargaining unit member volunteers for furlough in a classification, program or building-classroom, seniority for furlough will apply as stated in Section 2h.
Voluntary Furloughs. 24 ARTICL E 15.
Voluntary Furloughs. Employees at the identified roster location may volunteer for temporary furlough and they will be released on the basis of their job classification seniority, with senior employee given first choice. Second preference to volunteer will be given to employees in the same progression line at other roster locations and they will be released on the basis of their job classification seniority, with senior employee given first choice. Such temporary furloughs will be for specific time durations and volunteers will return no later than the specified ending date. There is no limit on voluntary furloughs.
Voluntary Furloughs. The Association and County have agreed on a voluntary furlough program whereby employees may volunteer for either five (5%) or ten (10%) percent hour in pay reduction subject to approval of their department head. Employees volunteering for these furloughs will not receive any reduction in leave accruals nor insurance payments. Employees volunteering for furloughs shall not be required to exhaust paid leaves prior to commencing the voluntary furlough period. The Association and the County have also agreed that bargaining unit employees may utilize the County-wide Voluntary Time Off Program (VTO).
5. Furlough Program New section 14.8 is hereby added to read as follows:
Voluntary Furloughs. 47 d. The Flight Attendant’s longevity (“vesting service” for 401(k) 48 vesting and retirement eligibility) will be frozen while out on 49 voluntary furlough, however Company and Occupational 50 Seniority will continue to accrue.