Voluntary Furlough. 2 Employees awarded voluntary furloughs will be subject to the provisions of Articles 8, 12 3 and 14 of this Agreement, except where otherwise provided for in this Article.
Voluntary Furlough. Employees may participate in a voluntary furlough program. The Air Pollution Control Officer may grant a permanent or probationary employee a voluntary leave of absence without pay with right of return to the same position subject to the following conditions.
1. The employee must be in a pay status for at least one full day in each pay period for benefit calculations and to provide earnings from which normal employee deductions can be made. Additional paid time in each pay period may be required in order to generate sufficient earnings to cover salary deductions.
2. Leave may be taken in increments of one hour for FLSA non-exempt employees and in increments of one full work day for FLSA exempt employees.
3. Such leave shall be available only during a period(s) designated by the APCD Board as a time of economic hardship.
4. The appointing authority may exercise reasonable discretion and approve or deny a request for voluntary furlough based upon his/her determination of feasibility, including but not limited to workload, fiscal impact, and operational concerns. The decision of the appointing authority to approve or deny a request to participate in this program is final and as such shall not be appealable.
5. Credits toward sick leave and vacation shall accrue as though the employee were in a paid status.
6. The employee shall be paid for regular holidays occurring during an approved voluntary furlough as if he/she were in a paid status.
7. Credit towards retirement benefits shall accrue as though the employee were in a paid status (full-time employees only).
8. Credit towards APCD contribution for any prorated benefit (i.e. health insurance contribution, additional cash, etc.) shall accrue as though the employee were in a paid status.
9. Credit shall apply toward time in service for step advancement. Voluntary furlough shall not count as a break in service and shall not affect seniority. Probationary periods shall not be affected unless the amount of voluntary furlough exceeds 80 hours.
10. Regardless of how many unpaid leave hours are requested and approved, the employee shall make his/her same contributions to all employee benefits such as retirement and dependent health premiums, as if he/she were in a paid status. In accordance with #1 above, the employee must consider how much paid time in each pay period is required to generate sufficient earnings to cover benefit contributions. Voluntary deductions such as for union dues, credit union, deferred compe...
Voluntary Furlough. When the Director determines it to be in the best interests of Xxxxxxxxx County, due to budgetary and operational considerations, an employee requesting voluntary furlough may be granted such leave without pay not to exceed ninety (90) days. During such period of voluntary furlough, the employee will work or utilize vacation hours sufficient to cover voluntary withholdings to be matched by the employee. The County will pay the regular health insurance premiums for this period. The employee will not be required to exhaust all available and accumulated paid leave. Voluntary furloughs for periods in excess of ninety (90) days, shall be subject to approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Requests for such leave must be in writing. Normally, such leave will not be approved for an employee who is accepting employment outside County service.
Voluntary Furlough. Upon written request to the Department Head, an employee shall be granted up to forty (40) hours of leave without pay per calendar year with no loss of benefits. Such request shall be granted but will be scheduled by mutual agreement of the Employee and Department Head in blocks of one (1) hour or more.
Voluntary Furlough. When a layoff is necessary, nothing shall prevent a nurse from volunteering for a layoff. Be it provided the Employer shall have exclusive authority to approve or deny a request for voluntary furlough. The furloughed nurse shall assume the seniority of the nurse who would have been laid off for the purpose of determining recall order only.
Voluntary Furlough. 1. Employees interested in taking a voluntary furlough must notify Human Resources and the Union in writing of their desire to volunteer for a furlough within (7) calendar days of the Chief Human Resources Officer providing notice to the Union of the pos- sibility of a furlough. The submission of a voluntary furlough form is irrevocable and remains in effect for 60 days from the end of the submission period.
2. In the event of a furlough in the classification of an employee who has volunteered for a furlough, the Chief Human Resources Officer will notify the employee in writing that his/her voluntary furlough request is accepted resulting in his/her furlough. In deciding whether to accept a voluntary furlough request, the Chief Human Resources Officer may consider the department, specialized skill set, operational needs, etc.
Voluntary Furlough. Employees may participate in a voluntary unpaid furlough program in accordance with the following guidelines. The leave (furlough) would be granted only after prior approval of the appointing authority. Leave is not to exceed 520 hours per fiscal year for a 40 hour per week employee, and a pro rata amount for employees working less than 40 hours per week. Leave is not to be used in lieu of medical leave. Credits toward sick leave, vacation and holiday eligibility would accrue as if the employee were in paid status. Leave time shall count toward time in service for step advancement, completion of probation, and seniority for purposes of layoff. Leave shall be granted without requiring the employee to use other accumulated leave time first. Leave shall be granted only to those employees who are in paid status the entire work day before and the entire work day after the leave day(s). Leave shall not be available to employees on other leave without pay.
Voluntary Furlough. Voluntary furloughs shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 4A:6-1.23, as may be amended from time to time.
Voluntary Furlough. 7.2(A) Prior to an involuntary furlough, the Company shall issue notices to Flight Attendants, with a copy to the Union, that identifies the total number of Flight Attendants to be furloughed. Notwithstanding Section 7.1, prior to any involuntary furloughs, the Company shall offer voluntary furloughs in seniority order to Flight Attendants who are not within the seniority range of the planned involuntary furlough. Flight Attendants will have no less than ten (10) days to volunteer for furlough via a Company-designated method. The ten (10) day period provided for in this subsection may run concurrently with the first seven (7) days of the furlough notice period described in subsection 7.1. A Flight Attendant accepting voluntary furlough shall be noticed and treated in the same manner as Flight Attendants
Voluntary Furlough. 1 5. be eligible for system transfers. Employees who are awarded system transfers to 2 other locations will relinquish recall to the former group and location from which 3 they took voluntary furlough;
4 6. be eligible to bid on other Company positions. Employees on a voluntary 5 furlough who are awarded another Company position will relinquish recall rights 6 to their former group and location;
7 7. not be entitled to any furlough allowance;
8 8. not be eligible to submit a request for a voluntary furlough for a period of twelve 9 (12) months from the effective date of return to work from a previous voluntary 10 furlough status;
11 9. receive payment for or have applicable deduction for vacation;
12 10. continue to be responsible for the employee’s portion of applicable medical/dental 13 and life insurance premiums for a period of ninety (90) days. The Company will 14 continue to pay the Company’s portion of the cost of the applicable 15 medical/dental and life insurance for a period of ninety (90) days; and
16 11. receive on-line travel benefits for a period of twenty-four (24) months following 17 the effective date of furlough in accordance with Company policy.
18 D. Recall
19 1. Employees on voluntary furloughs will be placed at the bottom of the appropriate 20 recall list for the location. Employees may have their rightful position on the 21 recall list reinstated (on the basis of applicable seniority) upon written notification 22 to the Company on the appropriate Company form at least one (1) month prior to 23 the requested effective date of reinstatement. When their rightful position on the 24 recall list is reinstated, employees will be eligible for recall in the same manner as 25 other employees displaced from the group and location.
26 2. Employees may be recalled from a voluntary furlough, if the needs of the 27 Company dictate, in inverse order of seniority. Employees who refuse recall from 28 voluntary furlough will be deemed to have resigned from the Company and have 29 their name removed from the seniority roster.
30 3. Employees accepting recall to another location will relinquish recall rights to the 31 location from which they took voluntary furlough.
32 E. Employees, with five (5) years or more of credited service, who are awarded a voluntary 33 furlough and who reach age fifty-five (55), may retire from voluntary furlough status and 34 receive retirement benefits (e.g., medical, dental and term pass benefits), provided that 35 recall ri...