When Evaluations Are To Be Made Sample Clauses
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. 1. All regular classified employees shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisor in accordance with the following schedule:
a. Probationary employees will be evaluated on an ongoing basis and formally in writing at least twice during the six-month probationary period by the immediate supervisor. Normally the evaluations shall be made prior to the end of the third and sixth months of service.
b. Permanent employees who are not at the maximum step in their salary range shall receive an evaluation each year. An annual evaluation shall be completed during the two months preceding January 30 beginning January 2005.
1) Employees receiving a satisfactory evaluation shall move to the next step in their salary range.
2) Employees receiving an unsatisfactory evaluation shall be denied a step increase at their anniversary date.
c. Permanent employees who have reached Step Five on the salary schedule shall receive an evaluation every two years. Evaluations shall be completed during the two months preceding January 30 beginning January 2005.
d. If an employee is absent for fifteen (15) consecutive days or more during the evaluation period, the evaluator shall be given another thirty (30) working days to complete the evaluation. If the absence is for more than sixty (60) consecutive days, the evaluation may be extended by the length of the absence.
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. All unit members shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisors in accordance with the following schedule:
10.1.1 Probationary employees - at the end of the second (2nd) and sixth (6th) months of service. For purposes of this Article, months of service does not include: the non-work summer months for 10- and 11-month employees; and periods of time in which any bargaining unit employee is on a paid or unpaid leave of absence, excluding vacations and holidays.
10.1.2 Permanent employees - at least once each year, during April, and at any time more than sixty (60) workdays later if the unit member leaves the control of that supervisor.
10.1.3 If a unit member is absent during the evaluation period, he/she shall be evaluated within fifteen (15) workdays of his/her return to duty. Similarly, if an immediate supervisor is absent during the evaluation period and specifically during the month of April and the immediate supervisor is not absent for more than sixty (60) workdays, then the evaluation shall be completed within fifteen
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. All regular employees shall be evaluated by their 8 immediate supervisor in accordance with the following schedule:
9 11.2.1 Probationary employees shall be evaluated prior to the end of their second (2nd) 10 and fifth (5th) month of service.
11 11.2.2 Permanent employees shall be evaluated at least once each year. The evaluation 12 shall be completed and returned to the Personnel Office not less than forty-five 13 (45) working days prior to the salary anniversary date of the employee being
15 11.2.3 The annual evaluations for employees who transfer or demote to positions in 17 completed jointly by the supervisors for each position held during the evaluation 18 period and each individual shall sign the evaluation.
19 11.2.4 In cases where functional supervision is performed by a Central Office person, 20 this person and the first line supervisor shall confer with respect to the evaluation 21 and both individuals shall sign the evaluation.
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. All regular classified employees shall be evaluated in accordance with the following schedule:
21.1.1 Probationary employees and promoted employees still on probation: At least by the end of their third month and at least by the end of their fifth month.
When Evaluations Are To Be Made a) All probationary classified employees shall be evaluated by the primary evaluator supervisor at least twice; not later than the end of the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) months of their probationary period. The final evaluation shall include, under comments, a recommendation to either retain or dismiss the probationary employee from the position. The Superintendent, who is the final authority in this area, may override the final recommendation of any previous evaluator as to whether the classified employee shall be retained in the classification or classified service. Appropriate due process procedures must be observed.
b) All permanent classified employees may be evaluated by an evaluator supervisor at any time during the year, but at least once in any two consecutive years. If a permanent classified employee has not been evaluated prior to the fourth quarter of the year, then the bargaining unit employee shall be evaluated by May 15th of that school year.
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. Each regular employee shall be evaluated by an immediate supervisor who is defined as the person who assigns, checks, and supervises the work of the employee and who is immediately responsible for the employee's work or is most closely acquainted with his/her performance. The following schedule for evaluating employees shall be followed:
7.1.1 Probationary employees - at the end of the second and fifth months of service.
7.1.2 Permanent employees - at least once each fiscal year.
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. All regular classified employees shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisors in accordance with the following schedule:
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. 12.1.1 All regular classified employees shall be evaluated by their immediate supervisor in accordance with the following schedule:
12.1.2 Probationary employees and promoted employees still on probation: Probationary employees shall be evaluated at least by the end of the third month and at least by the end of the fifth month.
12.1.3 Permanent employees at least once each year, no later than April 30. Should the district fail to meet the prescribed time line, the evaluation shall not be filed in the unit member’s personnel records without their express consent.
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. The performance of classroom based bargaining unit members, who are assigned to a specific classroom which is taught by a teacher who has been credentialed by the CA Commission on Teacher Credentialing, shall be evaluated formally every other year. The classroom teacher shall write the evaluation which shall be reviewed by the employee and assigned Program Specialist. The evaluation shall be accepted or denied by the Program Specialist or the Director of Student Services. An evaluation that is denied shall be conducted by either the Program Specialist or Director of Student Services. An evaluation that is accepted by the Program Specialist or Director of Student Services shall be presented to the County Superintendent for approval. Once approved by the County Superintendent, the employee shall have ten (10) days to rebut. The performance of non-classroom bargaining unit members shall occur every two years. The employee’s supervisor shall write the evaluation which shall be reviewed by the employee. The evaluation shall be accepted or denied by the Director of Student Services. An evaluation that is denied shall be conducted by the Director of Student Services. An evaluation that is accepted by the Director of Student Services shall be presented to the County Superintendent for approval. Once approved by the County Superintendent, the employee shall have ten (10) days to rebut. The final evaluation shall include recommendations, commendations and a growth plan if needed. The County Superintendent who is the final authority in this area, may override the final recommendation of the evaluator as to whether the classified employee will be retained.
A. All permanent classified employees will be evaluated a minimum of every other year. A school year runs from August to June of the following year.
When Evaluations Are To Be Made. 2 All regular classified employees shall be evaluated by their immediate administrator/supervisor 3 in accordance with the following schedule: