Limited Contracts Sample Clauses

Limited Contracts. 1. All bargaining unit members employed in the Bellefontaine City Schools will be employed according to the following procedures: a. All bargaining unit members new to the Bellefontaine City School system shall be hired for one (1) year. b. Upon re-employment after the first contract, the new contract shall be for one (1) year. c. Upon re-employment after the second one-year contract, the unit member's contract shall be for two (2) years. d. Upon re-employment after the first two-year contract, the unit member's contract shall be for three (3) years. e. Upon re-employment after the three-year contract, the unit member's contract shall be for five (5) years and subsequent renewal thereof shall be for five (5) year periods, except that the Board may offer a one-year extended contract before any five (5) year contract if, prior to the expiration of the last contract, a decision based only upon the written evaluation instrument of the system so warrants it. No extended one- year contract may be offered two (2) or more years in succession. f. The Board may grant a continuing contract, provided service and certification/licensure requirements are met by the unit member. g. The usual term of contracts for unit members with continuous service in Bellefontaine shall follow the sequence of one (1) year, one (1) year, two (2) years, three (3) years, five (5) years until eligible for a continuing contract, except as defined in Paragraph e. Effective with the 2007-08 school year, all newly-employed bargaining unit members who are hired with a One-Year Supplemental Teaching License will be limited to a one (1) year contract renewal each year until a multi-year license has been attained. h. A unit member who resigns or is non-renewed and who is subsequently rehired within nine calendar months shall be eligible for multi-year contracts, subject to the provision of paragraph e. i. A unit member who resigns or is non-renewed and who is subsequently rehired after nine calendar months have expired shall not be eligible for multi-year contracts and will be treated as a unit member new to the system. j. This section does not apply to supplemental contracts.
Limited Contracts. Members not eligible for continuing contracts shall be granted limited contracts of not less than one (1) year duration, unless subject to non- renewal.
Limited Contracts. 6.2.1 Teachers on limited contract may assume that they will be reemployed unless notified to the contrary by the Board on or before June 1. If the Superintendent intends to recommend the nonrenewal of a limited contract teacher, or recommend an “extended” limited contract to a tenure eligible teacher, all of the requirements of O.R.C. 3319.11, as modified below, and 3319.111 as modified by Article 3, shall be followed.
Limited Contracts. The guideline for the length of year recommended for re-employment of limited contract teachers (not eligible for tenure) is as follows: 1. Teachers with less than three (3) years experience in the Sheffield-Sheffield Lake School System will receive a maximum of one (1) year re-employment. 2. Teachers with satisfactory evaluations and minimum of three (3) years successful performance in the Sheffield-Sheffield Lake School System will receive up to a two (2) year limited contract. 3. Nothing in the foregoing section shall be construed to limit the Board from deviating from such guidelines or placing any restrictions upon them to employ any individual for any period of time.
Limited Contracts a. May be granted to any teacher who holds any grade or type of teaching certificate and/or license b. Shall be entered into with each teacher who holds a Temporary or Provisional Certificate/Licensure, regardless of length of service c. Probationary contracts may be issued at the end of any limited contract for such period and length of time as the Board of Education may determine. This subsection Q 1 c supersedes and replaces extended limited contracts and all procedures related to such contracts under ORC Section 3319.11.
Limited Contracts a. Contracts for the employment of teachers shall be of two types: limited contracts and continuing contracts. A limited contract is a contract for a specified number of years. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, under such type of contract a teacher has no vested right to re-employment after the expiration of the term provided for in the contract. The board must grant limited contracts to teachers who hold only “supplemental or resident educator licenses.” For purposes of seniority and benefits, the individual contract year shall begin on the teacher's first workday in the school year and shall end on the day preceding the first teacher workday of the next school year; provided, however, that a teacher's valid resignation shall be effective according to its terms and that a suspension of contract shall be effective as provided in the Board's resolution. b. During a teacher's first four (4) years of employment by the Board, the Board shall employ the teacher on one-year contracts each year. After serving on four (4) one-year contracts consecutively, beginning with the fifth (5th) year of employment, a teacher is eligible for a two-year contract. Following completion of the first two-year contract, a teacher is eligible for a three- year contract. No more than a three-year contract will be awarded to any eligible teacher. All service must be consecutive service consisting of at least 120 actual workdays each school year to be eligible for a multi-year contract. Eligibility for a multi-year contract means that the teacher, if re-employed by the Board, normally will receive the specified length of contract. The Board may re-employ a limited contract teacher on a contract of fewer years than that set forth in this provision if the Board or administration determines that the teacher's performance is not satisfactory, as reflected in a written evaluation or other documentation in the teacher's file. If the Board renews the teacher's employment at the end of such a contract, the teacher shall be employed for the normal number of years indicated in this Article. c. Limited contracts automatically shall be renewed for a term consistent with paragraph (b) above unless the board complies with the nonrenewal provisions set forth in Section A.2. d. A teacher who becomes eligible for a continuing contract during the term of a multi-year limited contract may be considered on individual merit for a continuing contract upon meeting the requirements of the Ohio ...
Limited Contracts. Under the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, the Mentor Board of Education will issue one (1) year limited contracts to all teaching personnel during their first three (3) years of employment. The Board may issue two (2) year contracts thereafter on the basis of the recommendation of the Superintendent until they are eligible to receive a continuing contract in accordance with provisions of the Ohio Revised Code. This Section shall not obligate the Board to issue such a contract if the Board determines to terminate, nonrenew, or modify the employment relationship as provided by law. A teacher must apply to the Human Resources office by September 15th if she/he qualifies for consideration for a “continuing contract.”
Limited Contracts a. Upon employment, a teacher being ineligible for a continuing contract shall be issued limited contracts in the following order: no more than three (3) one-year limited contracts; three (3) two-year limited contracts; three (3) three-year limited contracts; and thereafter, three (3) year limited contract until eligible for a continuing contract, or a multi-year contract would exceed the retirement age as stated in Ohio Revised Code Section 3307.37. Any staff now receiving more than a three (3) year contract shall receive, upon the expiration of the current contract, a contract of no less length than the current contract.
Limited Contracts. (Initial Sequence)
Limited Contracts a. Teachers not employed under continuing contracts shall be employed under limited contracts. b. Re-hired retirees shall only be given limited contracts of not longer than one year.