WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. 5.1 On all work where the marshalling point is established north of 56O31' latitude the Employer will provide room and board unless otherwise agreed at the Pre-job Conference.
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. If by reason of the distance to work or the Employer's requirements, an employee is required to work away from his permanent residence and cannot be expected to return daily, such employee shall receive subsistence allowance in the amount of sixty dollars ($60.00) per working day.
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. 10.1 When the Employer elects to provide a camp, the warehouse shall be established at the campsite. Where such camp is provided, the Employer shall supply free room and board to all employees covered by this Agreement.
10.2 When a camp is provided, it shall meet the requirements of the Canadian Pipeline Camp Standards which are appended hereto.
10.3 The Employer shall select a warehouse or marshalling point where adequate lodging, dining, and laundry facilities are available in a city, town or community or at a location agreed at a Pre-job Conference. The Employer shall make suitable and prompt transportation available from the warehouse or marshalling point. Such transportation shall be operated in compliance with the appropriate regulations of the governmental Board or appropriate regulatory body having jurisdiction and all vehicles shall be equipped with adequate seating for adults and room for their gear.
10.4 Where camps are not provided, employees who are not local residents shall receive a subsistence allowance per calendar day as follows:
10.5 A local resident is a person who has resided at or maintained a permanent residence within forty (40) kilometres by the shortest road route to the job for a period of sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of the project.
10.6.1 The employees' time shall start when they leave the warehouse or marshalling point for the jobsite and shall end when they return to the warehouse or marshalling point; however, the lunch period when taken shall be excluded.
10.6.2 On any day that a helicopter is used by the Employer to transport employees to and from their place of work on the jobsite, or from the warehouse of the Employer, each employee so transported shall receive one (1) hours pay at straight time rate for that day. This hour is in addition to his regular pay for that day. The Employer shall ensure that each employee required to travel by helicopter will be covered by a minimum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) accidental death insurance.
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. 1.5.1 On all work where the marshalling point is established north of 56º 31' latitude, the Employer will provide room and board unless otherwise agreed at the Pre-job Conference.
1.5.2 A local resident is a person who has maintained a permanent postal address at the city, town or community where the warehouse or marshalling point is established for a period of sixty (60) days prior to his commencement of employment on the job.
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. 4.1 On all work where the marshalling point is established north of 56"31' latitude the Employer will provide room and board unless otherwise agreed at the Pre-job Conference. 2007/2010 - 36 - MAST-D
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. 10.1 When the Employer elects to provide a camp, the warehouse shall be established at the campsite. Where such camp is provided, the Employer shall supply free room and board in camp to all employees covered by this Agreement. 2013/2018 - 23 - LA-M In those specific cases where it may not be feasible to have a kitchen facility attached to a camp (“sleep camp”) and where there is ready access to restaurants, employees shall receive a board allowance payable for seven (7) days per week as follows: May 1, 2013 - $75.00 per calendar day May 1, 2014 - $77.50 per calendar day May 1, 2015 - $80.00 per calendar day May 1, 2016 - $82.50 per calendar day May 1, 2017 - $85.00 per calendar day
10.2 When a camp is provided, it shall meet the requirements of the Canadian Pipeline Camp Standards which are appended hereto.
10.3 On jobs where camps are not provided, employees who are not local residents shall receive a subsistence allowance per calendar day as follows: May 1, 2013 - $150.00 May 1, 2014 - $155.00 May 1, 2015 - $160.00 May 1, 2016 - $165.00 May 1, 2017 - $170.00 A local resident is a person who has resided at or maintained a permanent residence within forty (40) kilometers by the shortest road route to the job for a period of not less than three (3) months prior to his commencement of employment on the job.
10.4 The Employer shall select a warehouse and/or marshalling point in a city, town or community where living accommodations are available or at a location agreed to at a Pre-job Conference. The Employer shall make suitable and prompt transportation available from the warehouse or marshalling point to the work site and return. Such transportation shall be operated in compliance with the appropriate governmental occupational health and safety regulations.
10.5.01 The time of the men shall start when the men leave the warehouse and/or marshalling point for the jobsite and shall end upon their return to the 2013/2018 - 24 - LA-M warehouse and/or marshalling point, however, the lunch period shall be excluded.
10.5.02 On any day that a helicopter is used by the Employer to transport employees to and from their place of work on the jobsite, or from the warehouse and/or marshalling point of the Employer, each employee so transported shall receive one (1) hours pay for that day. This hour is in addition to his regular pay for that day. The Employer shall ensure that each employee required to travel by helicopter will be covered by a minimum of two hundred and fi...
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. On all work where the marshalling point is established north of 56 degrees 31 minutes latitude the Employer will provide room and board unless otherwise agreed at a Pre-job Conference.
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. 10.1 When the Employer elects to provide a camp, the warehouse shall be established at the campsite. Where such camp is provided, the Employer shall supply free room and board in camp to all employees covered by this Agreement. In those specific cases where it may not be feasible to have a kitchen facility attached to a camp (“sleep camp”) and where there is ready access to restaurants, employees shall receive a board allowance payable for seven (7) days per week as follows: May 1, 2018 - $85.00 per calendar day
10.2 When a camp is provided, it shall meet the requirements of the Canadian Pipeline Camp Standards which are appended hereto.
10.3 On jobs where camps are not provided, employees who are not local residents shall receive a subsistence allowance per calendar day as follows: May 1, 2018 - $172.00 May 1, 2019 - $174.00 May 1, 2020 - $176.00 May 1, 2021 - $178.00 May 1, 2022 - $180.00 A local resident is a person who has resided at or maintained a permanent residence within forty (40) kilometers by the shortest road route to the job for a period of not less than three
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. 4.1 On all work where the marshalling point is established north of 56O31' latitude the Employer will provide room and board unless otherwise agreed at the Pre-job Conference.
1.1 The classifications and hourly wage rates applicable thereto shall be as follows: May 1 2013 May 1 2014 May 1 2015 Group 1 Operator 31.21 32.44 33.70 Group 2 Operator 29.84 31.02 32.24 Group 3 Operator 25.40 26.45 27.53
1.2 The hourly wage rates for the Job Xxxxxxx shall be fifty cents ($0.50) per hour above the regular rate for his classification.
1.3 Mechanics and Lubrication and Service Unit Operators shall receive an allowance for tools for each hour of work performed of fifteen cents ($0.15) payable at July 1st, December 1st or at termination of employment, whichever first occurs. The Employer shall supply coveralls.
1.4 Shift premium of one dollar ($1.00) per hour for second shift (night work).
WAREHOUSE AND TRAVEL. B10.1 WEWhen the Employer elects to provide a camp, the warehouse shall be established at the campsite. Where such camp is provided, the Employer shall supply free room and board in camp to all employees covered by this Agreement.
B10.2 When a camp is provided, it shall meet the requirements of the Canadian Pipeline Camp Standards which are appended hereto.
B10.3 In xxxxx or marine pipe laying operations, in the event an employee is required to live on a quarter boat, room and board shall be furnished at no cost to the employee. The Employer shall make suitable marine transportation available to and from the landing dock location. The time of the men shall start when they leave the dock site and shall end when they are returned to the dock site.