Term and Termination Clauses Exemplaires

Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date You first accept this Agreement in the Service web portal and extend for an initial period of one (1) year following the initial activation date of Your Service account by Apple (“Term”). Thereafter, subject to Your compliance with the terms of this Agreement, the Term will automatically renew for successive one (1) year terms, unless sooner terminated in accordance with this Agreement. Either party may terminate this Agreement for its convenience, for any reason or no reason, effective 30 days after providing the other party with written notice of its intent to terminate. If You fail, or Apple suspects that You have failed, to comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement, Apple, at its sole discretion, without notice to You may: (a) terminate this Agreement and/or Your account; and/or (b) suspend or preclude access to the Service (or any part thereof). Apple reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Service (or any part or content thereof) at any time without notice to You, and Apple will not be liable to You or to any third-party should it exercise such rights. Apple may also terminate this Agreement, or suspend Your rights to use the Services, if You fail to accept any new Agreement terms as described in Section 4. You acknowledge and agree that You may not be able to access the Service upon expiration or termination of this Agreement and that Apple reserves the right to suspend access to or delete data or information that You, Your Administrators, Authorized Users, or Permitted Entities have stored through Your use of the Service. You should review the Documentation prior to using any part of the Service and make appropriate back-ups of Your data and information. Apple will not be liable or responsible to You or to any third-party should it exercise such rights or for any damages that may result or arise out of any such termination or suspension. The following provisions shall survive the termination of this Agreement: Section 1, Section 2.9, the second sentence of Section 2.10, Section 3, Section 5, the second paragraph of Section 6, and Sections 7, 8, 9, and 10.
Term and Termination. 3.1. Qlik peut mettre fin à l'accès à tout ou partie des Services SaaS à tout moment si la loi applicable l'exige, avec effet immédiat, ce qui peut entraîner la destruction de toutes les informations du sous- domaine du Client. Le Client peut demander à supprimer son sous- domaine du Site à tout moment pendant sa période d'abonnement (ce qui entraînera la résiliation de l'accès du Client aux Services SaaS) en adressant une demande à xxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx. Lors de toute résiliation ou expiration de la Durée des Services SaaS, le droit du Client d’accéder et d’utiliser les Services SaaS cessera automatiquement. Qlik supprimera tout le Contenu associé au compte du Client dans xxx xxx (6) mois suivant la résiliation ou l'expiration. Aucun remboursement ou crédit de frais prépayés ne sera accordé en cas de résiliation ou d'expiration.
Term and Termination. 12.1 This Agreement will be effective as of the Effective Date and will remain in full force until terminated in accordance with this Agreement. Except where otherwise provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated as follows: (i) by either Party upon thirty (30) days prior written notice upon the occurrence of a material breach by the other Party of its obligations under this Agreement if such breach remains uncured at the end of the notice period, provided however that no cure period shall apply as to any material breach of Sections 3, 4, 5 and 14 of this Agreement by Customer and MSC may terminate this Agreement effective immediately upon written notice; or (ii) by MSC if Customer makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors, is the subject of an involuntary bankruptcy petition, or is otherwise subject to insolvency or dissolution proceedings unless Customer is released from such proceedings within ninety (90) days; or (iii) by MSC if no Software license, Maintenance, Service or order is pending under this Agreement.
Term and Termination. This DPA shall have the same term as the Terms of Use. Save as otherwise agreed herein, termination rights and requirements shall be the same as set forth in the Terms of Use.
Term and Termination. 12.1 Cet accord restera en vigueur jusqu’à sa résiliation effective conformément aux dispositions du présent Contrat. A l’exception de ce qui est stipulé dans le Contrat, ce Contrat pourra être résilié comme suit: (i) par l'une ou l'autre partie avec un préavis de trente (30) jours suite à un manquement à l’une des obligations contractuelles contenues dans le présent Contrat et auquel il n’est pas remédié durant la période de préavis. Cependant, la période de préavis ne s’appliquera pas en cas de non- respect des obligations édictées aux articles 3, 4, 5 et 14 de ce Contrat par le Client, dans ce cas MSC pourra résilier de plein droit le Contrat. Cette résiliation prendra effet à la date de notification ; ou (ii) par MSC avec un préavis écrit de quinze (15) jours, si aucune licence n’est en cause sous ce Contrat (ex. aucune licence n’a été achetée par le Client ou les licences achetées ont expirés ou ont été arrêtés) ; ou (iii) par MSC si le Client est dans l’incapacité de payer, en cas de surendettement ou en cas de procédure collective (redressement ou liquidation judiciaire) et lorsque viennent nommés un mandataire judiciaire, un liquidateur, et si MCS a connaissance de l’intention de cette nomination ou si le Client propose un arrangement avec ses créanciers en vue d’organiser le paiement de ses dettes. 12.1 This Agreement will remain in full force until terminated in accordance with this Agreement. Except where otherwise provided in this Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated as follows: (i) by either party upon not less than thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party upon the occurrence of a material breach by the other party of its obligations under this Agreement if such breach remains uncured at the end of the notice period, provided however that no cure period shall apply as to any material breach of Sections 3, 4, 5 and 14 of this Agreement by Customer and MSC may terminate this Agreement effective immediately upon written notice; (ii) by MSC upon not less than fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the Customer, if no licenses are pending under this Agreement (e.g., no licenses are purchased by Customer or purchased licenses have expired or terminated); or (iii) by MSC if Customer becomes insolvent or an administrative or other liquidator, administrator, trustee, supervisor or similar officer is appointed or Customer enters into or proposes any composition or arrangement with its creditors generally, or takes any step with...
Term and Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time with notice. Upon any termination of this Agreement, Google will stop providing, and You will stop accessing the Service. Additionally, if Your Account and/or Properties are terminated, You will (i) delete all copies of the GAMC from all Properties and/or (ii) suspend any and all use of the SDKs within 3 business days of such termination. In the event of any termination (a) You will not be entitled to any refunds of any usage fees or any other fees, and (b) any outstanding balance for Service rendered through the date of termination will be immediately due and payable in full and (c) all of Your historical Report data will no longer be available to You.
Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement will begin upon your registration for or use of the Associates Site. Either you or we may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause (automatically and without recourse to the courts, if permitted under applicable law), by giving the other party written notice of termination provided that the effective date of such termination will be 7 calendar days from the date notice is provided. You can provide termination notice by logging into your account on the Associates Site and selecting the option to close your account in “Account Settings”. In addition, we may terminate this Agreement or suspend your account immediately upon written notice to you for any of the following: (a) you are in material breach of this Agreement, (b) you otherwise fail to cure within 7 days of our notice to you regarding any other breach of this Agreement (including any Program Policy); (c) we believe that we may face potential claims or liability in connection with your participation in the Ambassadors Program; (d) your participation in the Ambassadors Program has been used for deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; (e) we believe that our brand or reputation may be tarnished by you or in connection with your participation in the Ambassadors Program; (f) we believe that we are or may become subject to tax collection requirements in connection with this Agreement or the activities performed by either party under this Agreement; (g) we have previously terminated this Agreement (or suspended your account) with respect to you or other persons that we determine are affiliated with you or acting in concert with you for any reason, or (h) we have terminated the Associates Program as we generally make it available to participants. For the avoidance of doubt and without limitation for purposes of the foregoing subsection (a) any violation of Section 5 and as specified in the Program Policies will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement. We may hold accrued unpaid advertising fees for a reasonable period of time following termination to ensure that the correct amount is paid (for example, to account for any cancelations or returns). Upon any termination of this Agreement, all rights and obligations of the parties will be extinguished, including any and all licenses granted in connection with this Agreement, except that the rights and obligations of the parties under Sections 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 11 of this Agreement and as specified i...
Term and Termination. This Agreement is effective upon the date you first access or use the Services and continues until terminated by you or Stripe. You may terminate this Agreement by closing your Stripe Account at any time by opening the data tab in your account settings, selecting “close my account” and ceasing to use the Service. If you use the Services again or register for another Stripe Account, you are consenting to this Agreement. We may terminate this Agreement or close your Stripe Account at any time for any reason by providing you Notice. We may suspend your Stripe Account and your ability to access funds in your Stripe Account, or terminate this Agreement, if (i) we determine in our sole discretion that you are ineligible for the Services because of significant fraud or credit risk, or any other risks associated with your Stripe Account; (ii) you use the Services in a prohibited manner or otherwise do not comply with any of the provisions of this Agreement; or (iii) any Law or Financial Services Provider requires us to do so.
Term and Termination. The term of Xxxxxx Xxxxx’ Corporate Mandate runs through and including October 31, 2016, on which date his Corporate Mandate will terminate. The Corporate Mandate can be terminated prior to October 31, 2016 by the Shareholder at any time at will and without notice. En cas de cessation du Mandat Social, aucune indemnité de départ ne sera due à Xxxxxx Xxxxx. No severance indemnity will be paid to Xxxxxx Xxxxx in case of termination of his Corporate Mandate.
Term and Termination. The term of this Corporate Mandate is from the date hereof through and including October 31, 2016, on which date this Corporate Mandate will terminate. This Corporate Mandate can be terminated prior to October 31, 2016 by the Shareholder at any time at will and without notice. En cas de cessation du Mandat Social, aucune indemnité de départ ne sera due à Xxxxxx Xxxxx. No severance indemnity will be paid to Xxxxxx Xxxxx in case of termination of his Corporate Mandate. Monsieur Xxxxx recevra l’intégralité du montant de tout bonus discrétionnaire dû, le cas échéant, qui a été gagné au titre de l’année fiscale antérieure, au moment où les bonus annuels sont payés aux autres cadres, mais en aucun cas après le 15 mars de l’année calendaire suivant l’année fiscale au titre de laquelle le bonus est octroyé. Mr. Xxxxx shall receive the full amount of any unpaid discretionary bonus that was earned from the preceding fiscal year, if any, at the time annual bonuses are paid to other executives, but in no event later than March 15 of the calendar year following the fiscal year for which the bonus is awarded. Si (i) l’Actionnaire décide de mettre fin à ce Mandat Social sans Cause Légitime avant le 31 octobre 2016, (ii) ce Mandat Social prend fin du fait du décès ou l’incapacité permanente xx Xxxxxx Xxxxx, (iii) ce Mandat Social prend fin de plein droit le 31 octobre 2006, ou (iv) si Xxxxxx Xxxxx met fin à ce Mandat Social pour une Xxxxx Xxxxxx dans xxx xxx (6) mois de l’évènement consituant la Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Na Pali SAS paiera au pro rata à Xxxxxx Xxxxx une partie du bonus adopté conformément à l’article 2, s’il y a lieu, pour l’année fiscale au cours de laquelle une telle cessation a lieu, déduction faite des retenues et déductions. If (i) the Shareholder elects to terminate this Corporate Mandate without Legitimate Cause prior to October 31, 2016, (ii) this Corporate Mandate is terminated by reason of Xxxxxx Xxxxx’ death or permanent disability, (iii) this Corporate Mandate automatically terminates on October 31, 2016, or (iv) if Xxxxxx Xxxxx terminates this Corporate Mandate for Good Reason within six (6) months of the action constituting Good Reason, Na Pali SAS will pay Xxxxxx Xxxxx a pro rata portion of the bonus adopted pursuant to Paragraph 2, if any, for the fiscal year in which such termination occurs, less applicable withholdings and deductions.