Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander specific legal assistance services refers to legal assistance services delivered by Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander Legal Services or Family Violence Prevention Legal Services;
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander Employees’ ceremonial leave is subject to their Manager’s approval. Employees must notify their Manager of their intention to be absent and, where possible, the anticipated length of absence.
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Strait Islander language shall mean a recognised proficiency in any one of the Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx languages.
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander people have access to information and services enabling participation in informed decision-making regarding their own lives Target 17: By 2026, Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander people have equal levels of digital inclusion Indicators: Drivers Levels of digital inclusion among Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander people as compared with other Australians (disaggregated by access, affordability and digital ability) Proportion of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander households accessing the internet Proportion of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander people accessing the internet (disaggregated by point of access: home, work, school, public access, government shopfront) Frequency of internet access at home in last 12 months (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) Proportion of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander people using internet to access government services for private purposes (e.g. health services, taxation, xxxx payments, social security payments) Number of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander people employed in media (disaggregated by income levels) Contextual Information: Number and location of community broadcast licenses with an Indigenous interest Number and location of broadcast transmitters Disaggregation: Geographic (jurisdictions, remoteness and other geographic locations available) SES of locality Gender Age group Disability status Disaggregation Data Development Type of media (community-controlled/mainstream media) Data Development: Ongoing development of regional and remote reporting of the Australian Digital Inclusion Index Measures relating Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander participation in the media, in particular community-controlled media, including (but not limited to): Number of First Nations media and Community Controlled media organisations Audience growth for First Nations media and Community Controlled media organisations Sources of news content among Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander populations Portrayal of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander people in mainstream media Diversity of media content broadcast (including health, education, community service information) Number of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Strait Islander people work in mainstream media across all levels of media operations (e.g. managers, media practitioners and technical). Percentage of Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander people with access to home phone, mobile and/or internet Proportion of regional and remote communities with access t...
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander Employees’ will be entitled to have Cultural Load recognised in the workload allocation models pursuant to clause 1.23 (Workload Allocation and Review).
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander means a person of Australian Aboriginal and/or Xxxxxx Strait Islander descent who clearly identifies as an Australian Aboriginal and/or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander person and who is accepted as such by his or her Australian Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Strait Islander community.
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander cultural awareness training must be undertaken by any employee who does not identify as Aboriginal or Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander who backfills an identified position.
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander people, particularly from remote communities, have improved access to, and participation in, employment, education and training; and
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander health is viewed in a holistic context, that encompasses mental health and physical, cultural and spiritual health. Land is central to wellbeing. Crucially, it must be understood that when the harmony of these interrelations is disrupted, Aboriginal and Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Islander ill health will persist.
Aboriginal and Xxxxxx. Xxxxxx Islander employees may also access personal/carers leave, purchased leave, annual leave, flex and TOIL for ceremonial purposes.