Absence Due to Illness Sample Clauses
Absence Due to Illness. For absences due to illness in accordance with section 53.982 of the Employment Standards Code (except that the qualifying period will be waived), the Employee must give the Employer as much notice as is reasonable and practicable in the circumstances. For absences of 1 or 2 days, no medical confirmation of the illness will be required. However where there appears to be repetitive absences or patterns of absences, explanations will be required and the Employer and Employee involved will discuss the reasons for the absences and any measures to be taken to reduce them in the future.
Absence Due to Illness. As provided in 2-18-615, MCA, “Absence from employment by reason of illness shall not be chargeable against unused vacation leave credit unless approved by the employee.”
Absence Due to Illness. The employee must report absence due to illness to the employer by telephone before at the first day of absence.
Absence Due to Illness.
22:01 For absence due to illness, or injury not covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, an employee will be allowed his/her normal wages as follows:
(a) Each twelve month member shall be credited with 24 sick days per year on January 1st. Each ten month member shall be credited with 20 sick days per year on January 1st.
(b) Where a member commences employment after January 1st or is a part time member, the sick leave credit will be prorated.
(c) Wages paid to employees within this Article shall be subtracted from their accumulated sick leave credits;
(d) Each eligible member shall be entitled to have all the unused portion of the member’s annual sick leave transferred to the member’s cumulative sick leave credit.
(e) Each member shall receive a statement of sick leave credits no later than January 31 showing the number of days to the credit of each permanent employee.
22:02 The following procedure shall be used by employees who are unable to attend work due to illness or for any reason;
(a) Notify his/her immediate Supervisor as early as possible of his/her absence from duty;
(b) Notify his/her immediate Supervisor as early as possible when the date of his/her return to duty is known;
22:03 Employees must report any and all absences from duty by preparing a Staff Absence Report immediately upon return and present such report to their Supervisor.
22:04 A medical certificate signed by the attending physician may be requested by the employer when an Employee's absence covers more than five (5) continuous days. The Employee while on extended illness may be required to verify current medical conditions in order to assess the Employee's ability to return to work. Such request will be at the request of the Manager of Human Resources. Any expense for such certification shall be the responsibility of the Employee. In the event the Employer requests an occupational assessment, the Employer will bear the cost of such assessment. The assessment will be completed by a medical professional designated by the Manager of Human Resources.
22:05 Employees who are unable to attend work and who do not have appropriate sick leave credits shall be placed on indefinite leave of absence
22:06 Members on recall will not lose sick leave credits nor will they accumulate sick leave credits while not working.
22:07 Newly hired employees who are eligible to transfer accumulated sick leave under the Municipal and/or Education Act shall be credited with that sick leave upon s...
Absence Due to Illness. 1. No reduction in pay shall be made for any accumulated sick days to which an employee is entitled, except as may be delineated elsewhere in this Agreement.
2. All employees shall have the right to notify the District of their use of sick leave by means of a tape machine until one (1) hour before their starting time.
Absence Due to Illness. 30 If a bus driver is absent due to illness the day prior to the trip they must notify the dispatch by 31 noon that day if they will be taking the field trip or another driver will be assigned the trip.
Absence Due to Illness. 20.01 Employees who complete one full contract year with no more than two (2) days of absence due to illness (except in cases of occupational injury of thirty days lost time or less), not including layoff of three (3) months or less, shall be provided one (1) days’ pay.
Absence Due to Illness. (See also C6.00 and Letter of Understanding #5 of Part A)
Absence Due to Illness. When an Employee is absent due to illness, he/she must notify the Employer immediately. Failure to do so may result in denial of sick leave pay. The Employee, after four (4) consecutive days of illness may be required to provide the Employer with satisfactory proof of illness from a licensed medical Doctor in order to receive sick leave pay.
Absence Due to Illness. Employees who are absent due to illness and who have exhausted accumulated District-paid leaves shall continue to receive full insurance coverage paid by the District for that period of illness not to exceed three (3) months following exhaustion of said leave.