Absences From Duty. If an employee whose hours of work are averaged according to this agreement is absent from work and is not entitled to be paid for that absence, the total credits applying towards the next RDO will be reduced by 0.4 hours for each day for which no credit applies due to the absence.
Absences From Duty. Section 5, Illness, as follows:
Absences From Duty. 1. A Teacher not reporting for an assigned duty day shall notify the building’s Principal or designated representative. Such notice shall be given prior to the start of the duty day and shall include the reason(s) for the absence.
2. A Teacher failing to notify the building's Principal or other designated representative of a duty-day absence may have his/her compensation reduced by one (1) day’s pay.
Absences From Duty. Leaves of Absence
Absences From Duty. 37 XII. Seniority ...................................................... 42 XIII. Job Vacancy ................................................ 43 XIV. Promotional Pay Treatment ......................... 48 XV. Temporary Work in Higher Positions ......... 51 XVI. Travel .......................................................... 56 XVII. Force Adjustment ........................................ 68 XVIII. Severance Payments .................................... 83 XIX. Grievances ................................................... 89 XX. Union Representation .................................. 92 XXI. Agency Shop ............................................... 92 XXII. Deduction of Union Dues ........................... 93 XXIII. Notice of Promotions and Transfers of Union Officers, Elected Stewards, and Designated Representatives ..................... 95 XXIV. Safety and Health ........................................ 96 XXV. Contract Work ............................................. 97 XXVI. Prior Agreements ........................................ 98 XXVII. Duration ...................................................... 99 Appendix A 000 Xxxxxxxx X 103 Appendix C 115 Supplemental Statements 000 Xxxxxxxx X 000 Xxxxxxxx X 142 Appendix F 000 Xxxxxxxx X 000 Xxxxxxxx X 000 Xxxxxxxx X 159 Supplemental Statements 166 Appendix J 179 Supplemental Statements 181 I. Collective Bargaining Procedure 195 II. Service Interruption 196 III. Unusual Grievances 197 IV. Arbitration 197 V. Expedited Arbitration 200 VI. Leaves of Absence for Union Representatives on Union Business 203 VII. Pensions, Disability Benefits, and Death Benefits 208 VIII. Responsible Union-Company Relationship 209 IX. Nondiscrimination 209 X. Technology Change 210 XI. Common Interest Forums 212 XII. Training/Retraining 214 XIII. Prior Agreement 217 XIV. Duration 218 Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Part-Time Employees 219 Motor Vehicle Usage Program 223 Memorandum of Agreement (Armed Forces Leave of Absence) 225 Monthly Benefit Tables For Pensions 230 The Strategic Alliance Statement of Renewed Commitment to the Principles of Cooperative Union- Management Relations 235 Absences From Duty ............................................... 37 Illness Absentee .................................................................. 25 Active Duty in Armed Forces .................................. 225 Adequate Rest .......................................................... 17 Agency Shop .........................
Absences From Duty. An employee who is paid wages in accordance with subclause a) hereof and is absent from duty (other than on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid sick leave, workers’ compensation, bereavement leave or jury service) shall for each day he or she is absent, lose average pay for that day which equates to 7.6 hours pay. An employee who is so absent from duty for part of a day shall lose average pay for each hour or part thereof he or she is absent at an hourly rate.
Absences From Duty. (i) An employee whose ordinary hours are arranged in accordance with the said clause 18, and who is paid wages in accordance with subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (2) of this subclause and is absent from duty (other than on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid sick leave, workers' compensation, bereavement leave, or jury service) shall, for each day he/she is so absent, lose average pay for that day calculated by dividing his/her average weekly wage rate by 5. An employee who is so absent from duty for part of day shall lose average pay for each hour he/she is absent by dividing his/her average daily pay rate by 8.
(ii) Provided when such an employee is absent from duty for a whole day he/she will not accrue a "credit" because he/she would not have worked ordinary hours that day in excess of 7 hours 36 minutes for which he/she would otherwise have been paid. Consequently, during the week of the work cycle he/she is to work less than 38 ordinary hours he/she will not be entitled to average for that week. In that week, the average pay will be reduced by the amount of the "credit" he/she does not accrue for each whole day during the work cycle he/she is absent. The amount by which an employee's average weekly pay will be reduced when he/she is absent from duty (other than on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid sick leave, workers' compensation, bereavement leave or jury service) is to be calculated as follows: Total of "credits" not accrued during cycle x average weekly pay 38 Examples: (An employee's ordinary hours are arranged so that he/she works 8 ordinary hours on five days of each week or 3 weeks and 8 ordinary hours on four days of the fourth week.)
(1) Employee takes one day off without authorisation in first week of cycle. 1st week = average weekly pay less one day's pay (i.e. 1/5th) 2nd and 3rd weeks = average weekly pay each week 4th week = average weekly pay less credit not accrued on day of absence = average pay less 0.4 hours x average weekly pay
(2) Employee takes each of the 4 days off without authorisation in the 4th week.
Absences From Duty. (1) An employee whose ordinary hours are arranged in accordance with 7.1.3(1)(c) or 7.1.3(1)(d) of Clause 7.1 - Hours of this Schedule and who is paid wages in accordance with 11.2(1) and is absent from duty (other than on paid leave) shall, for each day the employee is so absent, lose average pay for that day calculated by dividing the employee's average weekly wage rate by 5. An employee who is so absent from duty for part of a day shall lose average pay for each hour the employee is absent by dividing the employee's average daily pay rate by 8.
(2) Provided when such an employee is absent from duty for a whole day the employee will not accrue a "credit" because the employee would not have worked ordinary hours that day in excess of 7 hours 36 minutes for which the employee would otherwise have been paid. Consequently, during the week of the work cycle the employee is to work less than 38 ordinary hours the employee will not be entitled to average pay for that week. In that week, the average pay will be reduced by the amount of the "credit" the employee does not accrue for each whole day during the work cycle the employee is absent. The amount by which an employee's average weekly pay will be reduced when the employee is absent from duty (other than on paid leave) is to be calculated as follows: Total of "credits" not accrued during cycle x 38 1 Employee takes one day off without authorisation in first week of cycle Week of Cycle Payment 1st week = average weekly pay less one day's pay (i.e. 1/5th) 2nd & 3rd weeks = average weekly pay each week 4th Week = average pay less credit not accrued on day of absence = average pay less 0.4 hours x (average weekly pay / 38)
Absences From Duty. (a) An employee whose ordinary hours are arranged in accordance with placitum (iii) or (iv) of paragraph (a) of subclause (2) of Clause 7. - Hours (other than continuous shift employees) and who is paid wages in accordance with paragraph (a) of subclause (2) hereof and is absent from duty (other than on annual leave, long service leave, holidays prescribed under this Agreement, paid sick leave, workers' compensation or bereavement leave) shall, for each day or part day he/she is so absent, lose the average pay "credit" of 0.4 hours for that day.
(b) Consequently, during the week of the work cycle he/she is to work less than 38 ordinary hours he/she will not be entitled to average pay for that week. In that week the average pay will be reduced by the amount of the "credit" he/she does not accrue for each whole or part day during the work cycle he/she is absent.
Absences From Duty. 10.3.1 Where the method of payment involves an averaging of payments, an employee absent from duty other than on annual leave, long service leave, public holidays, paid sick leave, workers’ compensation, bereavement leave, jury service, or any paid absence authorised by the Company, shall for each day so absent lose average pay for that day calculating by dividing the average weekly wage rate by five.
10.3.2 An employee who is so absent from duty for part of a day shall lose average pay for each hour or part thereof the employee is absent calculated at the employee’s hourly rate.