Accomplishments. Activities completed since last report including the objectives and parameters of the development, when initiated, when completed and the results.
Accomplishments. In addition to the normal administrative services required as part of the CONTRACT, and the SCOPE OF SERVICES, which is incorporated as if fully set herein, the SUBRECIPIENT agrees to meet the following levels of accomplishments:
Accomplishments. Applicants must include information regarding the individual, entity, or consortium’s track record and accomplishments involving the activities outlined below. If the applicant is a consortium, information for each member should be included. • Developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders including employers and employees, consumers (including consumers who are considered to be “left behind” and other targeted populations), and self-employed individuals, who are likely to be eligible for enrollment or re-enrollment in a QHP; • Providing information and services to individuals with varying levels of education and financial and health literacy in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate; • Working with individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals with disabilities, and populations considered to be “left behind” in the current private health insurance market; • Current and past HHS Navigator awardees should identify which of these accomplishments were achieved as a result of receiving HHS Navigator funding.
Accomplishments. (Accomplishments related to goals set in the prior year or other accomplished achieved during the year.) Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Performance Level (Choose one.) Comments, Examples, and or Suggestions: Professional Knowledge and Expertise (Consider the depth, breadth of knowledge, and how that knowledge is applied in circumstances encountered by the evaluee.) Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Performance Level (Choose one.) Comments, Examples, and or Suggestions: (Consider ability to identify the nature and causes of problems; Solves problems using data, facts, observation, analysis, and evaluation; Considers alternative courses of action; Engages in appropriate self-reflection.) Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Performance Level (Choose one.) Comments, Examples, and or Suggestions: Communication Skills, Collaboration, and Adaptability to Change (Consider the employee’s ability to organize and present information; and the ability to facilitate groups and adjust communication to different level of audience.) Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Performance Level (Choose one.) Comments, Examples, and or Suggestions: (Consider employee’s ability to train, develop, and evaluate subordinates; contribute ideas for improvement in operations.) Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Performance Level (Choose one.) Comments, Examples, and or Suggestions: Planning, Leadership, and Initiative (Consider the establishment of definitive short and long-term goals and objectives; the development of plans to achieve desired, timely results; initiative in accomplishing goals; meeting stated goals; maintaining budgets and providing forecasts; staying ahead of day-to-day responsibilities; organizing, directing, and coordinating work activities for the attainment of goals and objectives.) Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory Performance Level (Choose one.) Comments, Examples, and or Suggestions: Choose One. Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs to Improve Unsatisfactory An overall “Needs to Improve” or “Unsatisfactory” evaluation will initiate the development of a Remediation Plan (Article 8, G and H.) that shall include specific examples of expected performance, suggestions about how to improve and the method that will be used to assess ...
Accomplishments. Applicants must include information regarding the individual, entity, or consortium’s track record and accomplishments involving the activities outlined below. If the applicant is a consortium, information for each member should be included. • Developing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders including employers and employees, consumers (including consumers who are uninsured and underinsured), and self-employed individuals, who are likely to be eligible for enrollment in a QHP or who are already enrolled in coverage through the Marketplace; • Assisting consumers, including those from vulnerable populations, with the process of obtaining health coverage eligibility determinations and obtaining health coverage, including experience as a Navigator in an FFM or State Partnership Marketplace, if applicable; • Conducting public education and outreach activities; • Providing information and services to individuals with varying levels of education and financial and health literacy in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate; and • Working with individuals with limited English proficiency, individuals with disabilities, populations underserved in the current private health insurance market, and vulnerable populations. • Current and past HHS Navigator awardees should identify which of these accomplishments were achieved as a result of receiving Navigator funding.
Accomplishments. Provide a summary report of project accomplishment on an annual basis following each state fiscal year to the U.S. Forest Service, to include timber removal volumes and acres for completed sales, Program Income, other non-timber project work accomplishments, and Federal Financial Report, form SF-425.
Accomplishments. What was done? What was learned?
a. What are the major goals of the program?
Accomplishments. The UHC/MCP rigorous implementation schedule is producing strong results. Both the Uganda Mission and XXX expressed interest in the potential for scale up of the UHC model to overcome national challenges and to support national health priorities. Challenges: Uganda Mission and Ministry of Health officials’ schedules are very full rendering support supervision visits less frequent than the quarterly ideal. The project team will continue to share reports and invitations for these officials to join events and all requests from the Mission and MOH will be prioritized to ensure program support of national priorities.
Accomplishments. Provide an update of revised estimated completion or actual completion dates for the milestones listed below. Milestone Budget Current Est. Compl. Rev’d Est. Compl/ Actual Compl.
Accomplishments. A written summary of all of the accomplishments and difficulties encountered during the prior reporting period, as compared with the Implementation Workplan.