Assignment to Higher Classification a) When an employee is required to perform the regular duties of a higher paid classification, whether inside or outside the bargaining unit, for the majority of the shift, he/she shall be paid at the next step on the grid of the higher paid classification which represents an increase of at least 35 cents per hour, up to the maximum rate for the higher paid classification for the entire shift. A "higher paid classification" is a classification whose maximum hourly rate exceeds the current maximum hourly rate of the employee's regular classification.
b) The foregoing provisions shall apply to periods during which the employee is absent on paid leave, on sick pay or paid holidays or on annual vacation, provided that such employee has been continuously paid at such alternate rate for at least three (3) months and such qualifying period has not been interrupted by aggregate of absences on paid leave, sick pay account, paid holidays or vacation in excess of twenty (20) working days prior to such absence on paid leave.
c) These provisions shall apply only when the three (3) continuous months service requirement has been fulfilled and such employee is still being paid such alternate rate at the commencement of such absence and such alternate rate will be paid only to the extent that it would have been paid if the employee had remained at work.
d) Where an employee is assigned to perform the regular duties of a higher paid classification and actually works sufficient aggregate time to qualify for an increment, he/she shall be granted such increment effective the pay period following the date on which he/she qualifies for such increment. In addition to actual time worked, and pursuant to Article 23.6(a) all time that an employee is absent on paid leave, sick pay, paid holidays, or annual vacation shall apply toward the employee's aggregate time in qualifying for an increment.
e) An employee may qualify for any subsequent increments in the same manner as set out above and will begin to accumulate such aggregate qualifying time immediately following the effective date of the initial increment.
f) A Paramedic who is assigned to perform the duties of a supervisor. Continuous assignment for periods of two (2) weeks or more shall be counted towards the aggregate for the purposes of Article 23.6 (d), provided it is accumulated within a two (2) year period.
Assignment to Higher Classification. An employee assigned to a higher job classification or temporarily replacing another employee in such higher classification shall be paid at the higher rate for the period so employed, provided the employee fulfils the duties of the higher job. If the assignment is for less than half a day, a time bank shall be established and the hours of each partial day assignment shall be added to it. When the hours of a full working day have been reached the temporary promotion shall be paid. If there is any time remaining beyond the full working day, it shall remain in the time bank.
Assignment to Higher Classification. Whenever an employee is assigned to duties carrying a higher rate of compensation, he/she shall be paid the higher rate for such employment, whether temporary or permanent, when the period of temporary assignment lasts for one (1) hour or more and then for the entire period of such assignment.
Assignment to Higher Classification. An employee covered by this agreement who is required to work in a higher classification shall receive an additional 6% of his/her current rate of pay for all hours worked in this capacity.
Assignment to Higher Classification. Employees may be assigned to perform all or a portion of the duties and responsibilities of a higher graded position. An employee so assigned shall be notified in writing at the beginning of the temporary promotion of the wage rate to be received during the temporary promotion. If the employee is assigned all of the duties and responsibilities of the higher graded position, the employee will receive a wage rate at the same grade as the employee relieved. If the employee receiving the temporary promotion is not assigned all of the duties and responsibilities of the higher graded position, the employee shall receive a wage rate of a grade which is commensurate with the duties performed consistent with the classification and pay plan. When an employee is assigned the duties and responsibilities of the higher graded position for eight (8) or more consecutive hours the employee will receive the higher wage. The employee will return to his or her former position and salary at the end of the temporary promotion.
Assignment to Higher Classification. An employee assigned to a higher job classification or temporarily replacing another employee in such higher classification, shall be paid at the higher rate for the period so employed, provided the employee has the qualifications necessary and fulfils the duties of the higher job. This provision shall not apply for brief relief periods of less than one-half (½) day except that if an employee is required to work at a higher classification on a recurring basis, i.e. each day, each week or each month, the higher rate of pay shall apply as provided in 12.06.
Assignment to Higher Classification. An employee temporarily assigned to work in a higher classification, as shift supervisor shall receive an additional five (5) percent of employee’s current rate of pay for each full shift worked.
Assignment to Higher Classification. A. A Sergeant temporarily assigned to work in a higher classification outside of the contract, as acting Lieutenant, shall receive an additional ten (10) percent of his/her current rate of pay for each full shift worked.
B. Employees shall not be removed from a temporary assignment for the purpose of avoiding payment of the above premium.
Assignment to Higher Classification. Subject to clause 35.02, when an employee is temporarily as- signed to a position of higher classification she/he shall be paid an additional sixty-five (65) cents per hour per shift for each shift or part thereof when so assigned, provided she/he works four (4) hours.
Assignment to Higher Classification. Subject to 31.01, when an employee is temporarily assigned to a supervisory position by the employer for four (4) or more hours, he/she shall receive an additional 50 cents per hour for each hour worked.