Attendance at Professional Meetings. Attendance at professional meetings shall be assigned and approved at the discretion of the Superintendent. Reimbursement for registration and travel will be in accordance with 18A:11-12.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. A sum of $8,000 will be set aside for teacher inservice travel to School Board approved conferences, workshops, seminars or other professional meetings. Teacher requests to attend inservice meetings shall be submitted to the building principal for his approval and then forwarded to the appropriate district administrator for final approval. The number of teachers permitted to attend such conferences annually shall depend upon the needs of the School District and upon the availability of funds set aside as identified above. Should the funds not be sufficient to cover all requests, the selection shall be made based upon the needs of the Board and the Okeechobee service seniority of the individual teachers. Should a teacher be denied such request, he/she shall be given the reasons for denial of said request. Except in extraordinary circumstances as determined by the appropriate district administrator, a teacher shall not be eligible to attend meetings in consecutive years if the number of requests exceeds the amount of funds available. Should the funds not be sufficient to cover all requests, and the teacher states in writing he/she is willing to meet all expenses involved in attending the requested conference, the request will be considered for approval as professional leave in lieu of using sick or personal leave. This request would be presented to the principal or immediate supervisor for consideration. If the request is not approved, a reason will be listed on the application for leave.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. 29.1 An employee who is elected, seconded or otherwise appointed in their professional capacity to a position by or with any of the organisations listed below shall be entitled to leave on full pay to attend meetings of those bodies: ● The Ministry of Health and other government departments or statutory bodies; ● The Medical and Dental Councils of New Zealand; ● Medico-legal disciplinary bodies e.g. the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal; ● Medical and Dental Colleges and professional medical or dental associations; ● The New Zealand Medical and Dental Associations and the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists.
29.2 Employees may also be granted leave on full pay to attend meetings convened by the Ministry of Health and other government departments, agencies or statutory bodies where they have been invited to attend or are doing so in their professional capacity. Applications for leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.
29.3 Employees who have been appointed or invited by a College or professional association to teach and examine trainees, or to participate in other clinical training programmes, including advanced life support and resuscitation courses, shall be granted leave on full pay to do so.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. 29.1 An employee who is elected, seconded or otherwise appointed in their professional capacity to a position by or with any of the organisations listed below shall be entitled to leave on full pay to attend meetings of those bodies: The Ministry of Health and other government departments or statutory bodies; The Medical and Dental Councils of New Zealand; Medico-legal disciplinary bodies e.g. the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal; Medical and Dental Colleges and professional medical or dental associations; The New Zealand Medical and Dental Associations and the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists.
29.2 Employees may also be granted leave on full pay to attend meetings convened by the Ministry of Health and other government departments, agencies or statutory bodies where they have been invited to attend or are doing so in their professional capacity. Applications for leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.
29.3 Employees who have been appointed or invited by a College or professional association to teach and examine trainees, or to participate in other clinical training programmes, including advanced life support and resuscitation courses, shall be granted leave on full pay to do so.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. The Board shall grant the President of the Association and/or his/her designees up to twenty (20) days, or the equivalent, of professional leave per school year to attend necessary professional meetings outside the school district. The standard procedures for professional leave will be used.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. Attendance at professional meetings and workshops is permitted; approved visitations are also included in this Section. Unit members will receive compensation and expenses for days on which he/she is excused to engage in these specified activities. *(see below) If a substitute is required during the unit member’s absence, the Board will provide and pay the substitute. Approval of requests for absences from regular duties requiring a substitute and/or payment of such substitute and expenses incurred may be granted by the Superintendent. *The request form must include a breakdown of expenses likely to be incurred. The Board will be obligated to pay only those expenses within limitations as may be established and approved by the Superintendent or Board in advance.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. 1. The administration encourages and will consider staff requests in arranging inservice courses, workshops, conferences, school or class visitations and programs designed to improve the quality of instruction.
2. When a teacher makes a request and is granted or is required by the District to attend workshops, visit another school or attend conferences, registration and related expenses will be paid as per Article 14. Tuition for District-required courses will be paid by the District. The District reserves the right to require carpooling and mileage reimbursement for one individual should two (2) or more teachers attend the same function.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. A teacher may be absent for the purpose of visiting other schools or attending professional meetings without loss of pay. Requests for such absence shall be made in writing seventy-two (72) hours in advance to the building Principal or Supervisor who will refer said request to the Superintendent of Schools for approval.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. A. Nurses may be authorized four (4) days per year to attend conferences, institutes, or other professional meetings or visits without loss of pay or loss of annual leave on approval of the Director of Student Support Services or designee.
B. Individuals will submit a request in writing to the Director of Student Support Services or designee for permission to attend two (2) weeks in advance of the date requested.
C. Permission or denial will be given to the requester in writing by the Director of Student Support Services or designee within five (5) calendar days of receipt.
D. The Board shall reimburse each nurse with the cost of registration, mileage, and/or other expenses related to meetings or conferences covered in this Article provided that the Director of Student Support Services or designee has granted prior approval to attend the meeting or conference, and the nurse shall provide proper documentation to the Chief Operating Officer.
Attendance at Professional Meetings. 1. Teachers may be authorized to attend conferences, institutes, or other professional meetings or visits without loss of pay or loss of annual leave on approval of the principal and the Superintendent of Schools. Such authorization shall be made in accordance with the Staff Development Plan adopted by the Board of Education.
2. Individuals will submit a request to attend, in writing, to the building principal two (2) weeks in advance of date or dates requested.
3. Permission or denial will be given to the requestee in writing by the principal and/or the Superintendent.
4. A reimbursement form with procedures in writing to be followed for expenses accrued at such meetings will be provided by the principal and/or Superintendent so as to clarify the policy that is to be followed.