GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. See xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx for program duration, tuition, fees, and other costs, median debt, salary data, alumni success, and other important info.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. No employee shall be granted a leave of absence for the purpose of engaging in gainful self-employment or as an employee of another company or corporation.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. The term Gainful Employment shall mean the performance of a reasonable occupation in a part-time or full-time position for pay or profit.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. 14.9.1 Leaves of absence for the purpose of gainful employment elsewhere shall not be granted.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. The intent of this article is to give more opportunities to unit members to obtain gainful employment positions. For positions with the school for which unit members earn additional income, the principal shall devise a process by which such positions are assigned equitably, inform the faculty of the process, and advertise the position. Unit members shall be limited to having 1 (one) of these assignments at a time. If all volunteers have been exhausted, a unit member may have more than 1 (one) of these assignments.
1. For positions where the unit member would be paid their hourly rate of pay (e.g. auxiliary period, high school exit exam prep, credit recovery, etc.) the principal, whenever possible, will have interviews for the position. The appropriate department chair shall be part of the interview process.
2. For hourly paid positions the principal shall rotate the assignment of these positions among the people who have applied on a yearly basis whenever possible. The principal shall retain the right to select the person (s) to teach the class.
3. Unit members who are chosen to work in the library at lunch time or extended hours shall be required, if necessary, to attend an in- service training that will last a maximum of 1 (one) hour. The Teacher Librarian will be paid their hourly rate for providing this training. This Contract shall become effective upon ratification by the Unified Association of Conejo Teachers and the Board of Education of the Conejo Valley Unified School District to be effective as of July 1, 2016 and shall continue in effect to and including June 30, 2019, or until a successor agreement becomes effective, whichever is later. Signed and entered into this 24th day of January, 2019. FOR THE DISTRICT FOR THE ASSOCIATION _ President, Board of Education President, Unified Association of Conejo Teachers Superintendent of Schools Chairperson, Negotiating Team Lead Negotiator Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team Member, Negotiating Team APPENDIX A EVALUATION SYSTEM PRINCIPLES The District and the Association believe the following principles are essential to any effective and fair teacher development and evaluation system:
1. The goal of any evaluation system is to strengthen the knowledge, skills and practices of teachers to improve student learning.
2. Any evaluation system must ...
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. While on sabbatical, the employee shall not engage in gainful employment except by written agreement with the board of Education. Scholarships and fellowships do not constitute gainful employment.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. Unless they have obtained prior approval from the Employer or as otherwise agreed to between the Employer and the Union, employees who are on unpaid leave of absence under this article will not engage in gainful employment while on such leave. Where no such approval or mutual agreement is in place, employees engaging in gainful employment while on an unpaid leave of absence shall be considered to have terminated their employment without notice.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. Any Employee hereunder on leave of absence engaging in gainful employment without prior written permission from the Company may be terminated.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. Permit a GE Program or GE Programs (i) in which new students are currently being enrolled at the Schools (as defined for DOE purposes), (ii) in which 20% or more of all students of the Loan Parties, in the aggregate, are currently enrolled at the Schools (as defined for DOE purposes) and (iii) that account for 20% or more of the Loan Parties' aggregated revenue, to fail the Annual Earnings Rate and Discretionary Income Rate in two out of any three consecutive award years for which such Rates are calculated by the DOE.
GAINFUL EMPLOYMENT. The intent of this article is to give more opportunities to unit members to obtain gainful employment positions. For positions with the school for which unit members earn additional income, the principal shall devise a process by which such positions are assigned equitably, inform the faculty of the process, and advertise the position. Unit members shall be limited to having 1 (one) of these assignments at a time. If all volunteers have been exhausted, a unit member may have more than 1 (one) of these assignments.
1. For positions where the unit member would be paid their hourly rate of pay (e.g. auxiliary period, high school exit exam prep, credit recovery, etc.) the principal, whenever possible, will have interviews for the position. The appropriate department chair shall be part of the interview process.
2. For hourly paid positions the principal shall rotate the assignment of these positions among the people who have applied on a yearly basis whenever possible. The principal shall retain the right to select the person (s) to teach the class.
3. Unit members who are chosen to work in the library at lunch time or extended hours shall be required, if necessary, to attend an in- service training that will last a maximum of 1 (one) hour. The Teacher Librarian will be paid their hourly rate for providing this training.