Working additional hours Sample Clauses
Working additional hours. If a part-time employee works more hours than specified in their contract of employment, the employee will accrue • If a part-time employee works additional hours at the request of the employer, the employee will receive over these additional hours, up to the Basic Work Year: - a proportionate amount of annual leave; - a proportionate number of scheduled paid hours off; - holiday pay amounting to 8% of the per-hour earnings. • The employer will also pay the employee a sum equal to the employer’s share in the pension contributions for these extra hours worked. annual leave entitlement and scheduled paid hours off over these additional hours. In consultation between the employer and the employee, this additional leave entitlement or additional scheduled paid hours off may be paid out in whole or in part.
Working additional hours a) We may require you to work reasonable additional hours, unless you are a part-time employee. We can request but cannot require a part-time employee to work additional hours.
b) If we ask you to work additional hours you may refuse to work them if:
i) the request is unreasonable; or
ii) your refusal is reasonable; or
iii) you are a part-time employee
c) Matters to be taken into account when considering what’s reasonable include:
i) the nature of the work performed by the employee;
ii) our business requirements;
iii) any risks to the health and safety of the employee;
iv) the employee’s personal circumstances, including any family or carer responsibilities; and
v) how much notice the employee is given of the additional hours.
Working additional hours. Employees are remunerated for the performance of the role in which they are employed. From time to time business imperatives may require Employees to work reasonable additional hours outside of their Ordinary Hours to achieve the efficient and effective performance of their duties. If there is a need for an Employee to work reasonable additional hours, the Employer will work with the Employees concerned to ensure that balance is restored as soon as practicable. The Employee concerned can seek to access options that suit their personal requirements as outlined in clauses 3.9 and 1.9 Individual Flexibility Agreement as an offset for the additional hours worked and any inconvenience caused to the interruption to their work/life balance. The following principles are to be used to assist Line Managers and Employees to agree on a process where additional hours are required to be worked and the arrangements for compensating for these additional hours. These principles seek to balance the operational needs of the business, our clients’ expectations and the needs of Employees.
Working additional hours. 6.1. If an employee is working back a negative bank on a Monday to Friday, then no overtime premium rates will be paid, and the standard rate hours will be taken out of the bank.
6.2 If an employee is working back a negative bank during a weekend shift, then the overtime premium will be paid, but the standard rate will be taken out of the bank.
Working additional hours. (1) All hours worked outside of your ordinary hours of work will be deemed as additional hours and will be paid at your casual hourly rate of pay.
(2) Before you are requested to work additional hours, we will take into consideration:
(a) any risk to your health and safety that might reasonably be expected to arise if they work the additional hours;
(b) your personal circumstances (including family responsibilities);
(c) the operational requirements of the Client;
(d) any notice given by us to you of the requirement or request to work additional hours;
(e) any notice given by you of your intention to refuse to work additional hours;
(f) whether any of the additional hours are on a public holiday;
(g) your hours of work over the 4 weeks ending immediately before they are required or requested to work the additional hours.
Working additional hours. If a part-time employee works more hours than specified in their contract of employment, the employee will accrue annual leave entitlement and scheduled paid hours off over these additional hours. In consultation between the employer and the employee, this additional leave entitlement or additional scheduled paid hours off may be paid out in whole or in part.
Working additional hours. 10.6.1 An Employee shall not unreasonably refuse to work additional hours, if required.
10.6.2 Other than in emergencies, the requirement to work additional hours will be subject to reasonable notice being given by the Employer.
10.6.3 An Employee who is requested to work 10 hours or more in a shift, without reasonable notice, to assist in an emergency situation, will be paid, in additional to other penalties, a penalty of 30% of the ordinary hourly rate of pay as per Schedule 1:
Working additional hours. 9.4.1 An Employee shall not unreasonably refuse to work additional hours, if required.
9.4.2 If requested to work additional hours, the Employee may choose to accept payment in the form of TOIL hours or overtime at the applicable penalty rates.
9.4.3 Other than in emergencies, the requirement to work additional hours beyond 9 hours on a particular day will be subject to reasonable notice being given.
9.4.4 Employees shall not be required to work beyond 12 hours on a particular day, unless an emergency situation has occurred.
9.4.5 An Employee who is requested to work beyond 10 hours in a day, without reasonable notice to assist in an emergency situation, will be paid in accordance with the overtime provisions in this Agreement.
Working additional hours. 6.1. When an employee works an additional shift or part shift not on their rostered day on, they will have the hours worked placed in the bank up to a maximum of +41.15 hours and any overtime premiums for the hours worked will be paid in the following month.
6.2. When an employee works an additional shift or part shift and their bank is above +41.15 hours, they will be paid the base hours, plus overtime premium in the following month for all hours worked.
6.3. If an employee works an extended shift on their rostered day on, the hours will be taken out of the bank and no base hours payment will be made. If the bank is above +41.15, then base hours and overtime premiums will be paid in the following month.
6.4. Notice for working a longer shift, i.e. on a rostered working day, will be at least half a shift
6.5. Notice for working an off shift will be at least 24 hours
Working additional hours. An employee on Union leave shall work additional hours as outlined above.
i. If the Union elects to have the Union leave wages paid by the Employer and reimbursed by the Union, the employee on union leave shall not work additional hours unless requested by the Employer. The employee shall be eligible for overtime and compensatory time for such hours as outlined under Section 3.2 Overtime for Employees without Reimbursement by the Union.
ii. If the Union does not elect to have the Union leave wages paid by the Employer, the employee may work additional hours for the Employer.