Bursaries. Non-repayable grants, such as the UTAPS and SGS Emergency Grant, which assists students with sudden and/or unexpected financial need, are not part of the base funding outlined above. A student under these circumstances is therefore eligible to retain the entire amount of such an award.
Bursaries. Every bursary is a discretionary privilege, subject to high standards of attendance, diligence and behaviour on the Pupil's part and to the Parents treating the School and its staff reasonably. The terms on which such awards are offered and accepted will be notified to the Parents at the time of offer. A copy of the School’s Bursary Policy is available from the School on written request.
Bursaries. 3.1 The Board shall establish an annual bursary fund of $20,000.
3.1.1 Bursaries shall be granted to teachers for credit classes at an accredited post- secondary institution.
3.1.2 The approved bursary shall be $200 per credit unit.
3.1.3 Teachers may apply for payment for any credit units successfully completed. Payment on the first nine (9) credit units per teacher shall be allocated initially. If the requests exceed $20,000, the payments shall be prorated.
3.1.4 Additional credit units taken by teachers beyond nine (9) shall be paid in full or prorated according to the bursary fund balance.
3.1.5 For credit courses successfully completed with 0 credits applied, and equivalent to a credit course of 3 or more credits, teachers may submit a receipt for course registration and may be eligible for the lesser of, $200 per credit unit or the receipted registration cost.
3.2 The teacher shall submit an application for the bursary to the Human Resources Supervisor by September 1 for credit classes successfully completed while in the employ of the division within the past twelve (12) months. The Human Resources Supervisor shall notify the teacher of the bursary amount by September 20.
3.3 In the event the Human Resources Supervisor requests a teacher to complete a credit course between the offer of employment and the employment start date, the teacher may submit for bursary for the successfully completed course.
3.4 The teacher receiving such a bursary shall remain in the employ of the Sun West School Division for at least one (1) academic year immediately following the year in which the credit class was completed.
3.5 In the event of default, the teacher shall refund the money received together with interest at the preferred bank lending rate prevailing at the time of the bursary. In the event there is partial compliance, the amount of the refund shall be determined on a pro-rated basis.
3.6 Teachers on education leave shall not access the bursary fund.
Bursaries. 48.1. The Tenant acknowledges that the Lease Agreement is entered into between the Property Practitioner, Landlord, and the Tenant.
48.2. Should a Tenant be a recipient of a bursary, the Tenant must ensure that the Rental is paid and clears the Landlord’s nominated bank account by the 1st (First) day of every Month, regardless of if the Tenant has a bursary or not.
48.3. The Tenant must pay the Monthly Rental until the bursary pays. When a bursary has paid, the Tenant may apply in writing for a refund of the amounts paid by the Tenant to the Tenant’s nominated bank account, limited to the available credit on the Tenant’s account. The Tenant will be required to produce Proof of Payments for all amounts paid before any refund will be processed.
48.4. All bursary Tenants must complete Annexure B.
48.5. The Tenant is responsible to ensure the bursary receives all required documents for the bursary to process the required payment, the Property Practitioner will not enter into any correspondence with the bursary on behalf of the Tenant.
48.6. The terms of the Lease Agreement will still apply, even if a bursary withdraws funding from a Tenant. The Tenant remains responsible to comply with the terms of the Lease Agreement and pay the monthly Rental if a bursary withdraws funding from a Tenant.
Bursaries. (a) The Board shall establish a Bursary Fund available to permanent teaching staff. The purpose is to reimburse tuition costs requested by the teacher for successful completion of credit classes, non-credit classes, and/or short courses taken outside the teacher’s work day or school year assignment.
(b) For each school year during the term of this agreement, a fund in the amount of $60,000 shall be established.
(c) The teacher shall make application through the Superintendent of Human Resources to the Professional Awards Committee.
(d) Applications for bursaries may be made in advance of the commencement of the course or by June 1st and October 1st after completion of the course.
Bursaries. The University will seek to maintain the proportion of students in receipt of state support that it admits each year. In 2003/04 this stood at 50%from 50% to 55% by 2010/11. The University will regard any increase in the registration of students from this group by 2010/11 as a positive and desirable outcome.
Bursaries. 4.1 The University is committed to providing financial assistance to students from lower-income backgrounds. Students entering the University in 2008 (and continuing students who entered in 2007), who are ordinarily resident in the UK and to whom the home rate of tuition fee applies (subsequently referred to as ‘home UK students’) will be eligible for bursary support according to the criteria below
4.2 The terms of the bursary scheme are as follows: ▪ All home UK undergraduate students commencing study in 2008 (and continuing students who commenced study in 2007), whose household income, as assessed and notified to the University by the Student Loans Company, is £18,360 or less), will automatically receive a Newcastle University Bursary of £1,240 for each relevant year3 of undergraduate study. 3 Details of the Newcastle University Bursary Scheme are published each year in the Guide to Student Finance for the relevant year of entry (obtainable from the University). Full details of bursary regulations, including those which apply to students undertaking repeat years or part-time study, are available on the University website. ▪ All home UK undergraduate students commencing study in 2008 (and continuing students who commenced study in 2007), whose household income (as assessed and notified to the University by the Student Loans Company) is between £18,361 and £26,222 will automatically receive a Newcastle University Bursary of £930 for each relevant year of undergraduate study. ▪ All home UK undergraduate students commencing study in 2008(and continuing students who commenced study in 2007), whose household income (as assessed and notified to the University by the Student Loans Company) is between £26,223 and £31,466 will automatically receive a Newcastle University Bursary of £620 for each relevant year of undergraduate study. ▪ Home UK students following a Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) programme in 2008-09, and who are eligible for the full means-tested element of the Government Higher Education Maintenance Grant, will receive a Newcastle University PGCE Bursary of £310. ▪ Eligible students who are undertaking a compulsory placement / study abroad as part of their degree programme, and by whom a reduced rate tuition fee would normally be payable to the University, will receive a bursary reflecting the reduced rate of fee, on a pro rata basis. ▪ The bursary will be paid as a cash award. ▪ The amount of the annual bursary will be reviewed by th...
Bursaries. To safeguard access, Bath is putting in place significant bursary support for eligible students. Bursary support will go well beyond the minimum required and will ensure that in the region of 21% of additional fee income is used from the outset to assist those with greatest financial need. The University is also committed to ensuring that placement learning is not rendered less attractive through the introduction of higher fees. Duration of study is a significant factor in student financial hardship and the University intends to use its new bursary framework to mitigate this. In total, in the first year of the scheme, Bath anticipates committing in the region of £841,955 to bursary support.
Bursaries. 4.1.1 The Institute will offer the standard £300 bursary to all students in receipt of the £2,700 grant, utilising the UUK/SCOP bursary scheme.
4.1.2 We shall further offer a bursary of £150 to all students who receive a grant of £1,000-2,699. These bursaries are grants which are awarded to all qualifying students.
4.1.3 In order to support retention, and to enable students to recoup some course costs, those students who are in receipt of a full maintenance grant will receive a further £200 when they complete their second level of study; and a further £400 when they complete their third level. (For students who undertake a foundation degree, the £400 will apply following successful articulation and completion of an Honours degree.) These additional bursaries will be paid by cheque following completion of the academic year.
4.1.4 All these bursaries will also rise in line with inflation, in direct correlation to the increase in our standard fee.
Bursaries. The additional fees allow the College to offer a flat rate bursary of £1,000 for students with a household income of less than £60,000 from September 2008. This bursary is paid in two instalments through the Student Loan Company using the local authority income assessment tool. This level of bursary will be offered to all new students from September 2008.