Category Classification Sample Clauses
Category Classification. Teachers shall be placed in the appropriate category for determination of salary grid placement in accordance with a certification statement issued by QECO Programme 5, effective September 1, 2002. Teachers who are presently rated for grid placement in accordance with a different Programme shall not be adversely affected but may only advance to a higher rated category based on QECO Programme 5.
Category Classification. Each teacher’s category classification on the salary grid shall be determined by the application of the program Until the statement is received, a teacher shall be paid on the salary grid at Category Al.
Category Classification. (a) Each Teacher’s category classification on the salary grid shall be determined by the application of the current QECO program.
(b) Each Teacher shall submit a copy of the current QECO statement on each occasion that the statement is updated.
Category Classification. Each teacher’s category classification on the salary grid shall be determined by the application of the QECO program 5. Until the statement is received, a teacher shall be paid on the salary grid at Category A1.
Category Classification. Each Teacher’s category classification on the salary grid shall be determined by the application of the Program or at the option of the Teacher. A Teacher may continue placement under a previous program.
Category Classification. It shall be the responsibility of the long-term occasional teacher to obtain an OSSTF Rating Statement and present same to Human Resources on or before December 15th for a long-term assignment which commences on or after September 1st. Evidence of change in level received up to December 15th will entitle the teacher to the revised salary retroactive to the beginning of the long-term assignment (but in no case prior to the start of the school year) provided the qualifications for the changes in level were obtained prior to September 1st. When it appears that a teacher will be unable, through no fault of his/her own, to obtain a Rating Statement prior to December 15th, the teacher shall inform the Board in writing by December 15th and submit proof of application for a Rating Statement. If, in the opinion of the Board, the teacher was unable to obtain a Rating Statement, through no fault of his/her own, the adjustment will be made on receipt of the Rating Statement retroactive to the beginning of the school year. If a teacher submits evidence of level change after December 15th, but prior to June 1st, the salary adjustments will be made effective as of the first of the month immediately following receipt of such evidence by Human Resources.
Category Classification. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Elementary Occasional Teacher to provide the Boardwith documentary proof in form of a QualificationsEvaluationCouncil of Ontario CertificateRating Statement as well as proof of experience to determine placementon the salary grid. Teachers who are not in possessionof a category ratingfrom the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario and who have made application, must submit a photocopy of their completed application to the Human Resources Officer-Staff Attendance. These OccasionalTeacherswill be paidaccordingto their verifiedyears of experience at Category Al. Upon receipt of their official rating, they will receive retroactivepay back to the date the completed applicationwas received in Human Resources. OccasionalTeachers who are inpossessionof a category ratingfrom and who have made applicationto upgrade their category rating, will receive retroactivepay back to the date the applicationwas receivedin Human Resources.
Category Classification. Each teacher's category classification on the salary shall be determined the application of the current program or, at the option of the teacher, the teacher continue placement under a previous Should a new the new shall the life of the collective above, to continue placement under a previous shall have the to either continue placement under the chosen or to have placement determined to the new
(a) When a course or courses which result in a category change have been completed before September the salary adjustment shall be retroactive to September of the same year provided that: the teacher notified the Human Resources Division at the Board Office in writing by December that is expecting a change in category or qualifications. the documentary evidence was submitted to the Board office prior to June of the same school year. When a course or courses which result in a category change have been completed by December the salary adjustment shall be retroactive to January 1st provided that: the teacher notified the Human Resources Division at the Board in writing by that is expecting a change in category or qualifications. the documentary evidence was submitted to the Board office prior to June 1st of the same school year. Documentary evidence of category change or improved qualifications shall be submitted by the teacher such as the original of Ontario College of Teachers certificate and/or original university transcript together with the statement of evaluation from In the event of any discrepancy, shall govern.
Category Classification. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Elementary Occasional Teacher to provide the Board with documentary proof in the form of a Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario Certificate Rating Statement as well as proof of experience to determine placement on the salary grid. Teachers who are not in possession of a category rating from the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario and who have made application, must submit a photocopy of their completed application to the Human Resources Officer-Staff Attendance. These Occasional Teachers will be paid according to their verified years of experience at Category Al. Upon receipt of their rating, they will receive retroactive pay back to the date the completed application was received in Human Resources. Occasional Teachers who are in possession of a category rating from and who have made application to upgrade their category rating, will receive retroactive pay back to the date the completed application was received in Human Resources.
Category Classification. (a) Any Occasional Teacher newly employed by the Board on or after 2005 September shall be evaluated by the Qualifications Evaluation Council of Ontario (QECO) Programme 5 for category placement or at the option of the Occasional Teacher, may continue placement under a previous programme.
(b) Occasional Teachers employed by the Board on 2003 June 30 shall retain the category placement they held on that date but any change in category for such Occasional Teachers will be in accordance with the provisions of QECO Programme 5.
(c) It is the responsibility of the Occasional Teacher to provide the Board with a Qualifications Rating Statement or confirmation card indicating receipt of application and any supporting documents prior to July 31 for retroactive adjustment in accordance with Article L7.11.