CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. 30.1. The Employer will allocate positions on a “best fit” basis to the most appropriate classification at the University of Washington. Allocations shall be based on a position’s duties, responsibilities, or qualifications. 30.2. Reallocations shall be based on a permanent and substantive change in the duties, responsibilities, or qualifications of a position or application of the professional exemption criteria set forth in RCW 41.06.070(2). a. Should the University decide to create, eliminate or modify class specifications which does not involve a major restructure to the overall classification system, it will notify the Union in advance of implementing the action. Notification will include the bargaining unit status of the classification and, for a newly created or modified classification considered to be in the bargaining unit, a proposed salary. Notification will occur at least forty-five (45) days in advance of any proposed implementation date. At the Union’s request the University will meet and confer with the Union over its proposed action. b. An employee occupying a position reallocated to a class with a lower salary range maximum due to a class being created, abolished or modified will retain the salary of their former position until reaching the top of the range of the former position, and then will be frozen until the new class pay range catches up. An employee(s) occupying a position reallocated to a class with a higher salary range due to a class being created, abolished or modified will receive the same step in the new range as the employee(s) held in the previous range. The progression start date of the employee will remain unchanged. c. Within thirty (30) calendar days following implementation of the University’s decision to create or combine classifications per Article 30, or modify class specifications for bargaining unit positions, the Union may file an appeal with the Classification Review Hearing Officer selected under Article
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. 19:01 In the event that the Employer establishes or proposes to establish a new position in the bargaining unit, or if Employer revises the job description of a position in the bargaining unit, the Union shall receive a copy of the job description and accompanying salary range. 19:02 Unless the Union objects in writing within thirty (30) calendar days following such notification, the classification and salary range shall become established and form part of Schedule “A” of this Agreement. 19:03 If the Union files written objection, as per Article 19:02, then the parties hereto shall commence negotiations forthwith and attempt to reach agreement as to an appropriate salary range. 19:04 Failing agreement, the matter may be referred to arbitration in accordance with Article 25. (a) Where an employee at any time believes that their position is incorrectly classified, the employee may apply, in writing, with supporting documentation, to their Director to be reclassified to a different classification. (b) The Director shall reply in writing, within ten (10) working days from the date the request from the employee was received by the Director. (c) If the reply from the Director is not satisfactory, the employee may grieve commencing at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure; within fifteen
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. A. Bargaining unit employees’ level and scope of assigned duties shall be documented in their job descriptions which shall be established and classified by the University. If an employee’s duties and responsibilities undergo significant changes, the affected position(s) may be reviewed as described hereafter in this Article. Attached hereto as Appendix A are the Class Specification condensed from the official University-approved class specifications. The abridged specifications contained here are guidelines only. The University agrees to send copies of any changes to revised job descriptions to SETC-United. B. 1. If, during the term of this Agreement, the Union believes that certain bargaining unit members are working out of class, it may submit the position(s) of these bargaining unit members to Campus Human Resources or Healthcare Human Resources, as appropriate, for review. Campus Human Resources or Healthcare Human Resources shall provide a response to the request within 90 (ninety) days after receiving the submission from the Union unless the Union and the University mutually agree to an extension.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. A. Bargaining unit employees’ level and scope of assigned duties shall be documented in their job descriptions which shall be established and classified by the University. If an employee’s duties and responsibilities undergo significant changes, the affected position(s) may be reviewed as described hereafter in this Article. The official University-approved 2009 class specifications, which are guidelines only, may be found online at xxxxx:// administration/compensation-and-classification/classification-specifications. Proposed changes to the class specifications that impact employees’ terms and conditions of employment will be subject to meet and confer. The University agrees to send copies, via U.S. Mail and email, of any changes to revised job descriptions to Teamsters Local 2010’s address of record. 1. If, during the term of this Agreement, the Union believes that certain bargaining unit members are working out of class, it may submit the position(s) of these bargaining unit members to Campus Human Resources or Healthcare Human Resources, as appropriate, for review. Campus Human Resources or Healthcare Human Resources shall provide a response to the request within 90 (ninety) days after receiving the submission from the Union unless the Union and the University mutually agree to an extension. 2. The University’s Compensation unit will determine whether or not the employee has been working out of class by evaluating the core functions and duties of the position and comparing them to pre-defined job families or classifications specifications and comparable positions within the organization and/or external to the organization. Factors that may be considered include, but are not limited to, the scope of responsibility and skill and competencies required to perform the position. The classification review process will include a review of job descriptions and interviews with the incumbent and may include at least one of the following: a. review of the organizational chart; b. review of any supplemental information; c. interviews with the supervisor and/or manager or subject matter experts; or d. review of a position questionnaire or survey. a. Within twenty-one (21) calendar days of the date the University issues the results of the Compensation unit’s review to the Union, the Union may request a Compensation Review Conference. Such request shall be directed to the Director of Labor Relations. b. Within fourteen (14) calendar days of the req...
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. 30 (b) No Elimination of Present Classifications 30 (c) Changes in Classification 30 (f) Job Evaluation Plan Terms of Reference 31 (g) Designates 31 (a) Medical Coverage 31 (b) WorkSafe BC 31 (c) Employment Insurance 32 (d) Municipal Pension Plan 32
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. 12.01 When the City determines that a new job classification or reclassification of an existing classification is necessary, and such classification is covered under Article 2 of this Agreement, the City shall submit to the Union in writing the job description and proposed salary, prior to implementation. The Union shall have ten (10) working days to request in writing to negotiate with the City regarding the proposed salary. Such meetings shall take place within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the request. 12.02 In the event a classification is reclassified, then, A. The incumbent employees in the existing classification, if qualified, shall be placed directly into the new classification. If not qualified, the incumbents shall be allowed one (1) year to become qualified. If after (1) year the incumbent is not qualified they may be transferred, demoted or if no position is available for which they are qualified, they may be terminated by the City. The City has the discretion to allow for an extension of the one (1) year period so long as the employee has demonstrated making reasonable efforts towards obtaining the qualifications and has been unable to obtain them for reasons beyond their control. B. If the new classification has a pay range higher than the former, the employee shall be paid at the nearest step in the new range which provides a minimum increase of 5%, but no higher than the maximum of the grade. Reclassified employees shall receive a new step date commencing at the date of reclassification. C. If the new classification has a pay range lower than the former, the employee shall be paid at the nearest step of the new range of their current salary, whichever is higher. In the event the current salary is higher, the employee’s salary shall be frozen (Y-rated), without any increases, (which includes cost of living adjustments) for as long as it takes the range to catch up to the employee’s current pay level.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. 19:01 In the event that the Employer establishes or proposes to establish a new classification, or if there is a substantial change in the job content or qualifications of an existing classification and providing that the new or revised classification falls within the bargaining unit, the Union shall receive a copy of the job description and accompanying salary range. 19:02 Unless the Union objects in writing within thirty (30) calendar days following such notification, the classification and salary range shall become established and form part of Schedule “A” of this Agreement. 19:03 If the Union files written objection, as per Article 19:02, then the parties hereto shall commence negotiations forthwith and attempt to reach agreement as to an appropriate salary range. 19:04 Failing agreement, the matter may be referred to arbitration in accordance with Article 25. (a) Where an employee at any time believes that his or her position is incorrectly classified, the employee may apply, in writing, with (b) The Director shall reply in writing, within ten (10) working days from the date the request from the employee was received by the Director. (c) If the reply from the Director is not satisfactory, the employee may grieve commencing at Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure; within fifteen
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. ‌‌ A. Bargaining unit employees’ level and scope of assigned duties shall be documented in their job descriptions which shall be established and classified by the University. If an employee’s duties and responsibilities undergo significant changes, the affected position(s) may be reviewed as described hereafter in this Article. The official University- approved 2009 class specifications, which are guidelines only, may be found online at xxxxx:// classification-specifications. Proposed changes to the class specifications that impact employees’ terms and conditions of employment will be subject to meet and confer. The University agrees to send copies, via U.S. Mail and email, of any changes to revised job descriptions to Teamsters Local 2010’s address of record. B. 1. If, during the term of this Agreement, the Union believes that certain bargaining unit members are working out of class, it may submit the position(s) of these bargaining unit members to Campus Human Resources or Healthcare Human Resources, as appropriate, for review. Campus Human Resources or Healthcare Human Resources shall provide a response to the request within 90 (ninety) days after receiving the submission from the Union unless the Union and the University mutually agree to an extension.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND RECLASSIFICATIONS. Section A. Classifications and Wage Rates When assigning positions to the appropriate pay grade, the Borough may use a point factor system in which each position is assigned points which correlate to an assigned pay grade; a market based system in which a position is assigned to the pay grade which most closely matches a market rate for the position or like position; or, a combination of both a point factor and market based system. The creation of a new bargaining unit position or a change in the current duties of a bargaining unit position is the responsibility of the Borough. The pay range of such new or revised position is subject to negotiation. If the Association wishes to negotiate the range of a new or revised position, it must so indicate in writing within seven (7) days of receipt of the new or revised position description. Within fourteen (14) days of notification by the Association to negotiate, the joint classification committee will be scheduled to meet to discuss the appropriate system to utilize, and the appropriate market rate to be used for comparison, if applicable. In the event that negotiations do not result in an agreement, the matter may be referred to the grievance procedure. Nothing herein will prevent the Borough from implementing the position if it deems necessary after the seven (7) day notification period. Pay ranges of existing positions not in the bargaining unit are exempt from review by the MSBEA classification committee. Section B. While revision in duties assigned to a position remains a responsibility of the Borough, no person whose bargaining unit position is reclassified after the effective date of this agreement may suffer a reduction in pay for two (2) years, but instead the pay of such employee shall be frozen. The pay freeze will not extend beyond two (2) years from the date of reclassification at which time, the pay will be adjusted to the revised classification pay rate. The classification and reclassification of bargaining unit positions is generally initiated by the Borough. However, any bargaining unit employee who believes his or her position warrants an upgrade or does not warrant the reclassification action taken by the Borough, may initiate a reclassification request or protest. Within thirty (30) calendar days of the employee's written request or protest, the Borough Manager shall provide a written response to the employee with notification to the Association. If the Borough denies the request or protest, ...