Client Population Sample Clauses

Client Population. The people who benefit from our services are Edmonton’s marginalized and vulnerable populations. We work with clients to overcome the isolation of homelessness and poverty, mental and physical conditions, substance abuse and addictions, and victimization and exploitation. We do not discriminate and support men, women, and children from all walks of life and cultural and religious communities.
Client Population. Prepare and submit to ADMINISTRATOR monthly reports including admissions, discharges, service provision, changes in staff positions, placement changes, certification and decertification of homes, and CONTRACTOR’s social worker contacts with CLIENT. CONTRACTOR shall submit the report by the tenth (10th) calendar day of each month, for the previous month. 16.1.1 Notify ADMINISTRATOR of staff changes, such as Supervisor, Social Worker, Program Director, and Therapist, by telephone within one (1) business day and in writing within seven (7) business days.
Client Population. All clients of the Adult Day Program live within the City of London city limits. In the Adult Day Program all but one client access the transit service provided. All clients access our Adult Day Program through the sole referral source of the Community Care Access Center. Geography Served Schedule B1: Total LHIN Funding 2018-2019 Health Service Provider: Corporation of the City of London LHIN Program Revenue & Expenses Row # Account: Financial (F) Reference OHRS VERSION 10.0 2018-2019 Plan Target REVENUE Subtotal Revenue LHIN/MOHLTC 10 Sum of Rows 1 to 9 $529,152 Subtotal Other Revenues 14 Sum of Rows 11 to 13 $33,996 TOTAL REVENUE FUND TYPE 2 15 Sum of Rows 10 and 14 $563,148 EXPENSES Compensation TOTAL EXPENSES FUND TYPE 2 35 Sum of Rows 17 to 34 $563,148 NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FROM OPERATIONS 36 Row 15 minus Row 35 $0 SURPLUS/DEFICIT Incl. Amortization of Grants/Donations 38 Sum of Rows 36 to 37 $0 FUND TYPE 3 - OTHER NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 3 41 Row 39 minus Row 40 $0 FUND TYPE 1 - HOSPITAL NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 1 44 Row 42 minus Row 43 $0 ALL FUND TYPES NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ALL FUND TYPES 47 Row 45 minus Row 46 $0 Total Admin Expenses Allocated to the TPBEs Total Admin & Undistributed Expenses 57 Sum of Rows 48, 54, 55-56 (included in Fund Type 2 expenses above) $96,696 Schedule B2: Clinical Activity- Summary 2018-2019 Health Service Provider: Corporation of the City of London Service Category 2018-2019 Budget OHRS Framework Level 3 Full-time equivalents (FTE) Visits F2F, Tel.,In- House, Cont. Out Not Uniquely Identified Service Recipient Interactions Hours of Care In- House & Contracted Out Inpatient/Resident Days Individuals Served by Functional Centre Attendance Days Face-to-Face Group Sessions (# of group sessions- not individuals) Meal Delivered- Combined Group Participant Attendances (Reg & Non-Reg) Service Provider Interactions Service Provider Group Interactions Mental Health Sessions Schedule C: Reports Community Support Services 2018-2019 Health Service Provider: Corporation of the City of London Schedule C: Reports Community Support Services 2018-2019 Health Service Provider: Corporation of the City of London Schedule D: Directives , Guidelines and Policies Community Support Services 2018-2019 Health Service Provider: Corporation of the City of London Schedule E1: Core Indicators 2018-2019 Health Service Provider: Corporation of the City of London Performance Indicators 2018-2019 Target Performance Standard Schedule E2a: C...
Client Population. The CARE Ambassador Program targets caregivers of Chinese origin in Markham, Richmond Hill and NE North York where there is a large Chinese population. Some of the serves such as e‐learning website and information articles in local Chinese Newspaper cast a wider net. The program operates the Caregiver Education and Resource Centre at Xxxx 00, 000X, Xxxxxxx 0 Xxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxx, which operates 9 to 5, Monday to Friday, with occasional programs on Weekends and evenings. The Assisted Living Program at Seneca Towers serves seniors in the building and the immediate neighborhood. The service is located at Seneca Towers, 0000 Xxxxx Xxxxxx East, North York. The service operates 24/7. The Adult Day Program operates at our Markham Centre at 0000, Xxx Xxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, which operates 9 to 5, Monday to Friday. Geography Served Schedule B1: Total LHIN Funding 2018‐2019 Health Service Provider: Xxx Xxxx Centre for Geriatric Care LHIN Program Revenue & Expenses Row # Account: Financial (F) Reference OHRS VERSION 10.0 2018-2019 Plan Target REVENUE Subtotal Revenue LHIN/MOHLTC 10 Sum of Rows 1 to 9 $2,065,386 Subtotal Other Revenues 14 Sum of Rows 11 to 13 $0 TOTAL REVENUE FUND TYPE 2 15 Sum of Rows 10 and 14 $2,065,386 EXPENSES Compensation TOTAL EXPENSES FUND TYPE 2 35 Sum of Rows 17 to 34 $2,065,386 NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FROM OPERATIONS 36 Row 15 minus Row 35 $0 SURPLUS/DEFICIT Incl. Amortization of Grants/Donations 38 Sum of Rows 36 to 37 $0 FUND TYPE 3 - OTHER NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 3 41 Row 39 minus Row 40 $0 FUND TYPE 1 - HOSPITAL NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 1 44 Row 42 minus Row 43 $0 ALL FUND TYPES NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ALL FUND TYPES 47 Row 45 minus Row 46 $0 Total Admin Expenses Allocated to the TPBEs Total Admin & Undistributed Expenses 57 Sum of Rows 48, 54, 55-56 (included in Fund Type 2 expenses above) $143,600 Schedule B2: Clinical Activity‐ Summary 2018‐2019 Health Service Provider: Xxx Xxxx Centre for Geriatric Care Service Category 2018-2019 Budget OHRS Framework Level 3 Full-time equivalents (FTE) Visits F2F, Tel.,In- House, Cont. Out Not Uniquely Identified Service Recipient Interactions Hours of Care In- House & Contracted Out Inpatient/Resident Days Individuals Served by Functional Centre Attendance Days Group Sessions (# of group sessions- not individuals) Meal Delivered- Combined Group Participant Attendances (Reg & Non-Reg) Service Provider Interactions Service Provider Group Interactions Mental Health Sessions Schedule C: Reports...
Client Population. KDCHC has a geographic and population based catchment area. Our main catchment area is downtown Kitchener, encompassing Kitchener planning communities 1-17. We are bounded by Union Street to the north, the expressway to the east and south and approximately Belmont to the West. The 17 planning communities do not have exact street boundaries. KDCHC also serves specific populations living in Kitchener-Waterloo. These are Aboriginal peoples and new Canadians (who have been here less than 10 years). KDCHC provides services from its main site at 00 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx. Home visits and visits to the hospital as needed. KDCHC provides services at 5 outreach sites in the downtown area that includes primary care and identification clinics that focus on key populations served such as homeless, homeless at risk, youth and refugees. KDCHC also provides flu vaccine clinics at various community sites in the downtown area. Staff also provides health education and health promotion sessions to various community groups. As part of the Community Diabetes Outreach Program, KDCHC provides education and support from its main site, at St John’s Kitchen and general educational session on Diabetes to various groups in the community.
Client Population. Males 16 years of age & older who have substance abuse issues - abstinence based recovery. Provide service to Aboriginal and Francophone communities including a board member who is Aboriginal and encouraging help to that culture. Have a Francophone addictions councillor on staff. HSP serves the Sault Ste. Xxxxx and Algoma district. All cultures are encouraged to participate in the services we provide. Geography Served Province Wide - Ontario Sault Ste. Mrie and greater Algoma District Site location - 0 Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Sault Ste. Xxxxx, On Schedule B1: Total LHIN Funding 2014-2017 Health Service Provider: Xxx Xxxxx Recovery Home (Sault Ste. Marie Alcohol Recovery Home) LHIN Program Row Account: Financial (F) Reference 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 Revenue & Expenses # OHRS VERSION 9.0 Plan Target Plan Target Plan Target REVENUE Subtotal Revenue LHIN/MOHLTC 10 Sum of Rows 1 to 9 $392,403 $392,403 $392,403 Subtotal Other Revenues 14 Sum of Rows 11 to 13 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUE FUND TYPE 2 15 Sum of Rows 10 and 14 $392,403 $392,403 $392,403 EXPENSES Compensation Service Costs TOTAL EXPENSES FUND TYPE 2 33 Sum of Rows 17 to 32 $392,403 $392,403 $392,403 NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FROM OPERATIONS 34 Row 15 minus Row 33 $0 $0 $0 SURPLUS/DEFICIT Incl. Amortization of Grants/Donations 36 Sum of Rows 34 to 35 $0 $0 $0 FUND TYPE 3 - OTHER NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 3 39 Row 37 minus Row 38 $0 $0 $0 FUND TYPE 1 - HOSPITAL NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 1 42 Row 40 minus Row 41 $0 $0 $0 ALL FUND TYPES NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ALL FUND TYPES 45 Row 43 minus Row 44 $0 $0 $0 Total Admin Expenses Allocated to the TPBEs Total Admin & Undistributed Expenses 50 Sum of Rows 46-50 (included in Fund Type 2 expenses above) $62,842 $62,168 $63,301 Schedule B2: Clinical Activity- Summary 2014-2017 Health Service Provider: Xxx Xxxxx Recovery Home (Sault Ste. Marie Alcohol Recovery Home) Service Category 2014-2015 Budget OHRS Framework Level 3 Visits F2F, Tel.,In-House, Cont. Out Not Uniquely Identified Service Recipient Interactions Hours of Care In- House & Contracted Out Inpatient/Reside nt Days Individuals Served by Functional Centre Attendance Days Face-to- Face Group Sessions (# of group sessions- not individuals) Meal Delivered- Combined Group Participant Attendances (Reg & Non- Reg) Service Provider Interactions (All Time Intervals) 2014-2015 Due five (5) business days following Trial Balance Submission Due Date 2015-2016 Due five (5) business days following Trial Balance Submiss...
Client Population. The target population are individuals, ages 60 and over, who, as a result of a mental disorder, are dangerous to themselves, dangerous to others, or are gravely disabled, but can be safely treated at this lower level of care. These individuals would require psychiatric inpatient treatment if this lower level of care were not available. Referrals are accepted Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9 AM until 2 PM. The goal is to avoid unnecessary hospitalization, provide urgent mental health treatment, and to refer individuals to needed follow-up treatment resources. Discharge planning will include consideration of housing needs, physical health issues, substance abuse treatment, and it assistance. Front staff may provide a full range of mental health services to these individuals, including assessment, individual and group rehabilitation and therapy, collateral, crisis intervention, and case Qualified practitioners may provide medication support services.
Client Population. The Aphasia Institute offers programs, resources and training to individuals who have aphasia and their caregivers, and to health care providers. A person with aphasia may experience complex or partial inability to speak; difficulty understanding others when they speak; difficulty writing or using the computer. Aphasia masks competence and so many people living with aphasia are often assumed to be incompetent. In our Community Aphasia program over 56% of our clients are elderly (over 65 years of age), this is a demographic age shift of a 5% difference from our last M‐SAA. We are seeing a younger population than in previous years. We can service a multi‐cultural community as the programs offered are designed to be communicatively accessible. We have no requests specifically for francophone services. We work with clients to reduce social isolation, to equip clients and caregivers with tools to effectively communicate, to provide opportunities to clients to build their skills and confidence. We are not a paymaster/flow through agency. We have one location 00 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx The Aphasia Institute is located at 00 Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx. Hours of business is M‐F 8:30‐4:00. See A1‐Decription of Services for our catchment areas. We do not have sub‐contracted services or Satellite offices. Geography Served Schedule B1: Total LHIN Funding 2018‐2019 Health Service Provider: Aphasia Institute LHIN Program Revenue & Expenses Row # Account: Financial (F) Reference OHRS VERSION 10.0 2018-2019 Plan Target REVENUE Subtotal Revenue LHIN/MOHLTC 10 Sum of Rows 1 to 9 $1,432,616 Subtotal Other Revenues 14 Sum of Rows 11 to 13 $0 TOTAL REVENUE FUND TYPE 2 15 Sum of Rows 10 and 14 $1,432,616 EXPENSES Compensation TOTAL EXPENSES FUND TYPE 2 35 Sum of Rows 17 to 34 $1,438,162 NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FROM OPERATIONS 36 Row 15 minus Row 35 ($5,546) SURPLUS/DEFICIT Incl. Amortization of Grants/Donations 38 Sum of Rows 36 to 37 $0 FUND TYPE 3 - OTHER NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 3 41 Row 39 minus Row 40 $0 FUND TYPE 1 - HOSPITAL NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) FUND TYPE 1 44 Row 42 minus Row 43 $0 ALL FUND TYPES NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) ALL FUND TYPES 47 Row 45 minus Row 46 $0 Total Admin Expenses Allocated to the TPBEs Total Admin & Undistributed Expenses 57 Sum of Rows 48, 54, 55-56 (included in Fund Type 2 expenses above) $480,562 Schedule B2: Clinical Activity‐ Summary 2018‐2019 Health Service Provider: Aphasia Institute Service Category 2018-2019 Budget OHRS Framew...

Related to Client Population

  • Target Population TREATMENT FOR ADULT (TRA) Target Population

  • Population The Population shall be defined as all Paid Claims during the 12-month period covered by the Claims Review.

  • Study Population Infants who underwent creation of an enterostomy receiving postoperative care and awaiting enterostomy closure: to be assessed for eligibility: n = 201 to be assigned to the study: n = 106 to be analysed: n = 106 Duration of intervention per patient of the intervention group: minimum 21 days/3 weeksuntil patient's weight >2000g, averaged 6 weeks between enterostomy creation and enterostomy closure Follow-up per patient: 3 months, 6 months and 12 months following enterostomy closure (12- month follow-up only applicable for patients that are recruited early enough to complete this follow-up within the 48 months of overall study duration).

  • Infrastructure Vulnerability Scanning Supplier will scan its internal environments (e.g., servers, network devices, etc.) related to Deliverables monthly and external environments related to Deliverables weekly. Supplier will have a defined process to address any findings but will ensure that any high-risk vulnerabilities are addressed within 30 days.

  • Data Encryption Contractor must encrypt all State data at rest and in transit, in compliance with FIPS Publication 140-2 or applicable law, regulation or rule, whichever is a higher standard. All encryption keys must be unique to State data. Contractor will secure and protect all encryption keys to State data. Encryption keys to State data will only be accessed by Contractor as necessary for performance of this Contract.

  • The Web Services E-Verify Employer Agent agrees to, consistent with applicable laws, regulations, and policies, commit sufficient personnel and resources to meet the requirements of this MOU.

  • Substance Abuse Testing The Parties agree that it is in the best interest of all concerned to promote a safe working environment. The Union has no objection to pre-employment substance abuse testing when required by the Employer and further, the Union has no objection to voluntary substance abuse testing to qualify for employment on projects when required by a project owner. The cost and scheduling of such testing shall be paid for and arranged by the Employer. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for any failed pre-access Alcohol and Drug test costs.

  • Service Area (a) SORACOM shall provide the SORACOM Air Global Service within the area designated on the web site of SORACOM (the “Service Area”), provided, that, the Service Area may be different if stated otherwise as specified by SORACOM separately. However, within the Service Area, you may not use the SORACOM Air Global Service in places where transmissions are difficult to send or receive. (b) The parties of this Agreement acknowledge that there may be countries or locations within which SORACOM may be restricted from providing the SORACOM Air Global Service due to applicable laws, regulations, decisions, rules or orders (“Restrictions”). During the Term, SORACOM will use reasonable efforts to monitor whether there are any such Restrictions. SORACOM may in its sole discretion and at any time, suspend, discontinue, limit, or modify the SORACOM Air Global Service or impose additional requirements on the provision of the SORACOM Air Global Service, as may be reasonably required to comply with any such Restrictions. (c) In no event will SORACOM be required to provide the SORACOM Air Global Service in countries or locations, or in a manner that would be in violation of the Restrictions and its failure to provide the SORACOM Air Global Service due to the Restrictions will not be deemed to be a breach of its obligations under this Agreement. (d) In the event that any Restriction, or any change in applicable law, regulation, decision, rule or order materially or adversely affects the delivery of the SORACOM Air Global Service (including the economic viability thereof), SORACOM will notify Subscribers in writing and the parties will negotiate in good faith regarding changes to this Agreement. If the parties cannot reach agreement within 30 days after notification from SORACOM requesting renegotiation, SORACOM may terminate the Agreement upon 30 days’ written notice to the Subscriber.

  • Information Services Traffic 5.1 For purposes of this Section 5, Voice Information Services and Voice Information Services Traffic refer to switched voice traffic, delivered to information service providers who offer recorded voice announcement information or open vocal discussion programs to the general public. Voice Information Services Traffic does not include any form of Internet Traffic. Voice Information Services Traffic also does not include 555 traffic or similar traffic with AIN service interfaces, which traffic shall be subject to separate arrangements between the Parties. Voice Information services Traffic is not subject to Reciprocal Compensation charges under Section 7 of the Interconnection Attachment. 5.2 If a D&E Customer is served by resold Verizon Telecommunications Service or a Verizon Local Switching UNE, subject to any call blocking feature used by D&E, to the extent reasonably feasible, Verizon will route Voice Information Services Traffic originating from such Service or UNE to the Voice Information Service platform. For such Voice Information Services Traffic, unless D&E has entered into an arrangement with Verizon to xxxx and collect Voice Information Services provider charges from D&E’s Customers, D&E shall pay to Verizon without discount the Voice Information Services provider charges. D&E shall pay Verizon such charges in full regardless of whether or not it collects such charges from its own Customers. 5.3 D&E shall have the option to route Voice Information Services Traffic that originates on its own network to the appropriate Voice Information Services platform(s) connected to Verizon’s network. In the event D&E exercises such option, D&E will establish, at its own expense, a dedicated trunk group to the Verizon Voice Information Service serving switch. This trunk group will be utilized to allow D&E to route Voice Information Services Traffic originated on its network to Verizon. For such Voice Information Services Traffic, unless D&E has entered into an arrangement with Verizon to xxxx and collect Voice Information Services provider charges from D&E’s Customers, D&E shall pay to Verizon without discount the Voice Information Services provider charges. 5.4 D&E shall pay Verizon such charges in full regardless of whether or not it collects charges for such calls from its own Customers. 5.5 For variable rated Voice Information Services Traffic (e.g., NXX 550, 540, 976, 970, 940, as applicable) from D&E Customers served by resold Verizon Telecommunications Services or a Verizon Local Switching Network Element, D&E shall either (a) pay to Verizon without discount the Voice Information Services provider charges, or (b) enter into an arrangement with Verizon to xxxx and collect Voice Information Services provider charges from D&E’s Customers. 5.6 Either Party may request the other Party provide the requesting Party with non discriminatory access to the other party’s information services platform, where such platform exists. If either Party makes such a request, the Parties shall enter into a mutually acceptable written agreement for such access. 5.7 In the event D&E exercises such option, D&E will establish, at its own expense, a dedicated trunk group to the Verizon Information Service serving switch. This trunk group will be utilized to allow D&E to route information services traffic originated on its network to Verizon.

  • Supplier Diversity Seller shall comply with Xxxxx’s Supplier Diversity Program in accordance with Appendix V.