Compliance Management. Implies activities designed and intended to ensure targeted compliance outcomes.
Compliance Management. Reports and documentation to the Sponsor • Reports to the Ohio Department of Education • Policies for the Board • Coordinate with other advisors engaged by the Board, including, but not limited to, legal, financial and accounting. • Provide all information and written reports requested by the Board • Meet with the Board as reasonably requested by the Board • Building code compliance
Compliance Management. UNI shall adopt and maintain compliance management systems (“CMS”) in accordance with Exhibit C attached hereto.
Compliance Management. (1) Within ninety (90) days of the date of this Amendment, the Board shall submit to the Assistant Deputy Comptroller for a prior written determination of no supervisory objection a revised written compliance management program to ensure the Bank maintains a program that appropriately measures, monitors and controls the Bank’s compliance risks. The revised program shall include, at a minimum:
(a) a qualified and competent individual responsible for implementation and administration of the Bank’s compliance management program, and who shall provide effective oversight for adherence to compliance requirements throughout all areas of the Bank;
(b) compliance policies and procedures that are consistent with regulatory requirements and that provide standards and guidance for all business lines throughout the Bank;
(c) processes to ensure periodic review of and appropriate updates to compliance policies and procedures to address changes in applicable laws and regulations;
(d) a compliance risk assessment process that includes qualitative and quantitative factors for measuring risk; associations (FSAs) relating to policies and procedures for corporate activities and transactions (licensing rules). Specifically, the final rule consolidates most licensing provisions for FSAs into the existing national bank rule in part 5 and eliminates parts 116, 146, 152, 159, 174 and the corresponding provision in parts 143, 144, 145, 150, 160, and 163. See 80 Fed. Reg. 28346 (May 18, 2015).
(e) an effective monitoring and testing process to provide for ongoing assessment of compliance efforts throughout all areas of the Bank;
(f) measures to ensure compliance testing results are reported directly to the Board with an action plan for addressing any identified deficiencies, including the individual or individuals responsible for implementing corrective action and the timeline for implementation;
(g) an escalation process and accountability measures for failures to implement corrective action;
(h) clear reporting lines and responsibilities for compliance management, including reporting lines and responsibilities of business line individuals designated with responsibility for meeting the Bank’s compliance requirements;
(i) an ongoing review and assessment of the individuals responsible for meeting the Bank’s compliance requirements, with consideration of the Bank’s compliance risk assessment and the results of independent compliance audits, to ensure designated individuals have the ...
Compliance Management. Each Party shall also promptly and fully brief the other Party of any potential changes in applicable laws known to them, and the Parties shall in good faith negotiate and amend this Agreement and all Attachments, Exhibits or Schedules as may be required to comply with applicable laws of any territories in which the Products are being distributed hereunder.
Compliance Management. Platform Agent shall adopt and maintain compliance management systems satisfactory for (i) complying with the examination manual of the FDIC, (ii) achieving at least a “satisfactory” rating under the FFIEC consumer compliance rating system and (iii) meeting the Compliance Guidelines set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto. Platform Agent shall provide Bank full access to any information or data necessary for Bank, in Bank’s discretion, to perform its oversight, risk management and compliance management responsibilities, including, but not limited to, Platform Agent’s loan application and performance data, internal and external audits, liquidity and funding information.
Compliance Management. Promptly notify the AHP Service Desk of any breach or suspected breach of these terms or if you become aware of or suspect any data breach or unauthorised disclosure or access in respect of any AHP Information and provide all reasonable information, updates and assistance to assist the AHP Service Desk and MTA in respect of investigating, assessing, reporting and remediating the incident;
Compliance Management. A. Executive Manager of Compliance ITT shall establish an executive position within its corporate structure dedicated to the mission of ensuring that ITT is in full compliance with all U.S. export laws and regulations and all U.S. programs directed at the protection of classified information and technology, including, but not limited to the following:
1. The National Industrial Security Program (hereinafter "NISP") and its implementing provisions contained in the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (hereinafter "NISPOM").
2. The Arms Export Control Act (hereinafter "AECA") and its implementing regulations contained in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (hereinafter "ITAR"); and
3. The Export Administration Act International Emergency Economic Powers Act (hereinafter "IEEPA") and its implementing regulations contained in the Export Administration Regulations (hereinafter "EAR") and the Office of Foreign Assets Control Regulations; ITT shall submit to the government for approval the name and background of the person who will fill the position of executive manager of compliance (hereinafter "EMC") within three months of the date of the Court order granting the Joint Deferral Motion. The EMC shall be hired within six months of the date of the Court order granting the Joint Deferral Motion. The EMC shall have significant background, training and experience with the compliance laws, regulations and programs listed above. The EMC will report directly to the Chief Executive Officer of ITT (hereinafter "CEO") and shall have access to ITT's Board of Directors. The EMC shall have the authority and the resources necessary to ensure that ITT is in full compliance with the laws, regulations and programs listed above.
B. Compliance Management Structure ITT shall restructure its management of all ITT employees charged with the responsibility of implementing the compliance laws, regulations and programs listed in Section I. A. above within six months of the date of the Court order granting the Joint Deferral Motion. In particular, all ITT export compliance managers and/or security managers with the responsibility of safeguarding U.S. classified materials or export controlled materials, including all "Empowered Officials" (hereinafter "EO") pursuant to the ITAR or "Facility Security Officers" (hereinafter "FSO") pursuant to the NISPOM shall be supervised, evaluated and report directly to the EMC or other export/security compliance managers who r...
Compliance Management. Manager will use its best efforts to comply with all Laws applicable to the performance by Manager of its duties under this Agreement and will use its best efforts to advise Practice of any actions required by Practice for compliance with all Laws applicable to the conduct of the Practice. Manager shall adopt its own compliance plan and shall advise and assist Practice in the development and implementation of a compliance plan for Practice.
Compliance Management. The Contractor shall:
a) Develop and operationally support compliance management to ensure compliance with all requirements, regulations and laws;
b) Ensure that all of the compliance requirements are adhered to;
c) Support all Government sanctioned audit activities.