Condolence Leave Sample Clauses
Condolence Leave. A paid leave shall be granted to teachers for each death that occurs in the family unit as defined: 5 days leave (The teacher’s parents, spouse, children, or spouse’s parents) 3 days leave (The teacher’s brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, legal guardians, or persons who are living in the household who are not related as indicated above) The Superintendent or designee has the discretion to grant an exception to the condolence leave. Notification of the exception shall be given to the Union President. The exception shall not be grievable. The building principal should be notified of the death. The teacher shall contact the Superintendent or designee if there is a need to extend condolence leave using sick leave. Article XII: Professional Growth
Condolence Leave. Employees shall be allowed three (3) days compassionate leave without loss of pay in the event of death in the immediate family, which shall be limited to: (natural or step) mother, father, son, daughter, spouse, (or such “significant other” as designated in writing, in advance, to Human Resources) mother-in-law, father- in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, grandparents-in-law, legal guardians, legal wards, and any other blood relative living under the same roof as the employee. In addition, when appropriate, necessary time off for travel purposes, as measured by the fastest practical mode of transportation, shall be granted. Part time employees shall be deemed covered by Section 17.7 on a pro-rata basis, but shall be entitled to pay only in respect to days when they were actually scheduled to work.
Condolence Leave. Full-time employees are entitled to five (5) paid regular working days for the death of a close family member during any twelve (12) month period of employment. In cases where travel for bereavement purposes is particularly time-intensive (e.g., overseas travel or locations that are only possible with a twelve (12) hour one-way trip), an employee may request that condolence leave be extended for an additional two (2) days with approval from HR.
Condolence Leave. Employees shall be allowed three (3) days compassionate leave without loss of pay in the event of death in the immediate family, which shall be limited to: (natural or step) mother, father, son, daughter, spouse, (or such “significant other” as designated in writing, in advance, to Human Resources) mother-in-law, father-in- law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, grandparents, grandparents-in-law, legal guardians, legal wards, and any other blood relative living under the same roof as the employee.
Condolence Leave. Two (2) days of condolence leave shall be granted to each Employee and shall not be limited to the immediate family. This leave shall not be cumulative. The Superintendent has the right to limit the number of individuals gone on any one day.
Condolence Leave. A Registered Nurse shall be granted a paid leave of absence of up to five (5) days in the event of the death of the Registered Nurse’s parent, spouse, domestic partner, child, grandchild, brother, sister or grandparent. A Registered Nurse shall be granted a paid leave of absence of up to three (3) days in the event of the death of a Registered Nurse’s father-in-law, mother-in-law, father or mother of a domestic partner and/or relative regularly residing in the Registered Nurse’s household. Such leave shall be completed within a reasonable time after the death. Condolence Leave need not be taken in consecutive days.
Condolence Leave. Unit members will be allowed time off from duties not exceeding three (3) days at any one time in the event of a death in the unit member’s immediate family. In the event the unit member has to travel an aggregate of six hundred (600) miles, the condolence leave will not exceed five (5) days. Additions to the immediate family and/or additional leave time may be granted at the discretion of the District Superintendent or his/her designee.
Condolence Leave. Employees shall be allowed three (3) days compassionate leave without loss of pay in the event of death in the immediate family, which shall be limited to: (natural or step) spouse or domestic partner, parent, parent-in-law, child, step child, xxxxxx child, adopted child, legal xxxx, daughter, daughter-in-law, son, son-in-law, sister, sister-in-law, brother, brother-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, and any other relative living under the same roof as the employee. In addition, employees will be granted an additional two (2) days of paid time when traveling three hundred (300) miles or more (each way) to attend funeral or memorial services. Part-time employees shall be deemed covered by Section 16.7 on a pro-rata basis but shall be entitled to pay only in respect to days when they were actually scheduled to work.
Condolence Leave. Unit members will be allowed time off from duties in the event of a death in the unit member's immediate family. Such leave shall not exceed three (3) days, and shall be with pay. Immediate family shall be defined as children, spouse, parents, siblings, brother-in- law, sister-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparents and grandchildren. Depending upon who is living at the residence of the employee, the Superintendent, in his/her sole discretion, may include other people in the category of immediate family, if requested to do so by the employee. The Superintendent, in his/her sole discretion, may grant additional bereavement leave.
Condolence Leave. A paid leave shall be granted to employees for each death that occurs in the family unit defined: • Five (5) days leave (The employee’s parents, spouse, children, siblings, grandchildren, or spouse’s parents)