Contractor Duties and Responsibilities Sample Clauses

Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. Vehicles and Equipment
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. The Contractor shall be responsible for the administration and provision of, and shall adhere to the rules regulating day treatment centers, policies and procedures, herein included as Exhibit B.
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. The Contractor shall be responsible, at its own expense, for the following: 1. Maintain and provide proof of 501(c)(3) status prior entering into this agreement; 2. Operate and staff a fully-equipped animal shelter at 0000 Xxxxx Xxxx in Billings, MT, for animals located within the City that have strayed, been abandoned, or otherwise delivered to the Contractor; 3. Create and maintain a separate website for the Animal Shelter with a link to the City’s website (the City website shall also contain a link to Contractor’s); 4. Make the Animal Shelter available to the public between the hours of 12:00 pm and 7:00 pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; between 12:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Saturdays; and between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm on Sundays, except on statutory holidays; 5. Provide and maintain adequate fencing to prevent the escape of any animal; 6. Require that cages containing cats will contain a litter box for each cat; 7. Provide and maintain suitable enclosures with adequate space for each animal; 8. Provide enclosures, cleaning and feeding methods as approved by the Humane Society of the United States – this requires adequate space for animals, as well as continuous cleaning and sanitizing; 9. Provide fresh water to animals at all times; 10. Make every reasonable effort to locate the owners of all animals in the facility; 11. Contractor shall not offer for adoption any cat or dog that has not been redeemed by the owner unless: (1) the animal has been spayed or neutered; or (2) the person to whom the animal is released agrees in writing to have the animal spayed or neutered and a deposit for spaying or neutering the animal has been paid. The deposit must be in an amount determined by Contractor to be comparable to the lowest fee for spaying or neutering that is charged by veterinarians in Billings. Upon payment of the deposit, the person who is adopting the animal must receive a certificate for spaying or neutering, to be presented to a licensed veterinarian, who shall complete the certificate when the spaying or neutering is done. Upon receipt of the completed certificate verifying that the animal has been spayed or neutered, Contractor shall forward the deposit to the veterinarian who performed the procedure. The deposit must be forfeited if the spaying or neutering is not done: (a) within 30 days if the cat or dog is more than 6 months old at the time of adoption; or (b) by the time the animal reaches the age of 6 months if the animal is less than 6 mont...
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. Operations
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. 1. Coordinate requirements for submission of each shop drawing, product data and sample as required to properly execute the Work and as necessary to maintain satisfactory progress of the Work in accordance with the WPS and Submittal Schedule. 2. Review shop drawings, product data, and samples prior to submission to A/E. By submitting shop drawings, product data, and samples, Contractor represents that it has verified field measurements, field construction criteria, catalog numbers and similar data, and has coordinated each submittal with requirements of the Work and of the Contract Documents. Contractor's responsibility for errors and omissions in submittals is not relieved by A/E's review of submittals. Submittals received from sources other than Contractor will be returned to sender without A/E’s review "action". 3. Contractor shall certify by stamped, signed, and dated notation on each submittal that "Submittal is in compliance with requirements of Contract Documents without deviation." Submittals without Contractors stamp and submittals which, in A/E's or ODR’s opinion, are incomplete, contain numerous errors, have not been checked, or have been checked only superficially, will be returned without disposition. Delays resulting there from shall be Contractor's responsibility. 4. Contractor shall not be relieved of responsibility for any deviation from the requirements of the Contract Documents by A/E's review of shop drawings, product data, and samples unless Contractor has specifically informed the A/E in writing of such deviation at time of submission and A/E has given written acceptance to the specific deviation. 5. Contractor shall direct specific attention, in writing or on resubmitted shop drawings, product data or samples, to revisions other than those requested by A/E on previous submittals. 6. Contractor shall give prompt written notice to A/E of inability to comply with exceptions noted on the returned submittals or if unsatisfactory results are anticipated. Document specific reasons for inability to comply or specific unsatisfactory results that are anticipated. Propose substitution to comply with intent of the Contract Documents and produce satisfactory results in accordance with the substitution requirements of Section 01 25 00. 7. No portion of the Work requiring submission of a shop drawing, product data or sample shall be commenced until submittal has been reviewed with "Approved" or “Approved as Noted” status by A/E. 8. All portions of ...
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. Contractor shall: (A) Review and research references, credentials and licenses, if applicable, of any contractor or repairmen which are chosen to perform repairs and renovations on the Property. (B) Negotiate and contract, on behalf of the Investor, with contractors and repairmen to provide services and supervise said contractors and repairmen and their work at the Property. Funds are to be allocated to contractors on a percentage of completion as deemed necessary with any initial percentage payment exceeding 30% to be approved by Investor in writing. (C) Purchase all materials, supplies and equipment as needed for the property maintenance, repair and renovations and operation of the Property in a cost effective manner. (D) Endeavor to keep monthly expenses at a minimum by pursing effective methods and procedures of cost reduction and control and advise Investor on cast saving initiatives. (E) Obtain all necessary lien waivers, sworn contractor statements and contracts from contractors and repairmen for payments made for work performed on the Property. (F) Routinely and regularly inspect the subject property and make recommendations to the Investor regarding the management, repair and marketing of the Property. (G) Communicate with Investor on not less than a weekly basis on progress of renovation. (H) Cause to be kept books of account in which shall be entered fully and accurately each and every transaction of the joint venture including bills paid and mortgage paid.
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. Contractor will construct the Work for the Contract Price consistent with the standards and requirements set forth in the Contract Documents. Except as otherwise provided, Contractor will provide and pay for all labor, materials, equipment, permits, fees, licenses, facilities, transportation, taxes, and services necessary for the proper execution and Completion of the Work.
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. VEHICLES
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. BUS STOPS 4.1 Bus Stop Cleaning and Maintenance
Contractor Duties and Responsibilities. While the school district already has established programs such as TAP, Work Experience, and Project Search, it has become apparent that additional pathways are necessary. Despite successful partnerships with Project Search, The Arc of East Central Iowa, and IVRS, Contractor has encountered challenges in obtaining employment for all students with the most significant disabilities due to various constraints. Recognizing this gap, Contractor will introduce a new program designed to cater to the transition needs of students who may not be appropriate for current programming. This program will expand the current continuum of services in the area of secondary transition, thus addressing this critical need in the district. Contractor will document all services that are delivered and provide the necessary documentation to IVRS, including: