DAILY STAFFING. Section 1. Daily staffing levels for units assigned to the emergency services division of the department shall be maintained as outlined in MP 209.20 (11/12) and MP 901.16 (7/28/16), which are incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. The goal of Lincoln Fire and Rescue and IAFF 644 is to meet or exceed nationally recognized fire service safe staffing levels for all in-service engine and truck companies.
Section 3. Lincoln Fire and Rescue shall make all reasonable attempts to maintain daily staffing at a minimum of seventy-six (76) suppression personnel assigned to EMS Supervisor, truck company, engine company, HazMat/Air Unit or medic units on duty, subject to future negotiated adjustments to the daily staffing minimum of seventy-six (76) due to advances in fire suppression technology which would require either an increase or decrease in the number of suppression personnel from the daily staffing minimum of seventy -six (76) set forth herein. The department and IAFF 644 agree that an employee utilizing union leave shall not count against the daily staffing minimum of seventy-six (76) suppression personnel and the department shall not be required to maintain the daily staffing minimum of seventy-six (76) suppression personnel if, after exhausting the call back list through a mutually agreed upon call back procedure, the department is unable to meet the daily staffing minimum.
DAILY STAFFING. Section 1. Daily staffing levels for units assigned to the emergency services division of the department shall be maintained as outlined in MP 209.20 (11/12) and MP 901.16 (7/28/16), which are incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. The goal of Lincoln Fire and Rescue and IAFF 644 is to meet or exceed nationally recognized fire service safe staffing levels for all in-service engine and truck companies.
Section 3. Lincoln Fire and Rescue shall make all reasonable attempts to maintain daily staffing at a minimum of seventy-eight (78) suppression personnel assigned to EMS Supervisor, truck company, engine company, HazMat/Air Unit or medic units on duty, subject to future negotiated adjustments to the daily staffing minimum of seventy-eight (78) due to advances in fire suppression technology which would require either an increase or decrease in the number of suppression personnel from the daily staffing minimum of seventy-eight (78) set forth herein. The department and IAFF 644 agree that an employee utilizing union leave shall not count against the daily staffing minimum of seventy-eight (78) suppression personnel and the department shall not be required to maintain the daily staffing minimum of
DAILY STAFFING. Daily staffing levels for units assigned to the emergency services division of the department shall be maintained as outlined in MP 209.20 (7/04), which is incorporated herein by this reference.
DAILY STAFFING. Battalion Headquarters (BHQ) staff will hire members according to classification and certification to ensure full staffing of the on‐duty suppression force.
DAILY STAFFING. Applying the N/MHPPD staffing model to occupied beds Managing demand
DAILY STAFFING. A. The number of members assigned to each shift will not fall below the current level, which is eighteen (18). Nothing herein precludes the City from increasing minimum assigned strength above eighteen (18). The number of on-duty members of the bargaining Unit available for emergency response each shift shall not be less than fourteen (14) unless the city is unable to fill vacant positions through normal means as described in Article IX, Section 1. Members outside of the bargaining unit shall not be counted in the minimum staffing totals. The minimum complement of personnel will initially be three (3) captains, three (3) engineers, two (2) fire fighter paramedics and any combination of firefighter/paramedic (including the EMS LieutenantEMS Lieutenant) and firefighter/EMT, as determined by the City, for a total of 9 additional positions
B. The City and the Union have agreed to a mandatory overtime policy, which shall be applied when needed to maintain the agreed minimum staffing level of 14 working bargaining unit members at all times.
C. The Battalion Chief may use out-of-title assignments to fill vacancies of rank. Any personnel assigned to the ambulance shall have the appropriate licensing, as required by the State of Missouri.
D. The Battalion Chief shall call in off-duty personnel, as specified in Article IX, to provide for adequate staffing.
E. A member of the Bargaining Unit in an out-of-title assignment not in the bargaining unit (i.e. Captain to Battalion Chief) shall not be counted for the purpose of staffing as related to this article and section of the Agreement.
DAILY STAFFING. Section 1. Daily staffing levels for units assigned to the emergency services division of the department shall be maintained as outlined in MP 209.20 (11/12) and MP 901.16 (7/28/16), which are incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 2. The goal of Lincoln Fire and Rescue and IAFF 644 is to meet or exceed nationally recognized fire service safe staffing levels for all in-service engine and truck companies.
Section 3. Lincoln Fire and Rescue shall make all reasonable attempts to maintain daily staffing at a minimum of seventy-eight (78)eighty-six (86) suppression personnel assigned to EMS Supervisor, truck company, engine company, HazMat/Air Unit or medic units on duty, subject to future negotiated adjustments to the daily staffing minimum of seventy-eight (78)eighty-six (86) due to advances in fire suppression technology which would require either an increase or decrease in the number of suppression personnel from the daily staffing minimum of seventy-eight (78)eighty-six (86) set forth herein. The department and IAFF 644 agree that an employee utilizing union leave shall not count against the daily staffing minimum of seventy-eight (78)eighty-six (86) suppression personnel and the department shall not be required to maintain the daily staffing minimum of seventy-eight (78)eighty-six (86) suppression personnel if, after exhausting the call back list through a mutually agreed upon call back procedure, the department is unable to meet the daily staffing minimum. Daily staffing will be adjusted to comply with Minimum Staffing requirements of this Article with regard to those employees assigned to EMS Supervisor, truck company, engine company, HazMat/Air Unit or medic units at the beginning of each shift (0700 hours/7:00 AM) and again at 7:00 PM/1900 hours and the City shall be under no obligation to bring staffing numbers up to the minimum except at these times, as long as the reason for a vacancy during a shift is because of unexpected illness, injury, other emergency leave situations, or to make up a missed training session or required physical. If the Department desires to remove personnel from suppression apparatus during the shift for any other purpose, the Department will either arrange to staff the apparatus properly pursuant to the minimum staffing requirement of this Article or will take the apparatus out of service during any temporary vacancies during a shift. The City will utilize all methods available to it to assign Suppression Personnel f...
DAILY STAFFING. ON-CALL(TA 6.23.20)..........................................................................................
DAILY STAFFING. The Union and the City agree that firefighter safety is of utmost importance in the performance of the duties of the Department. It is also recognized that the effectiveness of emergency response is dependent upon the number of firefighters committed to the mitigation of the community emergencies within the scope of the Wichita Fire Department strategic plan. Therefore, to ensure safety and effectiveness, the daily recommended staffing level for the City of Wichita shall be a minimum of 117 emergency response personnel. Emergency response personnel are positions require to respond for the proper mitigation of an emergency incident including:, Battalion Chief, Safety Officer, Captain, Lieutenant, Firefighter and other twenty-four hour emergency response personnel. Furthermore, it is understood that the minimum staff or apparatus will be maintained at Engine/Xxxxx/Truck-three persons, and Squads- two persons. Fire Stations operating with one Engine or Xxxxx unit permanently assigned to a one unit station location will be maintained with four personnel. Unavoidable factors such as unscheduled leave, sick leave or personal vacation leave may result in daily staffing levels exceeding or falling below the level of 117 during the course of a duty shift. Nothing in this Article or Agreement shall be interpreted as requiring certain minimum staffing levels, requiring the assignment of specific personnel or removing the sole authority of management to determine staffing levels. Hiring off duty personnel to achieve daily staffing levels is not considered emergency call back as outlined in Article 7,G.
DAILY STAFFING. Assignment of personnel needed to staff all primary response apparatus on a daily basis.