Data Collection and Performance Measurement. All SAMHSA grantees are required to collect and report certain data so that SAMHSA can meet its obligations under the Government Performance and Results (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010. You must document your ability to collect and report the required data in Section D: Data Collection and Performance Measurement of your application. Examples of some of the key performance measures that grantees may be asked to report on include:
1. The number of first responders and members of other key community sectors equipped with a drug or device approved or cleared under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose;
2. The number of opioid and heroin overdoses reversed by first responders and members of other key community sectors receiving training and supplies of a drug or device approved or cleared under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose;
3. The number of responses to requests for services by the entity or subgrantee, to opioid and heroin overdose; and
4. The extent to which overdose victims and families receive information about treatment services and available data describing treatment admissions. This information will be gathered electronically using SAMHSA’s Performance Accountability and Reporting System (SPARS); access will be provided upon award. The frequency of data reporting will be determined and communicated to grantees following the award. Data collection activities will help grantees develop tracking systems to follow up with high-risk populations and increase prevention capacity. The data will be used to understand the impact of grant activities on overdose deaths and reversals, and on unintentional and intentional opioid-related drug poisoning in the selected communities. In addition to these outcomes, data collected by grantees will be used to demonstrate how XXXXXX’s grant programs are reducing behavioral health disparities nationwide. Performance data will be reported to the public as part of XXXXXX’s Congressional Justification. In addition to conducting performance monitoring, grantees could be asked to participate in a cross-site evaluation of the FR-CARA program, and all grantees must comply with the data collection and reporting requirements mandated by SAMHSA for such an evaluation. Details regarding participation in the cross-site evaluation will be communicated only if participation is required.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. Grantee must comply with the performance goals, milestones, and expected outcomes as reflected in the funding opportunity solicitation and are required to submit data via the Grantor’s data-entry and reporting system, eCivis.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. All SAMHSA grantees are required to collect and report certain data so that SAMHSA can meet its obligations under the Government Performance and Results (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010. You must document your ability to collect and report the required data in Section D: Data Collection and Performance Measurement of your application. Grantees will be required to report on the following performance measures: Number of people in the mental health and related workforce trained in specific mental health-related practices/activities specified within the grant; Number of organizations collaborating/coordinating/sharing resources with other targeted organizations (e.g. child-serving agencies and organizations); Number and percentage of work group/advisory group/council members who are consumers/family members; Number of people receiving evidence-based mental health-related services as a result of the grant; Number of individuals screened for mental health, co-occurring mental health and substance abuse or related intervention; and Number of individuals referred to mental health, co- occurring mental health and substance abuse or related services. This information will be gathered using a uniform data collection tool provided by XXXXXX. Oversight will be provided by the GPO. The current tool is being updated and will be provided upon award. An example of the type of data collection tool required can be found at xxxxx:// Data will be collected quarterly after entry of annual goals. Data are to be entered into a web-based system. Data will be supported by semi-annual written fiscal and progress reports. Technical assistance for the web-based data entry, fiscal and progress report generation is available to all grantees. Collection of these data will enable CMHS to report on key outcome measures relating to mental health. In addition to these outcomes, data collected by grantees will be used to demonstrate how XXXXXX’s grant programs are reducing behavioral health disparities nationwide. Performance data will be reported to the public, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress as part of XXXXXX’s budget request.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. All SAMHSA recipients are required to collect and report certain data so that SAMHSA can meet its obligations under the Government Performance and Results (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010. You must document your plan for data collection and reporting in Section D: Data Collection and Performance Measurement. Recipients will be required to report data on performance measures such as the following: • The number of people in the mental health and related workforce trained in mental health-related practices/activities that are consistent with the goals of the grant. • The number of callers accessing services of the Lifeline, DDH and Veterans Crisis Line. • The number of individuals using or made aware of social media presence through outreach, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, etc. • The number of individuals who received follow up telephone calls to assess status following a call made regarding suicidal ideation or thoughts of self-harm • The number of callers referred to mental health or related services. This information will be gathered using XXXXXX’s Performance Accountability and Reporting System (SPARS) and access will be provided upon award. Additional information about SPARS can be found at: xxxxx:// Data will be collected quarterly and entered into SPARS. Technical assistance related to data collection and reporting will be offered. The recipient will also be expected to collect and report data in a monthly progress report on the following performance measures: • For each telephone hotline (i.e., Lifeline 800-273-TALK, 800-SUICIDE, the Spanish hotline, DDH 800-985-5990): o Daily and hourly call volume; o State from which call was received; o In-state answer rates; o The crisis centers to which calls were routed; o Wait times for calls to be answered; o Number of connected calls; o Number of dropped calls, i.e., call abandonment rates; o Average duration of calls; o Connectivity performance of each networked crisis center; o Unique callers; o Callers who were thinking about suicide; o Callers assessed to be at imminent risk for suicide; o Suicide attempts in progress; o Number of times when emergency rescue procedures were initiated; o Proportion of callers who felt the Lifeline call played a role in keeping them safe and not killing themselves; and o Other measures as directed by the GPO. • For online and mobile communication: o Chat and text answer and abandonment rates; o Wait times; o Chat and text volume; o Chat and te...
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. Describe how achievement of the goals will produce meaningful and relevant results for your community (e.g., increase access, availability, prevention, outreach, pre-services, treatment, and/or intervention) including the impact on suicide deaths and suicide attempts, and how this will support XXXXXX’s goals for the program.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. All SAMHSA grantees are required to collect and report certain data so that SAMHSA can meet its obligations under the Government Performance and Results (GPRA) Modernization Act of 2010. You must document your ability to collect and report the required data in Section D: Data Collection and Performance Measurement of your application. The grantee will be required to report performance on the following performance measures: • Number of consultation events, training events, technical assistance events or contacts; • Number of physicians/healthcare providers participating in each event; • Percentage of physicians/healthcare providers satisfied with educational and support services offered; and • Percentage of physicians/healthcare providers who report that consultation or training events resulted in appropriate practice change(s). This information will be gathered using a uniform data collection tool provided by XXXXXX. This tool is available at xxxx:// tools/csat-gpra/csat-gpra-best-practices. GPRA data are to be collected and then entered into SAMHSA’s data entry and reporting system within 7 days of data collection; access will be provided upon award. Training and technical assistance on data collecting, tracking and follow-up, as well as data entry, will be provided by XXXXXX. Performance data will be reported to the public, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress as part of XXXXXX’s budget request. Data collected by grantees also will be used to demonstrate how XXXXXX’s grant programs are reducing behavioral health disparities nationwide.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. Describe the EBP(s) (including trauma-informed practices) proposed for outreach, screening and assessment, behavioral health treatment (specify types), and recovery support services that meet the required activities specified in the FOA and are appropriate for the population(s) of focus. If you are proposing activities in addition to those required, please specify and discuss. Document how each EBP chosen is appropriate for the outcomes you want to achieve. Justify the use of each EBP for your population of focus. Explain how the chosen EBP(s) meet XXXXXX’s goals for this program.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. (20 points)
1. Document your ability to collect and report on the required performance measures as specified in Section I-2.2 of this FOA.
2. Describe your specific plan for: data collection, management, analysis, and reporting. The data collection plan must specify the staff person(s) responsible for tracking the measureable objectives that are identified in your response to question B-1.
3. Describe your plan for conducting the local performance assessment as specified in Section I-2.3 of this FOA and document your ability to conduct the assessment.
4. Describe the data-driven quality improvement process that will be used to track whether your performance measures and objectives are being met, and how any necessary adjustments to the implementation of the project will be made.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. Performance data will be reported to the public as part of XXXXXX’s Congressional Justification.
Data Collection and Performance Measurement. Provide a chart or graph depicting a realistic time line for the four years of the project period showing dates, key activities, and responsible staff. These key activities should include the requirements outlined in Section I-2: Expectations. [NOTE: Be sure to show that the project can be implemented and service delivery can begin as soon as possible and no later than five months after grant award. The time line should be part of the Project Narrative. It should not be placed in an attachment.]