District-Wide. (1) If an eligible employee does not, or cannot, bump another employee in the classification by work site (G.1.a.), the provisions set forth in this paragraph (G.1.b) shall apply.
(2) An eligible employee shall have the right to bump that employee in the classification of layoff who has the least seniority and a job profile that most closely approximates that of the eligible employee.
(3) Notwithstanding G.1.b.(2), however, an employee may bump the least senior employee with that job profile immediately greater if that is the only choice available.
District-Wide. Some time will be set aside in the school calendar for staff conferences of all professional personnel. These conferences, under the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, will be planned by the Staff Development Team, or its designee. II(a). Provisions Governing Credits for Advancement on Salary Schedule Effective Prior to July 1, 2010
District-Wide. The district's Human Rights Officers are authorized to receive reports or complaints of violations of this policy directly from any individual, employee, or victim of such harassment or intimidation and also from the building reporting officers as outlined above. If the complaint involves one of the Human Rights Officers, the complaint shall be filed directly with the superintendent. The school district shall conspicuously post in each building the names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the building reporting officers and the district's Human Rights Officers.
District-Wide. There shall be district wide instructional leaders in the following departments: Art (2) Resource Room (Elementary) Basic Categorical (1832, ASD, EI) Restorative Practices Child Fid/ECSE School Psychologists Counseling School Social Workers CTE Business Management & Medical Special Educ. (ASD RR, Resource Room) CTE Engineering & Architecture Speech Therapists CTE Health and Medical SXI CTE Information Technology Teacher Consultants (TC) Health/Physical Education (2) Visions Music (2) World Language (Middle School) OT/PT
District-Wide. Technology Committee: Chairperson 0.0176 Members (Limit 14 maximum) 0.0088 PDC Chair FOR WHOLE DISTRICT 0.0400 Changed 2014-15 PDC Committee (1 per grade level) 0.0200 Changed 2014-15 Counselors $1,000.00 Flat Rate per Year *Supplemental salaries are determined by multiplying the base salary by the index listed with experience movement allowed in Column I only. This applies to anyone offered a vacant supplemental position after July 1, 2019. All supplemental positions offered prior to July 1, 2019 will be frozen at the 2018-2019 dollar amount paid.
District-Wide. Evaluating Teacher is a part-time position to be staffed by a certificated teacher available to work during the instructional day without the need for released time, or substitutes. Service as the District-Wide Evaluating Teacher thus, shall not be concurrent with any other classroom teaching assignment. The Evaluating Teacher shall have the following duties: Evaluate quarterly permanent teachers that are on the Mandatory Assistance program. Written reports will be submitted to the PAR Panel, copies to be given to the evaluated teacher, the principal and Consulting Teacher of the Teacher being evaluated. The evaluations will be jointly shared by the Evaluating Teacher and the principal. The Evaluating Teacher shall be present at all PAR Panel meetings to discuss any evaluations requested by the Panel. Term of service will be two (2) years, contingent on a satisfactory evaluation by the PAR Panel. Applications and selection dates to be established by the PAR Panel. Evaluating Teacher may reapply for this position at the expiration of his/her term. The selection process is independent of prior selection process. Evaluating Teacher has no advantage or disadvantage associated with prior service in the program. Recommended qualifications for Evaluating Teacher are (1) five (5) years of satisfactory teaching within the OUHSD, (2) fully credentialed for 9-12 teaching, (3) permanent teaching status, (4) demonstrated exemplary teaching, (5) observed by at least one
(1) PAR Panel member, (6) recent classroom teaching experience, and (7) the final selection authority rests with the PAR Panel. If the PAR Panel is not able to select an Evaluating Teacher within these provisions, the PAR Panel shall have the authority to select an Evaluating Teacher from Outside the Pool of existing OUHSD employees, guided by the recommended qualifications stated in Article The PAR Panel, as part of its annual statutory budget process shall establish salary and support expenses for Evaluating Teacher.
District-Wide. Teachers serving on District- wide committees for the school year shall be compensated BASED ON
District-Wide. Acaden-lc
District-Wide. For the purposes of this Article, seniority shall be considered on a District-Wide basis, Pre- K through 12.
District-Wide. Install New Tridium N4 Web Supervisor. Furnish and install a new Niagara 4 Supervisor and connect the new Niagara 4 JACE network controllers listed herein. Graphics, alarming, and trending for all buildings will reside in the new District-wide Niagara 4 Supervisor.