Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Sample Clauses

Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. As directed in the task order PWS, Contractor shall provide and implement an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan that meets Federal, State, and local regulations. The Contractor shall submit NOI to installation Environmental Office for review and acceptance. Upon completion of work, Contractor shall submit NOT to installation Environmental Office for review and acceptance. Contractor shall submit copy of the NOI, NOT and other permits to COR upon request, and Contractor shall include copies in its Final Report.
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. The Owner acknowledges and agrees that, prior to the commencement of construction, it shall submit for approval by the General Manager, Planning and Growth Management an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan and the Owner further acknowledges and agrees to implement all recommendations of this Plan during the construction process for the project.
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. In accordance with Rules and Regulations of Code Chapter 102. Supplement to Tree Estimate Timber Stumpage Sale (FM-T- 7). District Timber Sale (FM-T-4) Contracts and Forest Product Permit (FM-T-15). The buyer must comply with Paragraphs lll, A through G below, and take any additional precautions necessary in the opinion of the district forester to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation during the operation of this sale. Should soil erosion and sedimentation occur on State or private lands from the operation of this sale, the buyer, at his expense, must correct said conditions immediately to the satisfaction of the Department.
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. The Project will occur adjacent to the Fraser River, and will involve grading and fill placement. These activities present the risk of causing soil/sediment to enter the Fraser River, to be tracked off-Site, and/or to generate dust. The Contractor shall manage soil/materials, surface runoff, and disturbed soil during construction, as summarized by the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) measures presented below.
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. The Contractor shall prepare and implement an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan which shall prevent substantial erosion of slopes on the site and reduce the amounts of water-borne materials from reaching surface waters. Such plan shall be in alignment with the plans provided to regulatory bodies associated with active permits. Contractor will provide operation, maintenance and management in a manner that prevents fires of any nature from occurring on-site. See Exhibit E for proposed plan, which may be modified if requested by Contractor and approved by the SCWMA. Such plan shall be in alignment with the plans provided to regulatory bodies associated with active permits.
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. The Developer shall have applied for and received an erosion and sediment control plan for the Property from the County. The Developer shall comply with the erosion and sediment control plan. Further, during the development of the Property, the Developer shall follow all measures required by the City Engineer to protect any wooded areas and steep slopes on the Property, as determined and directed by the City Engineer.
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. A set of plans prepared by or under the direction of a licensed professional engineer, certified professional in erosion and sediment control, or other appropriately licensed and experienced professional, indicating the specific measures and sequencing to be used to control sediment and erosion on a development site during and after construction. GRADING — Excavation or fill of material, including the resulting conditions thereof. GRUBBING — The act of clearing land surface by digging up roots and stumps. HOTSPOT – Land uses or activities with higher potential pollutant loadings, such as auto salvage yards, auto fueling facilities, fleet storage yards, commercial parking lots with high intensity use, road salt storage areas, commercial nurseries and landscaping, outdoor storage and loading areas of hazardous substances, or marinas. ILLICIT CONNECTION – A surface or subsurface drain, conduit, or conveyance that allows an illicit discharge to enter the MS4, including without limitation sewage , septage, process wastewater, or wash water, and any connection from indoor drains, sinks, or toilets, regardless of whether said connection was permissible under applicable law, regulation, or custom at the time of construction. ILLICIT DISCHARGE – Direct or indirect discharge to the MS4 that is not composed entirely of stormwater, except as exempted herein. IMPERVIOUS SURFACES — Areas, such as pavement or rooftops, which prevent the infiltration of water into the soil. INFILTRATION — The downward movement of water from the surface to the subsoil. MASSACHUSETTS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POLICYThe Policy issued by the Department of Environmental Protection, and as amended, that coordinates the requirements prescribed by state regulations promulgated under the authority of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act X.X. x. 131 § 40 and Massachusetts Clean Waters Act X.X. x. 21, §. 23-56. The Policy addresses stormwater impacts through implementation of performance standards to reduce or prevent pollutants from reaching water bodies and control the quantity of runoff from a site. The standards established by the Policy have subsequently been incorporated in the Regulations to the Wetlands Protection Act at 310 CMR 10.05(6)(k) through (q), and the Water Quality Certification Regulations at 314 CMR 9.06(6)(a). MUNICIPAL SEPARATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM (MS4) — The system of conveyances designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater, including any road with a drainage sys...
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Erosion and sediment control plans (ESCP) will be prepared for each of the two (2) construction document packages. This SOW assumes one (1) package will be below the 1-acre of disturbed area threshold that triggers a DEQ 1200-CA permit. This package will show erosion and sediment control measures without multiple construction phases. This SOW assumes the other package will exceed the 1-acre disturbed area threshold and will be prepared according to the requirements of the Oregon DEQ’s NPDES 1200-CA Stormwater Discharge Permit. This SOW assumes there will be two stages of erosion and sediment control, with a third stage for permanent stabilization, for the second construction document package. Therefore, the ESCP will include three (3) stages for the second construction document package. Erosion and sediment control (ESC) plans will be provided for the following route segments: • 9th Street: Xxxx Market Road to Xxxxxx Avenue. (Estimated 3,000-ft in length.) o Two (2) plan sheets at 1” = 50’ (per phase) • Bear Creek Road: Cessna Drive to 15th Street. (Estimated 1,140-ft in length.) o One (1) plan sheet at 1” = 50’ (per phase) • Franklin Avenue: Xxxxxx Trail to 5th Street. (Estimated 1,300-ft in length.) o One (1) plan sheet at 1” = 50’ (per phase) • Isolated enhanced accessibility area (sidewalk) improvements. (Estimated 3,000- ft in length.)
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. A) Purpose The purpose of this section is to eliminate or reduce the adverse effects of soil erosion and sedimentation on the environment, public welfare/health, and municipal facilities. These adverse effects may be the result of managed construction and other activities including but not limited to earth alteration, excavation, removal of vegetation and general construction activities.

Related to Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

  • COUNTY’S QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN The County or its agent will evaluate the Contractor’s performance under this Contract on not less than an annual basis. Such evaluation will include assessing the Contractor’s compliance with all Contract terms and conditions and performance standards. Contractor deficiencies which the County determines are severe or continuing and that may place performance of the Contract in jeopardy if not corrected will be reported to the Board of Supervisors. The report will include improvement/corrective action measures taken by the County and the Contractor. If improvement does not occur consistent with the corrective action measures, the County may terminate this Contract or impose other penalties as specified in this Contract.

  • Erosion Prevention and Control Purchaser’s Operations shall be conducted reasonably to minimize soil erosion. Equipment shall not be operated when ground conditions are such that excessive damage will result. Purchaser shall adjust the kinds and intensity of erosion control work done to ground and weather condi- tions and the need for controlling runoff. Erosion control work shall be kept current immediately preceding ex- pected seasonal periods of precipitation or runoff.

  • Quality Control Program Engineer shall have a quality control program in place that ensures that all deliverable work is of high quality. Engineer shall submit a plan detailing its program to the Inspection Branch of the TxDOT Bridge Division for review and approval prior to beginning work. State may review or audit the programs.

  • First Source Hiring Program Contractor must comply with all of the provisions of the First Source Hiring Program, Chapter 83 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, that apply to this Agreement, and Contractor is subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions in Chapter 83.

  • Alignment with Modernization Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities The activities and services that the LPHA has agreed to deliver under this Program Element align with Foundational Programs and Foundational Capabilities and the public health accountability metrics (if applicable), as follows (see Oregon’s Public Health Modernization Manual, (xxxx:// ual.pdf): a. Foundational Programs and Capabilities (As specified in Public Health Modernization Manual) b. The work in this Program Element helps Oregon’s governmental public health system achieve the following Public Health Accountability Metric, Health Outcome Measure: c. The work in this Program Element helps Oregon’s governmental public health system achieve the following Public Health Accountability Metric, Local Public Health Process Measure:

  • Orientation Program The Company will allow a designated representative of the Local or Bargaining Unit up to one (1) hour per calendar month for the purpose of conducting the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union New Members’ Orientation Program. Such meetings will be conducted during the probationary period of employees, and will be held on Company premises. Employees participating in Orientation Program meetings during their normally scheduled working hours will not suffer loss of pay at their regular rate. Orientation Program meetings will be scheduled by Management and a Management representative may attend as an observer.

  • Human and Financial Resources to Implement Safeguards Requirements The Borrower shall make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement the EMP and the RP.

  • ENHANCED AND SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES BY COUNTY (Continued) 2 ongoing services that SHERIFF otherwise would provide to CITY pursuant to 3 this Agreement. Such supplemental services shall be provided only by 4 regularly appointed full-time peace officers, at rates of pay governed by a 5 Memorandum of Understanding between COUNTY and the bargaining unit 6 representing the peace officers providing the services. Such supplemental 7 services shall include only law enforcement duties and shall not include 8 services authorized to be provided by a private patrol operator, as defined in 9 Section 7582.1 of the Business and Professions Code. Law enforcement 10 support functions, including, but not limited to, clerical functions and forensic 11 science services, may be performed by non-peace officer personnel if the 12 services do not involve patrol or keeping the peace and are incidental to the 13 provision of law enforcement services. CITY shall reimburse COUNTY its 14 full, actual costs of providing such supplemental services at an amount 15 computed by SHERIFF, based on the current year's COUNTY law 16 enforcement cost study. The cost of these supplemental services shall be in 17 addition to the Maximum Obligation of CITY set forth in Subsection G-2 of 18 this Agreement. SHERIFF shall xxxx CITY immediately after each such event. 19 3. Supplemental services for events operated by public entities on non-CITY

  • Implementation Plan The Authority shall cause to be prepared an Implementation Plan meeting the requirements of Public Utilities Code Section 366.2 and any applicable Public Utilities Commission regulations as soon after the Effective Date as reasonably practicable. The Implementation Plan shall not be filed with the Public Utilities Commission until it is approved by the Board in the manner provided by Section 4.9.

  • Erosion Control a. The Purchaser shall construct slash and debris erosion barriers, dips, water bars or ditches in skid trails and landings as directed by the Forest Officer. b. The kinds and frequency of erosion control structures shall be adjusted to soil types, topography and climatic conditions as directed by the Forest Officer. c. The Purchaser is required to recontour any excavated skid trails, and provide for effective erosion control in the trail location as directed by the Forest Officer. d. Erosion control work shall commence as soon as skidding is completed on each skid trail or landing, and must be kept current with unit operations. e. Erosion control work shall be completed and approved by the Forest Officer in unfinished units before operations cease for inactive periods including heavy winter snowfall, spring breakup and restricted dates. f. All erosion control work in each unit shall be completed prior to notification pursuant to Section VII.M.7.