Establishment of a Seniority List Sample Clauses
Establishment of a Seniority List. Subd. 1. The District shall annually cause a seniority list by name, date of employ- ment and qualification to be prepared from its records. It shall thereupon post such list in an official place in each school building of the District within sixty (60) days of the beginning of school.
Subd. 2. Any employee whose name appears on such list and who may disagree with the findings of the School Board and the order of seniority in said list shall have ten
Establishment of a Seniority List. The School District shall, each year, cause a seniority list by name, amount of seniority, licensure, qualification in certified areas, salary schedule placement, and total years of service in teaching to be prepared from the records. It shall thereupon post such list in an official place in each school building of the School District with a copy to the president of the exclusive representative.
Establishment of a Seniority List a. A continuing contract principal who works on a continuous contract, or an administrator, not currently serving as a principal but who has rights will be placed on the appropriate seniority list. i.e. Principal, Teacher.
b. Time served as an acting principal establishes the date of seniority if employment in the same category is immediately continued upon completion of the acting principalship.
c. Probationary principals shall acquire seniority after completion of the probationary period and upon such completion their names will appear on the seniority list with a seniority date relating back to the first date of employment in the Osseo Principal’s Association bargaining group.
d. In the event the principals have equal seniority, their seniority ranking shall be determined by:
1. Length of continuous working experience in the District including approved leaves of absence
2. Lower file folder number with the Minnesota Department of Education Subd.4.
Establishment of a Seniority List a. The District shall annually establish a seniority list to be prepared from District records. The list shall be distributed electronically to all members of the bargaining unit.
b. All administrators will have a seniority date on the K-12 principal’s seniority list.
c. Any administrator who disagrees with the order of seniority on the list shall have 20 days from the transmission of the list to discuss the matter with the District. Absent an agreement, the matter may be resolved through the contractual grievance process.
d. In the event administrators have equal seniority, their seniority ranking shall be determined by whoever has the highest degree in his/her area of certification.
e. An administrator who has held seniority as a full-time administrator shall continue to retain the original seniority date and hold seniority if such administrator becomes employed in a part-time position involving continuous service.
Establishment of a Seniority List. Subd. 1. The District shall annually establish a seniority list to be prepared from District records. The list shall be distributed electronically to all members of the principals bargaining unit.
Subd. 2. The seniority date is defined as the first day of employment as a principal or associate principal in Mounds View Public Schools. Ties in seniority will be broken in the following order: total years of service in Mounds View Public Schools; lowest file folder number with PELSB.
Subd. 3. Any principal who disagrees with the order of seniority on the list shall have 20 days from the transmission of the list to discuss the matter with the district. Absent an agreement, the matter may be resolved through the contractual grievance process.
Establishment of a Seniority List. The District will distribute a seniority list to all members of the bargaining unit by November 1 of each year. A principal who disputes his or her standing on the list must grieve the issue pursuant to the grievance procedure. Once the period for filing a grievance has passed, or the grievance has been processed to a conclusion, the seniority list
Establishment of a Seniority List. Subd. 1. The District shall annually establish a seniority list to be prepared from District records. The list shall be distributed electronically to all members of the principal’s bargaining unit.
Subd. 2. All principals will have a seniority date on the K-12 principal’s seniority list.
Subd. 3. Any principal who disagrees with the order of seniority list shall have 20 days from the transmission of the list to discuss the matter with the district. Absent an agreement, the matter may be resolved through the contractual grievance process.
Subd. 4. Definition of Seniority: Seniority among newly appointed principals shall be determined based on the following criteria, listed in order of priority:
1. Date of Hire in Marshall to an Administrative Position: The date of hire to an administrative position in MPS will be determined by the date their employment started at MPS.
Establishment of a Seniority List. Subd. 1. The District shall annually establish a seniority list to be prepared from District records. The list shall be distributed electronically to all members of the principals bargaining unit.
Subd. 2. All principals will have a seniority date on the K-12 principal’s seniority list.
Subd. 3. Any principal who disagrees with the order of seniority on the list shall have 20 days from the transmission of the list discuss the matter with the district. Absent an agreement, the matter may be resolved through the contractual grievance process.
Subd. 4. In the event the principals have equal seniority, their seniority ranking shall be determined by whoever has the highest degree in his/her area of certification.
Subd. 5. A principal who has held seniority as a full-time principal shall continue to retain the original seniority date and hold seniority if such principal becomes employed in a part-time position involving continuous service.
Establishment of a Seniority List. Subd. 1. On or before November 15th of each year, the personnel office shall create a seniority list (by name, amount of seniority, licensure, salary lane placement, and salary step placement) to be prepared from its records. It shall thereupon post such list in an official place in each school building of the district.
Subd. 2. Any person whose name appears on such list and who may disagree with the findings of the School District and the order of seniority in said list shall have twenty (20) working days from the date of posting to supply written documentation, proof and request for seniority change to the personnel office.
Establishment of a Seniority List. Subd.
1. By November 1 of each year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the School District shall cause a seniority list (by name, amount of seniority, licensure, qualification in certain areas, total years of service in teaching and salary lane placement) to be prepared from its records. It shall thereupon post such list in an official place in each school building of the School District and forward twenty (20) copies to the Association.
Subd. 2. Any teacher whose name appears on such list and who may disagree with the findings of the School District and the order of seniority in said list shall have twenty (20) working days from the date of posting to supply written documentation, proof and request for seniority change to the School District.
Subd. 3. Within twenty (20) working days thereafter, the School District shall evaluate any and all written communications regarding the order of seniority contained in said list and may make appropriate changes. A final seniority list shall thereupon be prepared by the School District. A list reflecting any changes or updates shall be posted on February 1 of each year. Any teacher may challenge the final seniority list so prepared by filing a grievance. In the absence of a grievance filed within twenty (20) working days from the date of posting of the amended list, the posted seniority list will be conclusively deemed to be correct. Each year thereafter the School District shall cause such seniority list to be updated to reflect any addition or deletion of personnel caused by retirement, death, resignation, other cessation of services, new teachers or lane changes. Such yearly revised list shall govern the application of the unrequested leave of absence Article until thereafter revised.