Notification of Job Openings Sample Clauses
Notification of Job Openings. The District shall post a list of all job opportu- nities at each school site for five (5) days prior to filling any opening. The District reserves the right to employ the candidate determined to be in the best interest of the District.
Notification of Job Openings.
1. Notification of all vacancies for all teaching, building, administrative, and supplemental contract vacancies shall be emailed to bargaining unit members as they occur throughout the year. When a vacancy occurs in an elementary school the Principal first shall consult with current teachers assigned to that building with the necessary licensure to determine their interest in filling the position and make a decision whether to fill the vacancy with one of them. Resulting vacancies within the same building will be treated in the same way until all internal reassignments within the building have been made from the initial vacancy. The resulting vacancy after this process shall be subject to the posting requirements of this Section.
2. Emails shall be sent to all bargaining unit members during the period school is in session, and notice of vacancies shall be posted on the District’s website or otherwise distributed electronically at other times. Bargaining unit members may come to or telephone the Superintendent/designee's office to be informed of these vacancies. Bargaining unit member who desire further information regarding position vacancies must contact the Superintendent/designee's office. A formal transfer application to a vacant position must be made in keeping with Division K of this Article.
3. When a vacancy occurs within the bargaining unit the administration shall not recommend to fill permanently such vacancy until ten (10) calendar days after the position is posted as set forth above. The Board need not wait for the ten (10) day posting period where the vacancy is filled at a Board meeting after July 10.
Notification of Job Openings. Announcements of competitive examinations for job openings in the Operations/Maintenance bargaining unit or the Clerical/Technical sub-group of the District shall be mailed to the Union.
Notification of Job Openings. The district recognizes that it is desirable in making assignments to consider the interests and aspirations of its employees. All notices of job openings will be posted in each school for a period of five (5) working days. In addition, a copy will be sent to the president of the office employees and all members of the local via the District e-mail system. During the summer and/or vacation periods when office personnel are away from the schools, written notification to the president of the association shall constitute proper notification. Requests for consideration for job openings shall be made through the District’s online application system. Final judgment regarding the selection and placement of office employees shall be made by the School Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent or designee. The Board shall encourage a policy of selecting the best qualified applicant for job openings.
Notification of Job Openings. When a new position or position vacancy occurs within the employer’s jurisdiction, vacancy notices shall be on file in the administrative office area of each building or program location for employee review. The four officers of the unit will receive, via email, vacancy notices. Any qualified employees from existing staff applying for a vacancy or a new position and not selected to interview, at the employees written request, the employee may meet with the Director of Human Resources for the purpose of receiving feedback as to why he/she was not selected for an interview. As positions/vacancies are filled, the District will notify the executive Board within five days with the name of the new hire.
Notification of Job Openings. When a vacancy in the office support staff unit occurs, consideration shall be given to the most senior qualified applicant. Openings will be posted by the building secretary from which the opening originates. If office support is not working when summer postings occur, the Superintendent’s Administrative Assistant will post the position. Posting shall be made internally for five (5) working days prior to being posted externally. All support staff employees currently on the payroll and recall list will be notified of the opening. When school is not in session, a notice will be mailed to the employee’s home address. In addition, all vacancy notices shall be on file in the administrative office area of each building or program location for employee review. Stewards of the unit will receive, via mail, vacancy notices. Should the school district change the number of hours or the duties of a current position, the position need not be posted if the current employee chooses to accept the changes being made by the district.
Notification of Job Openings. The Association shall be informed of all job openings and changes to job descriptions at least three (3) days prior to the effective date of the planned modifications and shall receive at least seven (7) days advance notice of any change in conditions and terms of employment; i.e. classification or wages, except where such change is required because of an emergency or disaster over which the Board has no control.
Notification of Job Openings. The Union shall establish and maintain open and non-discriminatory employment lists for eligible applicants desiring employment for the work covered by this Agreement. The Employer shall first contact the dispatching office of the Union for such applicants as he may from time to time need and the dispatch office shall furnish to the Employer the required number of qualified and competent applicants requested by the Employer strictly in accordance with the following procedure. It shall be the responsibility of the Employer, when requesting applicants, to state the qualifications applicants are expected to possess. The selection of registrants to be referred shall be on a non-discriminatory basis and, in accordance with applicable law, shall not be based upon, nor in any way affected by Union membership, by-laws, rules, regulations, constitutional provisions, nor any other aspect or obligation of Union membership, policies or requirements, nor upon any other status protected by applicable law. The Dispatch office will notify the Employer if no qualified applicants for the job to be filled are available. The Employer may procure applicants from other sources in the event the Union has exhausted its supply of applicants and five (5) days have elapsed since notice of the job opening to the Dispatch office, however, that the Employer need not wait five (5) days if the Union has notified the Employer that no qualified applicants are available. In computing the five (5) day time limit referred to in this Article, Saturday and Sunday and recognized holidays shall be excluded. Any Employer may instruct the dispatch office not to refer an applicant whose name appears on the Union referral list provided the Employer will confirm such instructions to the Union in writing. The Employer shall notify the Union in a timely manner as to the applicant(s) hired. Subject to the provisions of this Article, the Employer shall be the sole judge of an applicant’s competence and qualifications to perform the work of any job to be filled. The Employer may accept or reject any applicant for employment referred by the Union, provided that the Employer’s acceptance or rejection of an applicant shall be based solely upon the Employer’s judgment and determination as to the factors set forth in the preceding sentence. In accordance with applicable laws, no applicant shall be rejected or discriminated against because of membership or non-membership in the Union, nor because of any other st...
Notification of Job Openings. When a new position or position vacancy occurs within the unit, the position opening shall be posted internally for a period of five days in each building and e- mailed to the Union President and each building representative. Said postings shall include job classification, number of hours and weeks, and the building originally assigned. Qualified employees in this unit shall have the opportunity to apply during the posting period. The District shall attempt to place the most senior qualified person applying into said position. However, the District reserves the right to ensure that the most qualified person is placed in any position. Any qualified employees from existing staff applying for a vacancy or a new position and not selected to interview, at the employees written request, the employee may meet with the Director of Human Resources for the purpose of receiving feedback as to why he//she was not selected for an interview. The District may also place a substitute into said position on a temporary basis to meet immediate needs. As it relates to this section, the definition of temporary is a substitute working, in accordance with Article II. Section 2, less than 67 days in a calendar year (January to December).
Notification of Job Openings. The principal shall notify all current staff members of any teaching vacancies or new positions before the openings are made public and interviews are held. Xxxx, July, August, and Emergency situations will post simultaneously to in house and public job boards.