Grievance Procedure Rules Sample Clauses
Grievance Procedure Rules. Except where a remedy is otherwise provided for by County Charter, Civil Service Commission rules, or law, any employee shall have the right to present a grievance arising from their employment in accordance with the rules and regulations of this procedure. Grievances filed that are pursuant to another administrative remedy, e.g. discrimination complaint procedure, shall be returned unprocessed with an explanation for the decision.
Grievance Procedure Rules. 1. An Employee is entitled to Union representation at any step outlined below at their request. An Employee may also decline such representation. However, the Union will receive a copy of any written answer.
2. No Employee or Union representative shall be penalized for initiating a grievance, or attending meetings at any step.
3. Time limits on each step may be extended by mutual consent of the parties.
4. At any step of the process, grievances may be with- drawn without prejudice.
5. Only the Union can move a grievance to Step Three.
6. The parties may agree to waive Step One and/or Step Two. Such agreement must be in writing.
7. Grievance hearings are not public.
8. Failure by the grievant or the Union, as applicable, to meet any of the time limits of this procedure will result in a settlement based on the Employer’s last answer. However, this shall not prejudice the position of the same or other Employees with respect to any other separate grievance involving the same issue at that academic unit, or in any other academic unit of the University.
Grievance Procedure Rules. All parties so involved must act in good faith and strive for objectivity, while endeavoring to reach a solution at the earliest possible step of the procedure. The aggrieved employee(s) shall have the assurance that filing of a grievance will not result in reprisal of any nature.
Grievance Procedure Rules. Proper Step All grievances must be processed at the proper step in the progression in order to be considered at the subsequent step. If the supervisor and the Department Head are one and the same, the grievance shall be submitted to the person who is lowest in the line of authority over the grievant and is not a member of the bargaining unit. Grievances involving suspension or discharge may be initiated at Step 2. Group Grievance A grievance may be brought by a member of the bargaining unit. Where a group of bargaining unit members desire to file a grievance involving a situation affecting members in the same manner, one member selected by each group shall process the grievance. Response, automatic advance, waiver of time limits Any grievance not answered by management within the stipulated time limits may be advanced to the next step in the grievance procedure. All time limits on the grievances or steps in the procedure may be waived upon mutual consent of the parties. Grievance Information All written grievances shall contain the following information:
(a) aggrieved employee’s name and signature
(b) aggrieved employee’s classification (c) date grievance was first discussed
Grievance Procedure Rules. In using the procedure described above in 2.08.02, the following rules shall govern:
(a) To initiate the first step (a) of the grievance procedure, the subject matter of the dispute must be reduced to writing within four (4) working days of the action complained of and presented to the Employer or his representatives,
(b) In all cases, the status quo will be observed pending resolution of the dispute.
(c) Each of the steps of the grievance procedure shall be held in the jurisdiction area of the Union.
(d) With respect to all discharge cases, it is agreed that the discharge of an Employee shall only be for just cause and it is further agreed that Steps (a) and (b) and (c) shall be completed within seven
Grievance Procedure Rules. A. An aggrieved Lecturer or the Union shall present a grievance within thirty
B. Time limits at each step may be extended by written mutual consent of the parties.
C. At any step of the process, grievances may be withdrawn.
D. Only the Union may advance a grievance to arbitration.
E. Any grievance may be initiated with the Xxxxxxx as described at Step 3 in Section 3 below, by written mutual agreement of the Union and the Xxxxxxx or their designee.
F. The parties shall schedule grievance meetings so as to avoid canceling or rescheduling courses or requiring substitution. However, if a Lecturer must miss a class because they must attend a grievance meeting, the Lecturer shall be responsible for following the procedures in place in their academic unit for rescheduling a class
Grievance Procedure Rules. 1. An Employee is entitled to Union representation at any step outlined below at their request. An Employee may also decline such representation. However, the Union will receive a copy of any written answer.
2. No Employee or Union representative shall be penalized for initiating a grievance or attending meetings at any step.
3. All grievance meetings shall be conducted during paid work time for the grievant(s), union representative(s), and witnesses.
4. Time limits on each step may be extended by written mutual consent of the parties.
5. At any step of the process, grievances may be withdrawn without prejudice.
6. Only the Union can move a grievance to Step Three.
7. The parties may agree to waive Step One and/or Step Two. Such agreement must be in writing.
8. Grievance hearings are not public.
9. Failure by the grievant or the Union, as applicable, to meet any of the time limits of this procedure will result in a settlement based on the Employer’s last answer. However, this shall not prejudice the position of the same or other Employees with respect to any other separate grievance involving the same issue in that appointing unit or in any other appointing unit of the University.
Grievance Procedure Rules. All grievances must be processed at the proper step in the progression in order to be considered at the subsequent step. If the supervisor and the department head are one and the same, the grievance shall be submitted to the person who is in line of authority over the grievant and is not a member of the bargaining unit. Grievances involving suspension or discharge may be initiated at the Safety-Service Director step.
(a) aggrieved employee’s name and signature;
(b) aggrieved employee’s classification;
(c) date grievance was filed in writing;
(d) name of supervisor with whom xxxxxxxxx was discussed;
(e) date and time grievance occurred;
(f) where grievance occurred;
(g) description of incident giving rise to the grievance;
(h) Articles and Sections of Agreement violated;
(i) resolution requested; and (j) date grievance was first discussed
Grievance Procedure Rules. Rules governing the grievance procedure shall be as follows:
1. Time limit waived
Grievance Procedure Rules. A. An aggrieved Represented Worker or the Union shall present a grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days of when the aggrieved Represented Worker knew or reasonably could have been expected to know of the circumstances giving rise to the grievance. The grievance must be specified in writing, on a form mutually agreed upon by the parties, and must include the nature of the grievance, the provision(s) of the Agreement at issue, the date of the alleged action, the name(s) of the Represented Worker(s) affected, and the relief requested.
B. Time limits at each step may be extended by written mutual consent of the parties.
C. At any step of the process, grievances may be withdrawn.
D. Only the Union may advance a grievance to arbitration.