Initiating a Grievance Sample Clauses

Initiating a Grievance. The employer and the union recognize that the goal of this grievance and arbitration procedure is to attempt to resolve the grievance at the lowest level possible with the least amount of time and resources. An employee, in the case of an individual grievance, or the Union must initiate the grievance procedure by completing and delivering a written grievance form to the Human Resources Department within thirty (30) days of the date upon which either the grievant (in an individual grievance) or Union first became aware, or reasonably should have first become aware, of the events or circumstances which give rise to the grievance. Delivery may include electronic delivery to a recipient(s) or location(s) designated by the Employer. Grievances may be brought by CIR/SEIU acting on behalf of an individual or group of resident physicians, or by CIR/SEIU alone, and shall be undertaken pursuant to the grievance procedure as follows:
Initiating a Grievance. After a full discussion of the situation orally with the immediate supervisor, any employee, group of employees, or the Association, believing that there has been a violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any provision of this Agreement, may file a written grievance with the immediate supervisor, within thirty (30) working days after the occurrence or when the employee, group of employees, or the Association should have learned of the occurrence. The grievance shall be deemed waived if not filed timely within the thirty (30) working day period.
Initiating a Grievance. If the Grievance committee considers a grievance to be justified it shall forward a copy of the grievance to the Fire Chief (with a copy to the Manager of Labour Relations) within fourteen (14) calendar days of becoming aware of the incident giving rise to the grievance. The grievance shall identify the individual grievor(s), the reason(s) for the grievance, the article (s) alleged to be violated and remedy sought.
Initiating a Grievance. 2.1 Grievances may be initiated during the course of an accommodation process to obtain a decision on a particular decision point in that process even though other steps remain to be taken. 2.2 A grievance may concern:
Initiating a Grievance. 2.1 Grievances may be initiated during the course of an accommodation process to obtain a decision on a particular decision point in that process even though other steps remain to be taken. 2.2 A grievance may concern: 2.2.1 Whether an employee seeking accommodation has a mental or physical disability that gives rise to a need for accommodation 2.2.2 What, if any, restrictions or requirements arise from the employee’s disability. 2.2.3 A decision by the City of Edmonton not to accept a measure that might be undertaken to accommodate the employee’s needs in their existing job or some other job (whether modified or not), whether based on undue hardship or any other reason. 2.2.4 A decision by an Employee or the Union to decline to accept as a reasonable or suitable accommodation, a measure proposed by the City of Edmonton. 2.2.5 The failure or refusal by any Union or Association to give any necessary consent to any aspect of a proposed measure that might be undertaken to accommodate an employee’s needs, whether that failure or refusal is based on conflicting collective agreement provisions, undue hardship, or otherwise. 2.2.6 The assignment of an employee to a position within a different bargaining unit or any terms and conditions attached to that assignment; or 2.2.7 Whether any trial period for an accommodation measure has succeeded. 2.3 In these procedures, “parties” mean the parties to this collective agreement and any other affected Union or Unions. It does not include an individual with a right to be represented or heard separately during any arbitration procedure. 2.4 Prior to filing a grievance under clause 2.2 of this Letter the party will follow the provisions for precipitating a decision on a decision point in the Framework Agreement and shall first advise all affected parties of their wish for a decision on the issue. 2.5 On receipt of a request for a decision, the City’s Disability Management Consultant, the Union or Unions involved, and such other persons whose presence may be necessary or appropriate to the decision, will meet for a full and xxxxx discussion in an attempt to reach agreement on the question. 2.6 If the initial request or, following discussion, the agreed upon issue, is a question of the employee’s disability, capacity, or the requirement of any job or proposed job, the parties will initiate the process of obtaining an independent report on the issue in accordance with the procedures in the Framework Agreement. Any professional ...
Initiating a Grievance. Most grievances should be presented first at the lowest level, with the immediate supervisor. Special circumstances may require resolution at a higher level than the immediate supervisor; in such cases, the Employer may accept the initial filing of the grievance at Step Two (2) or Three (3). Complaints of discrimination shall be filed initially at Step 2. Appeals of terminations shall be filed initially at Step 3 within fifteen (15) days.
Initiating a Grievance. You or your Authorized Representative may initiate a Grievance by submitting a written request, including all supporting documentation that relates to the Grievance to: The Grievance must be filed in writing within one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Adverse Decision notice. If the Grievance is filed after the one-hundred eighty (180) calendar days, we will send a letter denying any further review due to lack of timely filing. If within five (5) working days after you or your Authorized Representative file a Grievance we need additional information to complete our internal Grievance process, we shall notify you or your Authorized Representative that we cannot proceed with review of the Grievance unless we receive the additional information. If assistance is needed and requested, we will assist you or your Authorized Representative in gathering the necessary additional information without further delay.
Initiating a Grievance. 20.2.1 A grievance shall be effective upon receipt by the Employer’s designate. A grievance must be initiated within thirty (30) calendar days from the date on which the employee first became aware of the alleged infraction. Notwithstanding, the thirty (30) calendar day time limit shall not apply to those items included in the agreement where the Employer has allegedly failed to apply a specific benefit e.g.: vacation leave, sick leave, shift differential, etc. In these latter instances the time limit shall be one (1) year after the date on which the alleged infraction first occurred. The effective date of any necessary retroactive pay adjustments shall be the date on which the infraction first occurred.
Initiating a Grievance. A Teacher may initiate a grievance by:
Initiating a Grievance. A grievance may be initiated by the Union on behalf of a Teacher by: