HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 All employees shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of their total annual gross earnings as vacation pay and in lieu of holiday pay. For employees who have completed five (5) years of employment, this amount shall be increased to twelve percent (12%). For tax purposes, vacation pay shall be taxed in the pay period it was earned.
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 All employees who have completed probation shall be entitled to vacation pay equal to five percent (5%) of their total annual gross earnings. For tax purposes, vacation pay shall be taxed over the period of time during which it was earned. Employees who have worked for the Employer for five (5) years or more shall receive five and one-half (5.5%) percent of their total gross earnings in vacation pay. Employees who have been employed by the employer for eight (8) years or more shall receive six and one-half (6.5%) percent of their total gross earnings in vacation pay. Employees who are fulfilling their probationary period shall receive four (4) percent of their gross earnings in vacation pay. The Employer will pay out vacation pay at the employee’s request on the first pay following the date the employee makes the request.
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 18.01 No employee shall be required to work on the following holidays: o New Year’s Day o Good Friday o Victoria Day o Canada Day o Civic Holiday (currently 1st Monday in August) o Labour Day o Thanksgiving Day o Christmas Day o Boxing Day or any other holiday declared by the University.
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 10.01 The following are to be holidays; all hours worked on these days and Sunday will be paid for at two (2) times the regular rate: New Years Day Labour Day Good Friday Remembrance Day Easter Monday Christmas Day Victoria Day Boxing Day Canada Day Thanksgiving Day 1st Monday in August (NB Day)
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 All employees shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of their total annual gross earnings in vacation pay and in lieu of statutory holiday pay. For tax purposes, vacation pay shall be taxed over the period of time during which it was earned. Effective June 1, 2011: All Employees shall be entitled to Vacation pay according to the following schedule calculated on their gross annual earnings and in lieu of statutory holiday pay, vacation pay shall be taxed over the period of time which it was earned. Period Worked Vacation Pay Less than 5 years 10% 5 years or more 11%
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 All employees who have completed probation shall be entitled to vacation pay equal to five percent (5%) of their total annual gross earnings. For tax purposes, vacation pay shall be taxed over the period of time during which it was earned. Employees who have worked for the Employer for five (5) years or more shall receive five and one-half (5.5%) percent of their total gross earnings in vacation pay. Employees who have been employed by the employer for eight
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 24.01 No employee shall be required to work on the following holidays: New Year’s Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday (currently 1st Monday in August) Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Boxing Day or any other holiday declared by the University.
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 8:01 Vacation pay and holiday pay will be calculated at the rate of eight (8) percent during the pay period.
HOLIDAYS AND VACATION PAY. 18.1 All work performed on the following Holidays shall be paid for at double the regular rate of wages: New Year’s Day Good Friday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day Family Day and other civic and national holidays declared.