Infrastructure Management Sample Clauses
Infrastructure Management. (a) The End User must notify Aurizon Network as soon as is reasonably practicable of any damage to or disrepair or failure in operation or function of any part of the Nominated Network of which the End User becomes aware.
(b) The End User:
(i) must not cause any Obstruction or permit to continue any Obstruction caused by the End User; and
(ii) must notify Aurizon Network as soon as reasonably practicable after the End User’s Staff discover or become aware of: any Obstruction; or anything which may cause or contribute to the occurrence of an Incident or Obstruction.
Infrastructure Management. 6.1 Management and Control of the Nominated Network
Infrastructure Management. 7.2.1. During Prime Time, Contractor shall ensure packet loss of less than one percent (1%) and less than sixty (60) milliseconds domestic latency within the Contractor Platform. Contractor shall maintain sufficient bandwidth to the Contractor Platform and ensure the server processing time (or CPU processing capacity) to provide millisecond response times from the server. County and Contractor recognize that end user response times are dependent on intermittent ISP network connectivity, and in the case of County’s users, dependent on County’s internal network health.
7.2.2. To the extent the Contractor Platform provides or supports public access to users in Broward County or through the County’s web pages, the Contractor Platform shall support up to 500,000 site hits per calendar day and capture the number of site hits by page for performance to standards reporting.
7.2.3. Contractor will retain all County-related database records regardless of number or size.
7.2.4. To the extent the Contractor Platform includes an ad-hoc reporting tool or standard reports, Contractor agrees to provide unlimited access to such functionality to County. Contractor agrees to support an unlimited number of queries and reports against County Data. County agrees that Contractor may put reasonable size limits on queries and reports to maintain System performance, provided such limits do not materially impact County’s regular business operations.
7.2.5. Contractor shall conduct full, encrypted backups (including System and user data) weekly and shall conduct incremental, encrypted backups daily. Encrypted backups will be written to a backup device with sufficient capacity to handle the data. Contractor shall maintain a complete current set of encrypted backups for County’s System, including County Data, at a remote, off-site “hardened” facility from which data can be retrieved within one (1) business day at any point in time. Full System restoration performed as a recovery procedure after a natural disaster is included as part of the required performance by Contractor under this Agreement. Upon County’s request, Contractor shall also provide restoration of individual file(s).
Infrastructure Management.
a. Continue to partner with the SDDOT Office of Research to update cost data in the Surface Selection Criteria Study previously published in 2004.
b. Work with NDSU to deliver an online platform for our customers to evaluate costs of doing business and to more accurately define costs in their five-year plans.
c. Continue to work on developing resources and training on the subject of alternatives to paving.
d. Provide technical assistance during on-site visits utilizing the experience of our staff at a practical level.
Infrastructure Management. 4.2.1. During Prime Time, Contractor shall ensure packet loss of less than one percent (1%) and less than sixty (60) milliseconds domestic latency within the Contractor Platform. Contractor shall maintain sufficient bandwidth to the Contractor Platform and ensure the server processing time (or CPU processing capacity) to provide millisecond response times from the server. County and Contractor recognize that end user response times are dependent on intermittent ISP network connectivity, and in the case of County’s users, dependent on County’s internal network health.
4.2.2. To the extent the Contractor Platform provides or supports public access to users in Broward County or through the County’s web pages, Contractor’s Services shall support up to 500,000 site hits per calendar day and capture the number of site hits by page for performance to standards reporting.
4.2.3. Contractor shall ensure that an unlimited number of transactions may be processed to County production database. Subject to County approval, Contractor may recommend that non-routine reports and queries be limited to certain timeframes, quantities or other specifications if Contractor determines that such reports and queries cause degradation to response times affecting performance levels established in this SLA.
4.2.4. Contractor will retain all database records regardless of number or size.
4.2.5. Contractor shall routinely apply upgrades, new releases, and enhancements to the Contractor Platform as they become available after prior, written approval by the County and shall ensure that these changes will not adversely affect the Contractor Platform .
4.2.6. To the extent the Contractor Platform includes an ad-hoc reporting tool or standard reports, Contractor agrees to provide unlimited access to such functionality to County. Contractor agrees to support an unlimited number of queries and reports against County’s Data. County agrees that Contractor may put reasonable size limits on queries and reports to maintain System performance, provided such limits do not materially impact County’s regular business operations.
4.2.7. Contractor shall conduct full, encrypted System backups (including System and user data) weekly and shall conduct incremental, encrypted backups daily. Encrypted backups will be written to a backup device with sufficient capacity to handle the data. Contractor shall maintain a complete current set of encrypted backups for County’s System, including County Data, at a rem...
Infrastructure Management. 1. The Subrecipient will manage the sharing and allocation of infrastructure costs between One- Stop partners and is governed by WIOA sec. 121(h), WIOA’s implementing regulations, and the Federal Cost Principles contained in the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR part 200 and USDOL’s exceptions at 2 CFR part 2900. The Federal Cost Principles state that a partner’s contribution is an allowable, reasonable, necessary, and allocable cost to the program and is consistent with other legal requirements. Infrastructure costs are defined as non-personnel costs necessary for general American Job Center operations, including facility rentals, utilities and maintenance, equipment (including assessment-related products and assistive technology for individuals with disabilities), and technology to facilitate access to the American Job Center (including planning and outreach), and may include costs associated with the common identifier (i.e., American Job Center signage) and supplies, as defined in the Uniform Guidance at 2 CFR 200.94, to support the general operation of the One-Stop center. This list is not exhaustive. The One-Stop Center’s shared costs include, but are not limited to, the following: IT/Technology support, telephones, internet, resource room equipment, fax machines, copiers, scanners, language/interpreter service, security guard services, janitorial services, and other such costs. The Subrecipient shall:
a. Provide day to day facilities management of the One-Stop Centers occupancy and related costs for each location. Facilities management and related costs for each location will be borne by the Subrecipient, funded with WIOA funds, state AJCC Center Resource Sharing funds, and contributions collected from other partners, and will be reflected in this Contract and One-Stop Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The County reserves the right to relocate the One-Stop Center(s), affiliate, mobile One-Stop unit(s), and satellite locations at its discretion but will include the Subrecipient in the process. The Subrecipient will also assist the OCWDB in creating an MOU that governs how the partners will make services available at the One-Stop Center and identify any shared services the partners will provide.
b. Disclose any potential conflicts of interest arising from the relationships of the Subrecipient with training service providers or other service providers, including but not limited to, career services providers.
c. Coordinate services and refrain from establishing...
Infrastructure Management. (a) The End User must notify QR Network as soon as is reasonably practicable of any damage to or disrepair or failure in operation or function of any part of the Nominated Network of which the End User becomes aware.
(b) The End User:
(i) must not cause any Obstruction or permit to continue any Obstruction caused by the End User; and
(ii) must notify QR Network as soon as reasonably practicable after the End User’s Staff discover or become aware of: any Obstruction; or anything which may cause or contribute to the occurrence of an Incident or Obstruction.
Infrastructure Management. NeuLion shall, from the TOC or another facility to which NHL agrees, manage and ensure the ongoing functioning of the equipment and infrastructure described in Section I(A)(I), above, in each Arena.
Infrastructure Management.
a. Continue to partner with the SDDOT Office of Research to update cost data in the Surface Selection Criteria Study previously published in 2004.
b. Work with NDSU to deliver an online platform for our customers to evaluate costs of doing business and to more accurately define costs in their five- year plans.
c. Continue to work on developing resources and training about alternatives to paving.
d. Provide technical assistance during on-site visits utilizing the experience of our staff at a practical level.
e. Manage the 2021 SD Asphalt Conference. Xxxxxx will serve as the conference coordinator and three of our staff members will serve on the planning committee. All are actively involved in recruiting speakers and/or making presentations.
f. Continue to study the impact of Agribusiness and Industrial and Commercial Development on SD local roads and streets. We continue to add to our training resources on this topic and will present updated information as opportunities arise.
g. Share results of the SDDOT Gravel Guidelines project with all customers and work towards a final report with the contractor.
Infrastructure Management.
a. Continue to partner with the SDDOT Office of Research to update cost data in the Surface Selection Criteria Study previously published in 2004.
b. Continue to work on developing resources and training on the subject of alternatives to paving.
c. Provide technical assistance during on-site visits utilizing the experience of our staff at a practical level.