INJURY OR ILLNESS IN LINE OF DUTY. 7 Milwaukee County shall comply with the provisions of all pertinent Workers Compensation 8 Laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The County shall promulgate and distribute 9 procedures to be followed when an employee is injured or becomes ill in the line of duty. 10 Such procedures shall be provided to the Council and included in the County Administrative 11 Manual. 12
INJURY OR ILLNESS IN LINE OF DUTY. (a) An employee who is absent because of injury or illness in the line of duty, may be entitled up to ten (10) paid leave days per year for any one injury/illness which shall not be cumulative and which shall not be charged against the employee’s sick leave balance. These ten (10) non-cumulative days will be applied to the first ten (10) days of approved Workers’ Compensation lost time. All claims for such leave must clearly substantiate injury received in carrying out assigned duties. Additionally, such paid leave shall only be awarded for the duty days for which the employee has been employed. (b) In cases of unusual illness or injury in the line of duty, an employee may make a request to the Superintendent for additional compensation leave days. If the Superintendent is satisfied that the condition warrants, he/she shall recommend additional compensated leave to the Board. (c) Any employee who has a claim for compensation while absent because of illness contracted or injury incurred as prescribed herein, shall notify his/her supervisor as soon as such illness or injury is apparent and shall file a claim by the end of each month or pay period as requested during which such absence has occurred. The Board shall satisfy itself that the claim correctly states the facts and that such claim is entitled to payment. (d) The employee may claim no more than a total of ten (10) days for any one injury or illness per year. This section
INJURY OR ILLNESS IN LINE OF DUTY. 6 (1) Definition 7 A. Chapter 102 of the Wisconsin State Statutes 8 (Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Act) requires Milwaukee County 9 to provide Worker's Compensation coverage for employees who are 10 injured by accident, who develop an illness which arises out of and in 11 the course of their employment or when the employee is performing 12 services incidental to their employment. All full-time, part-time, 13 temporary, hourly, and seasonal employees on the County payroll are 14 eligible to receive Worker's Compensation benefits should they suffer 15 an occupational injury/illness. 16 (2) Responsibilities 17 A. Risk Management Section of the Department of Administration has 18 the responsibility to develop and manage the County's Worker's 19 Compensation Program and to maintain the records of the Worker's 20 Compensation Program. The Risk Management Section shall prepare 21 a bulletin listing in sequence the proper procedures to be followed by 22 employees and departmental administrators for reporting duty-incurred 23 injuries and processing of claims and shall post such bulletin in 24 conspicuous places in all County buildings where employees are 25 assigned. 26 B. Department of Human Resources has the responsibility to administer 27 the Return To Work Program.
INJURY OR ILLNESS IN LINE OF DUTY. Employees who contract an illness or suffer an injury in the line of duty shall receive the benefits set forth in Chapter 45-19-1 of the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island. Any employee who may be injured while on a private duty to which he/she is assigned shall be entitled to all of the rights, privileges and benefits of said Chapter 45-19-1, as if he/she were injured in the line of duty for the Town of Portsmouth, and shall be subject to all rules and regulations of the Portsmouth Fire Department. The Town reserves the right to require any private employer to pay to the Town or to reimburse the Town the cost to the Town for insuring the Town’s liability under the foregoing paragraph. The decision to insure or not shall be solely that of the Town. Should any firefighter receive benefits under the provisions of ARTICLE VIII or IX of this Collective Bargaining Agreement and should said member recover from some third party amounts attributable to sick leave, then the Town shall be subrogated to said third party for the amounts payable under these ARTICLES. This provision does not apply to private insurance coverage purchased by the firefighter at his/her expense. Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) All active members of the bargaining unit will have the option of being enrolled in the State of Rhode Island Temporary Disability Insurance Program. The employee will be responsible for all costs associated with TDI insurance. The Town will facilitate payroll deductions for TDI and payment to the RI Division of Taxation FF/Dispatchers of the Portsmouth Fire Department covered by this Agreement who are officers of the Union, or members of the Union’s Negotiating Committee (not to exceed one [1]) shall be allowed reasonable time off for official Union business with the Town for the purpose of attending collective bargaining sessions, grievance hearings or arbitration matters without loss of pay and without the requirement to make up such time.
INJURY OR ILLNESS IN LINE OF DUTY. 6 Milwaukee County shall comply with the provisions of all pertinent Workers Compensation
INJURY OR ILLNESS IN LINE OF DUTY. Employees who contract an illness or suffer an injury in the line of duty shall receive the benefits set forth in Chapter 45-19-1 of the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island. Any employee who may be injured while on a private duty to which he/she is assigned shall be entitled to all of the rights, privileges and benefits of said Chapter 45-19-1, as if he/she were injured in the line of duty for the Town of Portsmouth, and shall be subject to all rules and regulations of the Portsmouth Fire Department. The Town reserves the right to require any private employer to pay to the Town or to reimburse the Town the cost to the Town for insuring the Town’s liability under the foregoing paragraph. The decision to insure or not shall be solely that of the Town. Should any firefighter receive benefits under the provisions of ARTICLE VIII or IX of this Collective Bargaining Agreement and should said member recover from some third party amounts attributable to sick leave, then the Town shall be subrogated to said third party for the amounts payable under these ARTICLES. This provision does not apply to private insurance coverage purchased by the firefighter at his/her expense.


  • Illness or Injury An employee may utilize accrued paid leave when he or she is unable to perform his or her work duties by reason of illness or injury, necessary medical or dental care, exposure to contagious disease under circumstances in which the health of the employees with whom the employee associates or members of the public necessarily dealt with by the employee would be endangered by the attendance of the employee, or by illness in the employee's immediate family.

  • Injury or Damage to Person or Property If either party suffers injury or damage to person or property because of an act or omission of the other party, or of others for whose acts such party is legally responsible, written notice of such injury or damage, whether or not insured, shall be given to the other party within a reasonable time not exceeding twenty-one (21) calendar days after discovery. The notice shall provide sufficient detail to enable the other party to investigate the matter.

  • Illness in Family A leave of absence without pay consistent with the Family Leave Act of up to one (1) year shall be granted for the purpose of caring for a sick member of the employee’s immediate family. Additional leave may be granted at the discretion of the Board.

  • Illness in the Immediate Family 10.1 A unit member may be granted up to four days’ absence per fiscal year with full pay because of serious illness in the immediate family of the unit member requiring the actual presence of that unit member.

  • Illness in the Family Where no one at home other than the employee can provide for the needs during illness of an immediate member of her family, an employee shall be entitled after notifying her supervisor, to use a maximum of five (5) accumulated sick leave days per illness to care for the member of the family who is ill.

  • Bodily Injury Bodily injury means death, disease, illness, physical and mental injury of or to an individual.

  • INJURY ON DUTY (a) All employees shall be covered by The Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. (b) An employee who is unable to perform the employee’s duties because of a personal injury received in the performance of the employee’s duties shall report the matter to the employee’s Supervisor and submit an account of the accident using the prescribed form as soon as possible. An employee’s claim will not be delayed where the prescribed form is not immediately provided to the employee through the Supervisor. (c) An employee who is unable to perform the employee’s duties because of a personal injury received in the performance of the employee’s duties shall be immediately placed on Injury on Duty Leave and receive compensation in accordance with the provisions of Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. If the claim is subsequently denied by the Workers’ Compensation Commission, the employee may access other available benefits including sick leave and annual leave. (a) In the event that the employee dies as a result of an injury received in the performance of the employee’s duties, the employee’s estate shall receive all death benefits owing to the employee in accordance with the provisions of the Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11, in addition to any benefits the employee would be eligible for under the Public Service Pensions Act. (b) In the event that an employee becomes permanently disabled or incurs a recurring disability as a result of an injury received during the performance of the employee’s duties the employee will receive benefits in accordance with the provisions of The Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. (a) An employee confirmed as being unable to perform the regular duties of his/her classification as a result of injury on duty will be employed in other work he/she can do provided a suitable vacancy is available and provided that the employee is qualified and able to perform the duties required. Where a suitable vacancy is available the rate for the new position shall apply. (b) Where a suitable vacancy is not available, the incapacitated employee retains the right to displace a less senior employee in another classification who occupies a position which the incapacitated employee is qualified and able to fill. Where an incapacitated employee advises the permanent head in writing of his/her intention to exercise his/her right to displace a less senior employee, the incapacitated employee will be deemed to have been given notice of layoff effective from the date he/she was confirmed as being unable to perform the regular duties of his/her classification. Accordingly, the right to displace a less senior employee in another classification shall be exercised as per the provisions of Article 35, Layoff, Bumping and Recall. 29.04 In the event that an employee is placed on leave under the provisions of this Article, he/she will not accrue seniority during any period when he/she would normally be laid off. 29.05 The Employer determines whether its employees will be covered directly by the Workers' Compensation Commission or indirectly through a "self-insured" arrangement. Benefits under either arrangement are to be in accordance with the provisions of The Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act, RSNL 1990 Chapter W-11. 29.06 It is agreed and understood by the parties to this Collective Agreement that an employee who is approved for full extended earnings loss (EEL) benefits from the Workplace, Health, Safety and Compensation Commission, after the date of signing of this agreement, shall no longer accumulate benefits under this agreement but shall have his/her position with the employer protected for two (2) calendar years following the date of such approval, immediately following which his/her employment shall be terminated, subject to the Human Rights Act.

  • No Consequential Damages Other than the Liquidated Damages heretofore described and the indemnity obligations set forth in Article 18.1, in no event shall any Party be liable under any provision of this Agreement for any losses, damages, costs or expenses for any special, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages, including but not limited to loss of profit or revenue, loss of the use of equipment, cost of capital, cost of temporary equipment or services, whether based in whole or in part in contract, in tort, including negligence, strict liability, or any other theory of liability; provided, however, that damages for which a Party may be liable to another Party under separate agreement will not be considered to be special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages hereunder.

  • No Consequential or Punitive Damages Neither Party hereto (or any of their respective Affiliates) shall, under any circumstance, be liable to the other Party (or its Affiliates) for any consequential, exemplary, special, indirect, incidental or punitive damages claimed by such other Party under the terms of or due to any breach of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, loss of revenue or income, cost of capital, or loss of business reputation or opportunity.

  • No Liability to Third Parties No person who is or has been a Trustee, officer, or employee of the Trust shall be subject to any personal liability whatsoever to any Person, other than the Trust or its Shareholders, in connection with the affairs of the Trust; and all Persons shall look solely to the Trust Property or Property of a Series for satisfaction of claims of any nature arising in connection with the affairs of the Trust or such Series. Every note, bond, contract, instrument, certificate, Share or undertaking and every other act or thing whatsoever executed or done by or on behalf of the Trust or the Trustees or any of them in connection with the Trust shall be conclusively deemed to have been executed or done only in or with respect to their or his capacity as Trustees or Trustee and neither such Trustees or Trustee nor the Shareholders shall be personally liable thereon. All Persons extending credit to, contracting with or having any claim against the Trust or a Series shall look only to the assets of the Trust Property or the Trust Property of such Series for payment under such credit, contract or claim; and neither the Trustees, nor any of the Trust's officers, employees or agents, whether past, present or future, shall be personally liable therefor.