Inspection and Monitoring Sample Clauses

Inspection and Monitoring. The SUPPLIER and the Bodies authorized by ENEL may carry out inspections, audits, and tracking of the Contract in the site through its responsible person and with the participation of the SUPPLIER'S occupational health, safety, and environment management supervisor in order to verify the compliance of the necessary control measures in relation to the equipment, elements, workplaces, personnel, and documents necessary for the assessment and application of the Occupational Health, Safety, and Environment standards.
Inspection and Monitoring. Pursuant to the requirements of 42 CFR § 438.6, the Division, CMS and other authorized federal or State personnel or the authorized representatives of these parties including, without limitation, any employee, agent, or contractor of the Division, CMS, the Fiscal Agent, the Division's Program Integrity Unit and the State Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, shall have the right to monitor and inspect the operations of the Contractor and any subcontractor or supplier for compliance with the provisions of this contract and all applicable federal and State law and regulations, with or without notice, at any time during the term of this contract. Such monitoring activities shall include, but are not limited to, on-site inspections of all service locations and health care facilities; auditing and/or review of all records developed under this contract including periodic medical audits, grievances, enrollments, disenrollment’s, termination, utilization and financial records, reviewing management systems and procedures developed under this contract and review of any other areas of materials relevant to or pertaining to this contract. Because of the importance of having accurate service utilization data for program management, utilization review and evaluation purposes, emphasis will be placed on case record validation during periodic monitoring visits to project sites. The Division shall prepare a report of its findings and recommendations and require the Contractor to develop corrective action plan to address any deficiencies.
Inspection and Monitoring. The Agency will permit the County to audit, inspect, examine, excerpt, copy and transcribe the Agency's records related to this Funding Agreement to confirm compliance with the terms hereof. The Agency will allow the County access to its records at any time during normal business hours upon 48 hours advance notice. The Agency will permit County access to the Property at all reasonable times and places during the term of this Funding Agreement. The County will provide the Agency with ten daysadvance notice of its intention to enter the Property, except if the County reasonably determines there is an immediate need to take emergency action to prevent a material violation of this Funding Agreement. If the Agency’s use of the property fails to comply with this Funding Agreement, or the County otherwise determines that the Agency is noncompliant with its obligations under this Funding Agreement, the County may require the Agency to promptly take action to comply with the Funding Agreement and may exercise the remedies available under this Funding Agreement, at law or inequity in lieu of or in conjunction with such corrective measures.
Inspection and Monitoring. ODA and State Officials shall be granted access to the Nursery location Monday through Friday during normal business hours to evaluate whether the Nursery and its operations are compliant with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. a. Failure to provide ODA or a State Official access to the nursery will be considered a violation of this Agreement and may result in termination of the agreement as provided in paragraph 13. b. If the Nursery denies access to ODA or a State Official as provided in paragraph 3, the ODA may obtain an administrative warrant to access the Nursery.
Inspection and Monitoring. A. Provider shall maintain and, upon request, make available to COA, the County Board of Commissioners, or any of their duly authorized representatives independent books, records, payroll, accounting procedures and practices, and documents which sufficiently and properly document and reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in operating the ESP. Such records shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, and audit by COA, the County, or their designees, or any government agency having responsibility or control over expenditure of public funds for the purposes of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions, determining compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of any kind, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. B. Provider will be monitored periodically by a representative(s) from COA, or a duly authorized representative, and Provider will permit access for such monitoring at all reasonable times. The monitoring will be to determine whether Provider’s activities are being carried out as specified by the Agreement. Monitoring activities may include, but are not limited to, on-site observation, inspection, interviews of staff and clients, and review of Provider employee and fiscal records related to the services provided under this Agreement and any other procedures, plans, documents and records which are directly pertinent to this Agreement. Specific monitoring methods and information to be requested may be discussed with Provider, although COA reserves the right to make final determination of the methods to be used and the information, pursuant to this Agreement, to be collected. Adequate measures will be taken by COA to insure that records of a confidential nature will not be compromised. If, in the judgment of COA, Provider is found to be in violation of this section or unable to carry out its provisions, COA, at its option, may suspend or terminate this Agreement, C. Provider agrees to accept responsibility for receiving, responding to, and/or complying with any audit exceptions noted in the course of any audit in connection with this Agreement. Such responsibility shall include, but not be limited to, the following actions with respect to any such exception: 1. Provider shall repay COA the full amount of any funds received for services not covered by this Agreement. 2. Provider shall repay to COA the full amount of any funds received as a result of any duplicate or erroneous xxxxxxxx, d...
Inspection and Monitoring. (a) Trawlers and demersal longliners shall, at the request of the authorities of Sierra Leone, take on board an observer designated by these authorities in order to check catches made in Sierra Leone's fishing zone. They shall have all facilities necessary for the performance of these duties including access to places and documents. An observer must not be present for longer than the time required to fulfil his duties. Observers shall be provided with suitable food and accommodation while on board. Should a vessel with an observer of Sierra Leone on board leave Sierra Leone's fishing zone, every step will be taken to ensure that the observer returns to Sierra Leone as soon as possible, at the shipowner's expense. (b) All vessels shall allow on board, and assist in the accomplishment of their duties, any other official of Sierra Leone responsible for inspection and monitoring.
Inspection and Monitoring. Any Community vessel fishing in the Republic of Guinea's fishing zone shall allow on board any official of the Republic of Guinea responsible for inspection and monitoring and shall assist him in the accomplishment of his duties. This official must not remain on board any longer than is necessary for the verification of catches by random checks and for any other inspection relating to fishing activities.
Inspection and Monitoring. The Subrecipient agrees to City inspection of all assisted units and common areas, following completion of construction/renovation activities, and annually thereafter, to ensure compliance with local housing standards.
Inspection and Monitoring. State Officials shall be granted access to the Establishment Monday through Friday during normal business hours to evaluate whether the Establishment and its operations are compliant with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. a. Failure to provide a State Official access to the Establishment will be considered a violation of this Agreement and may result in termination of the agreement as provided in paragraph 11. b. If the Establishment denies access to a State Official as provided in paragraph 3, the ODA may obtain an administrative warrant to access the Establishment.
Inspection and Monitoring. (a) The Government shall at all reasonable times and on reasonable notice during the Concession Period have the right to enter and exist the Concession Area to monitor and inspect the Project, including any Works or Tourism Operations, to confirm that the Project Company is in compliance with its obligations under this Agreement and all applicable Lao PDR Laws. (a) Any failure on the part of the Government and/or the Responsible Government Authorities to undertake inspections or monitoring of the Project, shall not, amount to any consent or approval of the Government or a waiver of any rights of the Government under this Agreement; nor shall it release or discharge the Project Company from its obligations or liabilities under this Agreement with respect to the Project.