Integrity of the Bargaining Unit Sample Clauses

Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Employer recognizes the integrity of the bargaining unit and will act consistently with the current policy to use State employees to perform all State functions in State operated facilities in preference to contracting out with the private sector. In the event the Employer proposes to use non-bargaining unit individuals to displace continuing bargaining unit positions, it will provide the Union with notice at the earliest opportunity, but normally notify the union at least sixty (60) days in advance (unless circumstances require a shorter notice) and be available to meet with the Union within one week after the notice is sent. Supervisors will not be assigned posts for the purpose of limiting overtime opportunities for bargaining unit employees except when fiscal or operational exigencies necessitate. Upon written request from the President of the Union identifying specific areas of concern, DBM will review the bargaining status of identified employees, correct errors and share the results of the review with the Union on a quarterly basis.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Employer recognizes the integrity of the bargaining unit and will act consistently with the current statutory policy to use State employees to perform all State functions in State operated facilities in preference to contracting out with the private sector. In the event the Employer proposes to use non-bargaining unit individuals to displace continuing bargaining unit positions, it will provide the Union with notice at the earliest opportunity, but normally at least sixty (60) days in advance. Supervisors will not be assigned posts for the purpose of limiting overtime opportunities for bargaining unit employees except when fiscal or operational exigencies necessitate. If a proposed contract with a private vendor to provide services in a State operated facility is not exempt under any of the specific exemptions provided in law, the contract may only be presented to the Board of Public Works for approval if: (1) the contracting agency has provided DBM with an analysis of the cost of the contract that shows that it will save the State at least $200,000 or 20% of the value of the contract, whichever is less; and (2) DBM finds that the economic advantage of the contract is not outweighed by the preference to use State employees to perform all State functions in State operated facilities. At least 60 days before issuing a solicitation for a nonexempt service contract to provide services in a State operated facility a State agency must notify the Union of the nature of the work to be performed, the contracting procedures and timetables, and the rights of State employees as provided by law.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Employer recognizes the integrity of the bargaining unit and will act consistently with the current policy to use State employees to perform all State functions in State operated facilities in preference to contracting out with the private sector. In the event the Employer proposes to use non-bargaining unit individuals to displace continuing bargaining unit positions, it will provide the Union with notice at the earliest opportunity, but normally notify the union at least sixty (60) days in advance (unless circumstances require a shorter notice) and be available to meet with the Union within one week after the notice is sent. Supervisors will not be assigned posts for the purpose of limiting overtime opportunities for bargaining unit employees except when fiscal or operational exigencies necessitate.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. The State recognizes the integrity of the bargaining unit and will not take any action intended to erode it.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. The Employer recognizes the integrity of the Bargaining Unit and will not take any action directed at eroding it. The Employer will assign Bargaining Unit work to Bargaining Unit employees, however, the employment of substitute, temporary or emergency employees to supplement bargaining employee’s work on a temporary basis shall not be considered an erosion of the Bargaining Unit.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. In the event the Employer proposes to use non-bargaining unit individuals to displace continuing bargaining unit positions, it will provide the Union with notice at the earliest opportunity, but normally at least 75 days in advance. Commanders will not be assigned bargaining unit work for the purpose of limiting overtime opportunities for bargaining unit employees except when fiscal or operational exigencies necessitate.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. 46.§1 The Employer recognizes that the integrity of the Bargaining Unit is of significant concern to the MSEA. Bargaining Unit work shall, except as provided below, be performed by Bargaining Unit employees. The Employer shall not assign Bargaining Unit work to employees outside of the MSEA Bargaining Unit except in the case of emergency, temporary work relief or to the extent that such work is a part of their duties as provided in the class specifications or to the extent that such assignment is a matter of customary practice on the effective date of this Agreement. In no event shall such assignments be made for the purpose of reducing or eroding the Bargaining Unit. 46.§2 The Employer may continue to utilize student employees, provided the primary purpose shall be to supplement ongoing activities or to provide training opportunities.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. A. The Employer retains the right to contract out services that are performed or that could be performed by employees covered by this MOU. The University understands that the Union opposes the contracting out of public services. Where the Employer decides to contract out a service that is performed by employees covered by this MOU, the Employer will provide the Union with written notice of its decision no less than sixty (60) days before the effective date of the service contract. The notice shall include the following: 1. A statement of what efforts will be made by the University to place affected employees in University positions that are vacant at the time of notice; 2. A statement of what employment possibilities are available with the contractor; and 3. A statement of which employees, if any, will be laid off as a result of the contracting out of the services. Employees who are laid off are subject to Article 34 – Lay-Offs. B. The parties specifically agree that this Article is intended to state the complete obligation of each party with regard to bargaining over the effects of a decision by the Employer to contract out.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. 35.01 Notwithstanding article 34.01, the Employer shall not contract out bargaining unit work.
Integrity of the Bargaining Unit. The Employer recognizes the integrity of the Bargaining Unit, and will not take any action directed at eroding it. The Employer will assign Bargaining Unit work to Bargaining Unit employees, however, the employment of substitute, temporary or emergency personnel to supplement bargaining employee's work on a temporary basis shall not be considered an erosion of the bargaining unit. Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit the District from using other staff to transport students in District vehicles that do not require a school bus driver’s license or permit.