Investment Protection Sample Clauses
Investment Protection. 1. Each Contracting Party shall endeavor to create favorable conditions for investors of the other Contracting Party to make investments in its territory and admit such investments in accordance with its legislation.
2. Each Contracting Party shall ensure, in accordance with its legislation full protection on its territory investments of investors of the other Contracting Party.
Investment Protection. The Third Party Broker is a member of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC). All Instruments held in your Account with the Third Party Broker are eligible for protection by SIPC. If the Third Party Broker becomes insolvent, then your Instruments may be protected by SIPC coverage up to $500,000. However, SIPC does not protect you against losses caused by a decline in the market value of your Instruments.
Investment Protection. Each Contracting Party shall grant fair and equitable treatment to the investments of the investors from the other Contracting Party. It is also not allowed for any Contracting Party to subject the administration, maintenance, use, transfer, enjoyment or assignment of the investment made by the investors of the other contracting party in their territory, as well as the companies and projects in which these investments were made, to any discriminatory or legally unjustified measures.
Investment Protection. 1. The ACP States and the Community and its Member States, within the scope of their respective competencies, affirm the need to promote and protect either Party’s investments on their respective territories, and in this context affirm the importance of concluding, in their mutual interest, investment promotion and protection agreements which could also provide the basis for insurance and guarantee schemes.
2. In order to encourage European investment in development projects of special importance to, and promoted by the ACP States, the Community and the Member States, on the one hand and the ACP States on the other, may also conclude agreements relating to specific projects of mutual interest where the Community and European enterprises contribute towards their financing.
3. The Parties also agree to introduce, within the economic partnership agreements, and while respecting the respective competencies of the Community and its Member States, general principles on protection and promotion of investments, which will endorse the best results agreed in the competent international fora or bilaterally.
Investment Protection. 1. Each Contracting Party shall ensure in its territory fair and equitable treatment to investments and returns of investors of the other Contracting Party in respect of the ownership, use and disposal of such investments and returns.
2. According to paragraph 1 of this Article, it should be not less favorable than that accorded to the investments its own investors or investments of investors of any third state, depending on which of them, in view of the investor, is more favorable.
3. Each Contracting Party reserves the right to apply and to introduce, in accordance with its legislation exceptions to the national treatment to foreign investors and their investments, including reinvested capital.
4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article with respect to should not MFN construed so as to oblige one Contracting Party to extend to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege which may be granted to the former Contracting Party:
a) in connection with its participation in a free trade area, customs union, monetary union, common market or any similar economic integration entities or any international agreements, leading to the creation of such associations or unions;
b) on the basis of any international agreement or arrangement relating wholly or in part to taxation issues.
5. Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 5, 6 and 9 of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties are not obliged to provide in accordance with this Agreement, the more favorable treatment than that accorded by each Contracting Party in accordance with the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) of 15 April 1994, including the commitments to the General agreement on trade in services (GATS), as well as in accordance with any other multilateral agreement relating to investment regime, which members of both Contracting Parties.
Investment Protection. 1. All existing and future investments made by investors of one of the Contracting Parties shall, in the territory of the other Contracting Party fair and equitable treatment.
2. Subject to the measures necessary for the maintenance of public order, these investments shall enjoy constant security and protection, excluding any unjustified or discriminatory measure which could adversely affect, in law or in fact, management, maintenance, use, enjoyment or disposal.
3. The treatment and protection set out in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be at least equal to those enjoyed by investors of a third country and shall in no case be less favourable than those accorded by international law.
4. However, this treatment and protection shall not extend to the privileges which either Contracting Party accords to investors of a third State by virtue of:
a) Its participation in or association of a free trade area, customs union, common market or any other form of international economic organizations;
b) An agreement for the avoidance of double taxation or any other arrangement relating to taxation.
Investment Protection. The agreement contains provisions liberalising FDI and protecting investments between the EU and Mexico through a comprehensive approach covering both services and non- services sectors. The chapter enables the establishment and operation of enterprises in the territory of each Party, guaranteeing market access as well as non-discriminatory treatment. Performance requirements, such as local content or transfer of technology requirements, as a condition for the establishment or operation of enterprises, are prohibited. Comprehensive liberalisation commitments are undertaken through a hybrid list approach (a negative list for discriminatory treatment and a positive list for market access). Market access commitments will apply to both services and other sectors such as manufacturing and basic industries. The liberalisation of FDI achieved by these provisions is complimented by commitments allowing for the free movement of capital and transfer and payments necessary for the proper functioning of an investment. Safeguard measures can be applied if justified by e.g. balance of payments or monetary problems, under the same conditions as those allowed by the WTO and EU Treaties. The investment protection provisions are based on clear and precise standards which provide basic guarantees that governments will respect certain fundamental principles of treatment that a foreign investor may rely upon when making a decision to invest in the EU and Mexico. These guarantees include non-discrimination, no expropriation without prompt and adequate compensation, and a general guarantee of fair and equitable treatment and physical security. The FTA defines precisely when governments are in breach of the fair and equitable treatment obligation and removes the scope for discretionary interpretation by tribunals. The liberalisation commitments in this Agreement go substantially beyond those of the previous agreement and will in particular bind the recent opening of Mexico's energy sector. The protection of investment is extended beyond the existing 17 bilateral investment treaties to the remaining EU Member States, ensuring equality of treatment and opportunities for all EU investors.
Investment Protection. We do not charge a fee for advising and arranging these services as we will normally receive commission from the policy provider, after the policy is placed on risk. • To provide our services properly we’ll need to collect information about your personal and financial circumstances. We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to deliver our services. • Processing of your personal data is necessary for the performance of our contract for services with you. Generally this is the lawful basis on which we intend to rely for the processing of your data. (Please see the reference to special categories of data below). Our policy is to gather and process only that personal data which is necessary for us to conduct our services appropriately with you. • We adopt a transparent approach to the processing of your personal data. Sometimes, we may need to pass your personal information to other organisations. If you apply to take out a financial product or service we’ll need to pass certain personal details to the product or service provider. • We may engage the services of third party providers of professional services in order to enhance the service we provide to you. These parties may also need to process your personal data in the performance of their contract with us. Your personal information may be transferred electronically (e.g. by email or over the internet) and we, or any relevant third party, may contact you in future by what we believe to be the most appropriate means of communication at the time (e.g. telephone/ email /letter etc.). • The organisations to whom we may pass your details also have their own obligations to deal with your personal information appropriately. Sometimes a product or service may be administered from a country outside Europe. If this is the case, the firm must put a contract in place to ensure that your information is adequately protected. • We will issue you with our Privacy Notice. This is a is a separate document which provides more information about the nature of our personal data processing activities and includes details of our retention and deletion policies as well as your rights of access to the personal information that we hold on you. • As part of this agreement we’ll ask you to consent to the transfer of personal information in accordance with the protections outlined above. • Special categories of personal data: there are certain categories of personal data that are sensitive by nature. The...
Investment Protection. In the event that the Company undertakes a private placement of securities on or prior to June 30, 2000, (excluding any refinancing of the Company's senior debt or any debt offering to a financial institution or institutional investor (including warrants), unless other non-institutional investors participate therein), Holder will have a ten (10) day period following notice of such offering from the Company to exchange the securities Holder received in this offering (including any underlying shares of Common Stock) for the same type of securities issued in the subsequent offering, and in the aggregate dollar amount of Holder's investment
Investment Protection. 0. Xxxxxxxxxxx by investors from either of the two contracting States shall enjoy full protection and security in the territory of the other Contracting State in a manner consistent with recognized principles of international law and the provisions of this Agreement. Neither Contracting State will in any way take arbitrary or discriminatory measures that would harm such investments or related activities including the use and enjoyment of, managing, developing, maintaining and expanding investments
2. Each of the two Contracting States shall announce or inform the investors of all laws, regulations, judicial decisions, judgments and orders, administrative procedures and directives that are directly related to or affect investments or activities related in their region to investors of the other Contracting State.
3. Each Contracting Party shall provide effective means of asserting claims and enforcing rights with respect to investments. Each Contracting Party shall ensure to investors of the other Contracting Party, the right of access to its courts of justice, administrative tribunals and agencies, and all other bodies exercising adjudicatory authority, and the right to mandate persons of their choice, who qualify under applicable laws and regulations for the purpose of the assertion of claims and the enforcement of rights with respect to their investments.
4. Neither Contracting Party may impose as a condition for the acquisition, expansion, use, management, conduct or operation of investments by investors of the other Contracting Party mandatory measures, which may require or restrict the purchase of materials, energy, fuel or of means of production, transport or operation of any kind or restrict the marketing of products inside or outside its territory, or any other measures having the effect of discrimination against investments by investors of the other Contracting Party in favor of investments by its own investors or by investors of third states. Furthermore, investments shall not be subjected in the host Contracting Party to performance requirements which may be detrimental to their viability or adversely affect their use, management, conduct, operation, expansion, sale or other disposition.
5. Investments by investors of either Contracting Party shall not be subjected in the host Contracting Party to sequestration, confiscation or any other similar measures except under due process of law and in conformity with applicable principles of international...