Lecturers Sample Clauses
Lecturers. (1) Lecturers means part-time staff as defined in Article 5(2)(1) who are exclusively in charge of teaching tasks in a scientific, artistic or practical subject which usually also involve tasks as set forth in paragraph (4).
(2) The employment relationship may be concluded for a definite or for an indefinite period of time. Fixed-term employment relationships shall be concluded for a period of six months or a multiple thereof, unless in the case of replacements or if the Lecturer him/herself is only available for a shorter term.
(3) The working time shall be agreed in accordance with the number of instruction units to be held and the type of course, with one instruction unit consisting on average of 15 units (in derogation thereof the number of instruction weeks as defined in Section 52 UG) of 45 minutes each. When determining the type of course distinctions have to be made according to the time required for the same (including the relating activities as defined in paragraph (4)), and categories of courses may be set up. When doing so - for teaching an art subject or for teaching in connection with a central art subject which is not mainly instructing or controlling, no less than 75% of the time required for teaching a scientific subject and - in no category less than 50% of the time required for teaching a scientific subject may be budgeted. Additional categories of courses may be established by plant agreement.
(4) Time required as defined in paragraph (3) also includes preparation for courses, support of students during courses, holding examinations on courses, contribution to evaluation measures and the administrative tasks related to teaching. Examinations shall be held within three months after termination of the course on not more than two days to be agreed with the University.
(5) Article 49 shall not apply to teaching activities (e.g. at a USI) that are not included in paragraphs (1) to (4). Such work and remuneration thereof may be regulated in more detail by plant agreement.
Lecturers. The schedule will include 164 duty days plus graduation ceremonies during Fall and Spring semesters.
Lecturers. A. Annual Reviews
Lecturers. The Lecturer rank is for appointments where the instruction requires advanced academic qualifications (masters, doctoral or equivalent post-graduate degrees).
Lecturers. A. A Lecturer is free to discuss their tentative workload assignments and expectations with the chair or, in schools or units without chairs, with the xxxx or director either before or after the proposed schedule of courses has been submitted to the Registrar for an upcoming semester, academic year or Summer Session.
B. Lecturers are expected to perform teaching duties in accordance with the requirements of the assignment unit. Such work shall include instructional activities, and related responsibilities, availability to students for consultation and reasonable office hours. Any additional work expectations with regard to the course(s) that the Lecturer member is teaching shall be delineated in the appointment letter, or in some other written communication from the chair, xxxx and/or the Chief Officer of PACE. The primary obligation of part-time faculty is teaching. There may be occasions, however, where the Xxxx or designee asks the Lecturer to undertake a voluntary assignment in addition to teaching. Such work may include but not be limited to supervising theses, teaching independent studies, and guest lecturing. If the faculty member chooses to undertake the assignment, and unless such compensation is specifically set by the provisions of Article 18, the Xxxx or designee will determine the appropriate compensation for such work based on the course equivalency policies in place in that department/unit governing theses or other activities. If there are no such policies, then the Xxxx at their discretion will set the compensation. The faculty member shall be under no obligation to take such assignment nor penalized in any way for a refusal to take on such assignment. A copy of the appointment letter or any other written communication regarding work expectations, or any modification of such work expectations, will be placed in the individual’s Academic Record File.
Lecturers. Lecturers are expected to assume responsibility for the quality of their own outcomes insofar as they relate to the dimensions of practice identified below. In other areas lecturers should work under the guidance of senior lecturers . They should:
Lecturers. A. A Lecturer is free to discuss his or her tentative workload assignments and expectations with the chair or, in schools or units without chairs, with the xxxx or director either before or after the proposed schedule of courses has been submitted to the Registrar for an upcoming semester, academic year or Summer Session.
B. Lecturers are expected to perform teaching duties in accordance with the requirements of the assignment unit. Such work shall include instructional activities, and related responsibilities, availability to students for consultation and reasonable office hours. Any additional work expectations with regard to the course(s) that the Lecturer member is teaching shall be delineated in the appointment letter, or in some other written communication from the Chair, Xxxx and/or the Xxxx of CE. A copy of the appointment letter or any other written communication regarding work expectations, or any modification of such work expectations, will be placed in the individual’s Academic Record File.
Lecturers. Lecturers are required to have appropriate educational credentials, usually at minimum a Master’s degree corresponding to their subject matter and professional experience. The educational and professional criteria shall be developed by the relevant UPRC. The primary obligations of Lecturers shall be in the area of teaching but advising and service shall also be required. Lecturers may be appointed in any School or unit of the University, except for the library. The faculty in the General Studies department shall be Lecturers, (not to be included in the limits set forth in Section 2), with all rights and responsibilities thereof. Their normal workload twelve (12) credit per semester workload shall be broken down as follows: Ten (10) credits of teaching Two (2) credits of tutoring and intensive advisement The current work schedules (effective May 2016) and job descriptions for Lecturers in General Studies shall continue in effect. The University will assign workload (teaching and non-teaching) to non-tenure track faculty so as to allow their qualifications and experience to benefit the students of the University.