LIBRARY ASSISTANTS i. The Board agrees that the provision of library assistant service to schools enhances the use of the professional skills of the teacher-librarian. Library assistants shall only perform duties and responsibilities outlined in their job description and will be under the general supervision of the Principal and teacher- librarian.
ii. Where the B.T.A. feels it desirable, consultation will be held regarding the process of appointing library assistants and/or their reassignment recognizing, however, the existence of a Board/C.U.P.E. Collective Agreement. Notification of such a meeting will be provided to C.U.P.E. Local 379 which may have in attendance two representatives.
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. The work year for library assistants shall be for a total of one hundred seventy-four (174) workdays (these days can be used by the Superintendent as mandatory professional development days or workdays) and eight (8) holidays.
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. Library Aides shall work the day before the students' first day and the day after the students' last day of the school year.
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. High school diploma or equivalency. Completion of thirty (30) hour Certified Library Technical Program is desired. Typing proficiency 50 w.p.m. Proficiency in all language arts skill areas. Ability to work well with students, the public, and other employees. Ability to handle routine correspondence. Ability to set up and maintain files. Ability to operate media equipment. Ability to access the Internet. Ability and desire to learn new technologies. Computer literate. High school diploma or equivalency. Two (2) years’ work experience in the area. Ability to work well with students, the public, and other employees. High school diploma or equivalency. Two (2) years’ work experience in the area. Ability to work well with students, the public, and other employees. CPI training required (at the next available session) CLASSIFICATION IV: Building Technology Assistants High school diploma or equivalency Advanced training in technology preferred /Proficiency in all language arts skill areas Ability to learn new technologies Ability to work well with students, the public, and other employees Familiar with latest version of Windows Knowledge of IOS devices and apps Experience working with wireless technologies and networks Experience creating, maintaining and using images and apps XXXXX GRIEVANCE FORM Grievance No. Date Filed Name of Xxxxxxxx(s) Work Location Classification Date of alleged violation Nature of grievance Contract article(s) or policy violated Signature of Grievant(s) Date Association endorsement (Level Three): The Association has reviewed the above stated grievance and: Signature of Association Secretary Dated Paraprofessional Evaluation Employee: Site: Date of Evaluation: Date of Review: School Year: Evaluator:
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. These provisions are effective from 2002 January 01 to 2002 December 31 and are also set out in Schedule B, which is attached to, and forms part of the Agreement.
i) Employees leaving the service in less than twelve (12) months from the date of appointment shall be granted vacation pay in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.
ii) In the first part calendar year of service, one-twelfth (1/12th) of ten (10) working days.
iii) During the second (2nd) up to and including the seventh (7th) calendar year of service, fifteen (15) working days.
iv) During the eighth (8th) up to and including the tenth (10th) calendar year of service, twenty (20) working days.
v) During the eleventh (11th) up to and including the fifteenth (15th) calendar year of service, twenty-one (21) working days.
vi) During the sixteenth (16th), up to and including the twenty-third (23rd) calendar year of service, twenty-six (26) working days.
vii) During the twenty-fourth (24th), and all subsequent calendar years of service, thirty-one (31) working days.
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. The Board agrees that the provision of library assistant service to schools enhances the use of the professional skills of the teacher-librarian. Library assistants shall only perform duties and responsibilities outlined in their job description and will be under the general supervision of the Principal and teacher- librarian.
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. Will receive four percent (4.0%) of starting teacher salary base.
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. An employee in this classification processes and circulates resources, takes inventory, duties and monitors students. January I997 to June Those employees employed on permanent staff and engaged in doing skilled maintenance, construction or decorative work in and around the school buildings, equipment and grounds, but not requiring certification in the occupation classification. Those employees engaged in landscaping, grounds maintenance, ground equipment maintenance, and as required, doing general maintenance, construction and decorative work in school buildings. An employee in this classification is engaged in the coordination of food services tasks in the school meals program or cafeteria programs.
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. 23.1. The contract for Library Assistants shall be a ten (10) month contract from September 1 to June 30.
23.2. The work year of the Library Assistants shall be the same work schedule as teachers during the actual operation of school.
23.2.1. The Library Assistants shall report five (5) days before new teachers and shall be paid for these days according to the terms of this Article.
23.2.2. The Library Assistants shall work to the full term of their contract, June 30, at the discretion of the Building Principal.
23.3. Library Assistants shall work thirty-five (35) hours per week with a one-half (1/2) hour lunch period per day.
23.4. Salaries for Library Assistants shall be listed in Schedule E of this agreement.
23.5. Any Library Assistant who retires from the School District with fifteen (15) or more years of service in this District shall be eligible for terminal leave pay to be computed using the ratio of one (1) day's pay for every five (5) days of accumulated unused sick leave subject to the procedures of Article XXI, paragraph 21.1.1.
23.5.1. Accumulated sick leave under the Agreement formula shall be capped for all support staff at the maximum amount the employee is entitled to on June 30, 1999 or $10,000.00, whichever is greater.
23.6. Only the following Articles of this Agreement shall apply to Library Assistants: Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 12
LIBRARY ASSISTANTS. The parties have agreed to the following conditions regarding the Library Assistant:
a. This position requires a bachelor degree.
b. A Library Assistant cannot advance beyond the Library Assistant grade on the salary scale without obtaining a Master of Library Science/Master of Library and Information Science Degree (MLS/MLIS.) Those positions bid as a Library Assistant only will remain as a Library Assistant position regardless if the incumbent filling the position receives her MLS/MLIS degree. A Library Assistant incumbent who receives her MLS/MLIS degree is only able to move to a Librarian position by bidding on an opening classified as a Librarian position. (See also Article 16, Section 2, Salary and Wage Provisions - Library Assistant Receiving an MLS/MLIS Degree.) A Library Assistant in a Librarian/Library Assistant position will be moved to the Librarian 1 pay grade once completion of her coursework is verified.
c. The number of Library Assistant scheduled hours will not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of MLS/MLIS scheduled hours.
d. The Library will maintain a minimum of one Full-Time Equivalent Professional Youth Services position in each branch unit. In no instance shall a Library Assistant or any combination of Library Assistants be construed as fulfilling the “Full-Time Equivalent Youth Services position in any unit.”