Monitoring Provisions. ASM and/or EM Contracting: NEFS 5 will contract one or more of the companies approved by 4 NOAA Fisheries to provide monitoring services and will notify NOAA Fisheries of its selection 5 no later than April 30, 2021.
Monitoring Provisions. 2.1 Within 2 Working Days of the last day of every calendar month period of the Agreement, the Operator shall submit certified (by the Operator employee with overall responsibility for its financial management) management information detailing the number of new and renewal certifications and additional chargeable Scheme-related services which were carried out in that period, along with details of the calculation of the Royalty owed to the Authority in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Schedule. The requirement for this to be submitted within 2 Working Days of the last day of every calendar month period of the Agreement is material to the contract.
2.2 Within 10 Working Days of the last day of every three month period of the Agreement, the Operator shall submit management information detailing for that period:
(i) the average number of assessments required by a Customer before achieving a new certification;
(ii) the number of unsuccessful new certifications; and
(iii) the number of unsuccessful renewal certifications.
2.3 Within 10 Working Days of the last day of every three month period of the Agreement, the Operator shall submit management information detailing for that period:
(i) the number of written complaints received from Customers;
(ii) A short summary of the nature of each complaint;
(iii) Whether each complaint was resolved and closed to the Customers’ reasonable satisfaction;
(iv) A full summary of any complaint which was live (i.e. not closed to Customers’ reasonable satisfaction) for a period in excess of 3 calendar months.
Monitoring Provisions. The Sponsor agrees to perform all necessary work to monitor the Bank to demonstrate compliance with the success criteria established in this MBI/Permit. The proposed monitoring plan (Attachment A-8) has been determined to be substantively adequate to evaluate progress toward restoration goals, identify potential roadblocks or impacts that may hamper attaining those goals, provide opportunities for scientific assessment of wetland functions and processes, and ultimately demonstrate that the Bank’s success criteria have been met. However, in order to accommodate any changes necessitated by permitting conditions and/or operational restrictions, the Sponsor shall submit, for MBRT written approval, a final monitoring plan 60 days prior to conducting monitoring associated with the determination of success for this permit. The MBRT shall complete such approval within 60 days of receipt of a written submittal of the final monitoring plan. This plan shall include the following attributes:
1. a figure showing all sampling and photographic locations;
2. a table indicating all sampling and photographic frequencies and/or dates;
3. a detailed description of all sampling methodologies to be utilized;
Monitoring Provisions. The Sponsor agrees to perform all necessary work, 13 pursuant to Appendix N, to monitor Mitigation Sites during the establishment period to 14 demonstrate compliance with the performance standards established in Appendix M.
Monitoring Provisions. The effectiveness of this CCAA will be monitored through annual reports, prepared by AGFD and USFWS. Progress toward each conservation measure will be evaluated, and when monitoring protocols have been implemented, biological data will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of conservation measures.
Monitoring Provisions. Three types of monitoring will be required for this CCAA: (1) Ascertaining general compliance for those CI’s which secure habitat only; (2) Monitoring of treatment actions for each CI that includes treatment; and (3) Assessing the overall habitat status of each population of Gunnison Sage-grouse for the CCAA. By taking these steps, the assumption is that what is good for Sage- grouse habitat is good for Sage-grouse. Direct links to Sage-grouse population increases from habitat improvement projects is difficult to assess due to other non-habitat related factors that influence population numbers (for instance: predation, disease, permanent habitat loss/conversion elsewhere in the population, etc.). The following protocols are required for each type of monitoring. Note that activities may be performed by approved contractors, but the named parties are ultimately responsible for monitoring.
(1) General CI Compliance - These monitoring activities are required for Type 1 or Type 2 CIs:
a. Annual CDOW contact with landowners and a site visit by a CDOW employee.
b. Annual review of the baseline documentation for maintenance of the habitat conditions that were documented at the time the CI was approved. A report will be completed by CDOW and provided to the landowner.
c. New photographs of photopoints from the baseline report will be taken at least every three years by CDOW. If noticeable changes are seen during a site visit, photos will be taken more frequently. In addition, the landowner will be queried as to what caused the change, if not apparent, and asked if he/she would be willing to conduct habitat treatments to enhance the habitat if caused by factors outside the landowner’s control.
d. Non-compliance by landowners with any of the terms of the CI will be reported immediately to CDOW and the Service. Also any significant change in habitat conditions regardless of cause will also be reported. An investigation of the facts will determine if further review is necessary, if amending monitoring or management protocols is necessary, or CI revocation or suspension is needed.
e. If it is determined that further review is necessary, a review team will be assembled, that will include, at a minimum, CDOW and USFWS personnel as well as the landowner, and a full review will be completed. A report will be filed with the Service, with recommended action potentially including more rigorous monitoring, enforcement of the terms of the CI, habitat treatments, or revocation of...
Monitoring Provisions. A general monitoring and reporting protocol and subsequent monitoring plan will be established for each Site. Current USACE guidance and methodologies will be used. NDOR will perform all necessary work to monitor the Sites to demonstrate the performance standards established in this Agreement and detailed in each Site Development Plan are met. Monitoring will begin during the first growing season after construction is complete and the approved planting plan has been implemented. Monitoring of each Site shall occur for a period of no less than 5 years for emergent wetland or riverine systems and stream mitigation projects and 10 years for forested wetland or riverine systems. The last 3 years should be without intervention in the form of removing undesirable vegetation or replanting desirable vegetation. The monitoring results will be provided to USACE on an annual basis during the monitoring period. Monitoring shall continue until USACE, in consultation with the IRT (as appropriate), is confident that the performance standards are being met and/or a trajectory indicates the site is progressing without further manipulation from the NDOR. Monitoring plans will provide information required for USACE to determine how the bank site is progressing towards meeting its performance standards. Monitoring reports will include as-built plans (as submitted per Section 3.6), maps and photographs to illustrate bank site conditions. Reports can also include any functional assessment or other assessment used to provide measure of functions of the bank site.
Monitoring Provisions. This Agreement includes provisions for compliance tracking and evaluating the effectiveness of conservation delivery undertaken by Partners as described herein. The measures included verify the delivery of the Partner conservation obligations, allow the Program Administrator and the Service to communicate the effectiveness of the Agreement, and for all Parties to learn and adapt from the implementation and any changed circumstances that may occur over the Agreement’s duration. In regards to implementation of monitoring provisions, Partners will describe local or regional considerations, define roles and responsibilities, and how specific provisions will be conducted, on adopted acres across their enrolled lands as part of their implementation plan.
Monitoring Provisions. A. Athletic Program Component Areas: The University agrees that, by June 1, 2016, it will provide for OCR’s review and approval a report on the assessments related to the provision of athletic benefits and services for male and female student athletes, as required in each of the subsections above. The report will include: a description of the process followed in each area of assessment; a list of the individuals involved in the assessment process; a description of non-documentary information considered; a copy of any documents relied upon in the process; a detailed analysis of each factor required by each subsection above; the results of the assessment; and detailed plans to ensure that the University provides equal athletic opportunity, including timeframes for any necessary changes resulting from the assessment and identification of personnel responsible for implementing the plans.
Monitoring Provisions. 21. The parties agree to an eighteen (18) month monitoring period commencing on the first day of the second month following approval of this Agreement by the Court.
22. During the eighteen (18) month monitoring period the Philadelphia Police Department agrees to provide, on a monthly basis, the following documents to the American Diabetes Association:
a. Computer data exported from the PARS database for all persons in police custody who are identified as having diabetes. The data shall be provided in a computerized form and shall contain the following:
i. Computerized Detainee Medical Checklists (75-605) for all detainees with diabetes (including, without limitation, the checklists for all individuals detained for investigation or summary offenses);
ii. Location information from arrest through release or transfer to prison, including times of transfer, for all detainees with diabetes;
iii. Names, addresses, phone numbers and police photo numbers (PPN/PID) for all detainees with diabetes.
b. Hospital Case Database records (including names, addresses, phone numbers, and police photo numbers (PPN/PID)) in electronic format for all detainees with diabetes that appear in the Hospital Case Database.
c. Copies of any Internal Affairs investigations involving care and treatment of persons with diabetes and/or violations of Directive 82 involving persons with diabetes completed during the monitoring period.
d. Documents evidencing all specially ordered meals provided detainees with diabetes pursuant to § lB. of Appendix “D” to Directive 82.
e. All diabetes related training materials, Directives, Commissioner’s Memoranda, Teletype Messages, Assist officers or other similar documents relating to the care and treatment of persons with diabetes.
f. In the event counsel for plaintiffs require hard copies of computerized Detainee Medical Checklists (75-605), or Incident Reports (75-48) on transportation of detained persons with diabetes to hospitals and/or the MOPU, counsel for plaintiffs shall confer in good faith with counsel for the City and set forth (1) the need for the information; and (2) the provision of this Agreement being monitored for which the information is required. In the event that counsel for the City is unable to resolve the monitoring issues identified by counsel for plaintiffs, the City shall provide the requested information within fourteen days of the request.
g. The City shall request its medical services provider to provide the City with all Medi...