Monthly Living Allowance Sample Clauses

Monthly Living Allowance. This is a flat rate is set out in Annex I exclusively for the benefit of the researchers appointed under the project according to the applicable reference rates indicated in the Work Programme notwithstanding any additional contribution which might be paid to the researcher by the beneficiary or any other body referred to in the agreement. This flat rate is set out on the basis of a full-time recruitment of the researcher under the project (in case of a part-time recruitment, the allowances shall be adapted pro- rata to the time actually spent on the project). The beneficiary shall recruit the researcher under an employment contract except where national regulation would prohibit this possibility. For very short stays, the beneficiary may opt between recruiting him/her under an employment contract or under a fixed amount fellowship. In all cases, the use of fixed amount fellowship requires the prior agreement of the REA. The reference rates for researchers recruited under an employment contract include all compulsory deductions under national legislation in the context of this grant agreement. When an employment contract cannot be provided, the beneficiary shall recruit the researcher under a status equivalent to a fixed amount fellowship and providing that it is compatible with the applicable legislation of the beneficiary and ensuring that social security coverage, including at least the branches foreseen in Article 3(1) a), b), c) and f) of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004, has been provided to the researcher, but not necessarily paid from the Union contribution for the fixed amount fellowship. Monthly living allowances applicable are those established in the relevant Work Programme. In case of parental leave, the REA may decide, upon written request of the researcher and the beneficiary submitted with the final reports at the end of the project, to augment the sum of the European Union contribution for the reimbursement of compulsory and non-recoverable costs under the applicable national law. Calculated on a monthly basis, the contribution shall not exceed the difference between the compensation received by the researcher under his/her social security coverage mentioned under Article III.4.1.g) and h) and the amount of the contribution defined in Article III.8.1.
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Monthly Living Allowance for granted students A basic monthly amount of 1’000€/month during maximum 24 months shall be paid to the scholarship holder. Payments shall be performed in a systematic way in EUR, on a monthly basis to a European bank account whose account holder must be the scholarship holder. The payment of the living allowance will correspond to the effective time of stay, during which the scholarship holder undertakes his/her academic activities. The monthly allowance can only be paid as from the month of arrival of the student at the first host University (Y1) and after formal enrolment to the course. The payment will be stopped immediately in case of interruption of the course by the student. Should the absence be not excused in a satisfactory manner within 10 days, the student will be exmatriculated. If students decide to voluntarily join the programme at an earlier stage, then this period must not be considered as part of the EMJMD's course duration. This rule also applies to cases of late arrivals of students to the course. The regular scholarship payments to the student can be stopped if the student is expelled or released from the course, blocked from entry in the country of mobility by national authorities or leaves the course on own demand or by force majeure. The monthly living allowance is paid from the month of arrival of the student and is further transferred at the beginning of each month during a maximum duration of 24 months. For Partner country students who want to spend study time at a Partner Country, e.g. to do a master thesis or internship, only a maximum of 3 months will be covered by the monthly allowance. For all granted students, the monthly living allowance will not cover the periods when the student is in his/her country of residence (except in case of force majeure as defined by the European Commission).
Monthly Living Allowance. A basic monthly amount of 1’000€/month during maximum 24 months shall be paid to the scholarship holder. Payments shall be performed in a systematic way in EUR, on a monthly basis to a European bank account whose account holder must be the scholarship holder. The payment of the living allowance will correspond to the effective time of stay, during which the scholarship holder undertakes his/her academic activities. The monthly allowance can only be paid as from the month of arrival of the student at the first host University (Y1) and after formal enrolment to the course. The payment will be stopped immediately in case of interruption of the course by the student. Should the absence be not excused in a satisfactory manner within 10 days, the student will be exmatriculated. If students decide to voluntarily join the programme at an earlier stage, then this period must not be considered as part of the EMJMD's course duration. This rule also applies to cases of late arrivals of students to the course. The regular scholarship payments to the student can be stopped if the student is expelled or released from the course, blocked from entry in the country of mobility by national authorities or leaves the course on own demand or by force majeure. The monthly living allowance is paid from the month of arrival of the student and is further transferred at the beginning of each month during a maximum duration of 24 months. For Partner country students who want to spend study time at a Partner Country, e.g. to do a master thesis or internship, only a maximum of 3 months will be covered by the monthly allowance. For all students, the monthly living allowance will not cover the periods when the student is in his/her country of residence.
Monthly Living Allowance. A basic monthly amount of 1000 Euro per month during maximum 24 months. Payments shall be performed in a systematic way in EURO, preferably on a monthly basis at the end of each month, to a International Bank Account Number (IBAN) whose account holder must be the scholarship holder. The payment of the living allowance will correspond to the effective time of stay, during which the scholarship holder undertakes his/her academic activities. The monthly allowance can only be paid as from the month of arrival of the student at the first host University (OMU) and after formal enrolment to the programme. The payment will be stopped immediately in case of interruption of the programme by the student. If students decide to voluntarily join the programme at an earlier stage, then this period must not be considered as part of the EMJMD's course duration. This rule also applies to cases of late arrivals of students to the course. The regular scholarship payments to the student can be stopped if the student is expelled or released from the programme, blocked from entry in the country of mobility by national authorities, or leaves the programme on own demand. The monthly living allowance covers each full month of the mobility awarded. If a portion of a month is more than 15 days a full month allowance is to be paid (e.g. For the 24-month master, if the duration of the student stay is 23 months and 15 days only 23 monthly allowances should be paid. On the other hand, if the duration is 23 months and 16 days then 24 monthly allowances should be paid). Students that want to spend study time at a Partner Country, e.g. to do a master thesis, only a maximum of 3 months will be covered by the monthly allowance. The monthly living allowance will not cover the periods when the student is in his/her country of residence.
Monthly Living Allowance. A monthly amount of up to of 1,400 EUR/month for a maximum of 24 months. Payments will be made systematically in EUR, preferably on a monthly basis at the end of each month, into a European bank account held by the scholarship holder. The monthly transferred is calculated on a pro-rata basis according to the actual number of days that the student is actively participates in the Masters programme (e.g., 1,400 EUR / 30 days = 46,67 EUR per day). This period includes study, research, internship activities, thesis preparation and defence, in accordance with the requirements of the Joint Master. During this period, the scholarship can only be awarded in full, and to full-time students. The Living Allowance is paid according to the actual number of days spent in the host country carrying out her/his academic activities. The monthly allowance can only be paid from the month of arrival, at the first host institution (M1), and after formal enrolment. Upon arrival, the scholarship holder will be required to sign a certificate stating the start date of her/his academic activities and to submit monthly reports to demonstrate her/his active participation in the Master’s programme. The payment of the scholarship will end at the end of the M2 academic year and no later than three (3) months after the official end of the EMJM intake. It cannot exceed the maximum number of instalments foreseen for an academic programme of 120 ECTS (i.e., 24 monthly payments). If students decide to join the programme voluntarily at an earlier stage, this period cannot be considered as part of the EMJM course duration. This rule also applies to cases where students arrive late to the course. Scholarship payments to the student may be suspended if the student is expelled or dismissed from the course, is refused entry to the country of mobility by the national authorities, or leaves the course at his or her own request. Students who wish to spend time studying in a partner country, e.g., to complete a Master's thesis or an internship, will only be covered by the monthly grant for a maximum of 3 months. The monthly living allowance does not cover the periods when the student is in her/his country of residence. By signing this agreement, the student declares that she/he has never been and is not in receipt of any other European Union/Erasmus Mundus/EMJM scholarship and that she/he is not a former Erasmus Mundus Masters or PhD student.
Monthly Living Allowance. € <(Living Allowance * Corr.Factor Country) / 12 (or 14) > minus employer´s contribution paid monthly, subject to National Insurance and Income Tax deduction in accordance with <Country> National Insurance and Inland Revenue Tax Laws. (xxxxx-xxxxx-amount is needed) • Mobility Allowance: € <800 or 500 * Corr. Factor Country> paid monthly, subject to National Insurance and Income Tax deduction.

Related to Monthly Living Allowance

  • Travelling Allowance Where an employee is required to attend or conduct a clinic away from their base hospital, or attend to employer business away from their base hospital, the employer shall, wherever possible, pay all accommodation and travel costs (i.e. the employee shall not be required to pay for such expenses and get reimbursed at a later date). Employees shall be entitled, with prior approval, to claim any actual and reasonable expenses incurred.

  • Cleaning Allowance The University will pay for the cleaning of Department issued uniforms and necessary work clothing requiring cleaning worn by employees assigned to non-uniformed positions.

  • Travel time allowance All employees shall be paid an allowance (See Appendix A) for each day on which they present themselves for work. The allowance shall also be paid for rostered days off.

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