Needs. The hours of the employee selected to fill the vacancy will be considered “needs” and the supervisor may cover these needs by utilizing her regular part-time staff.
Needs. A key challenge is understanding what informa- tion needs users have that the system should support. What these needs are, and how they are expressed, often depend on the device as well as the data. A personal digital assistant may also address these information needs proactively, e.g., identify routing tasks and pulling up all the related material, like preparing a travel expense declaration. Task Representation, Identification & Abstraction. Once we understand something of personal search tasks, we need to represent access patterns, information needs, and behaviours in a way that existing systems can use to reason, and researchers can use to investigate new systems. This would involve extracting tasks from private data; abstracting them to allow insight; and developing a common protocol for describing tasks, or classes of tasks, without violating privacy or security. Index and Schema Representation. A similar early research challenge is aggregation and representation of heterogeneous data sources and formats. One has to come up with a represen- tation generic enough for data that ranges from unstructured to fairly structured, and sometimes with comprehensive metadata. Efforts on data integration (e.g., by the database community) and common vocabularies such as and Dublin Core (e.g., by the semantic web community) may be helpful to this end. As a community, we could distinguish better between the logical and physical representations of information, and express retrieval models at the logical level while delegating the actual relevance estimation over heterogeneous information in various data silos to the underlying physical layer. Once the data has been represented in a common format, one has to think about suitable ways of querying it and interfaces to expose to users. While a rich query language might be helpful as an intermediary, it is unlikely to be apt for common users who would rather express their information needs using natural language. Linking and Disambiguation across Silos. Once representational issues are addressed, a higher order research challenge is extracting entities from the heterogeneous data repositories - performing disambiguation, if required, and then linking entities within the collection. A more difficult challenge is linking of entities/objects to particular tasks, i.e. finding all the relevant artifacts associated with a given task, or set of tasks. This will enable a personal knowledge graph that contextualizes the...
Needs. 11 Improvement in any element of Standards 1-5. The Principal may refer a permanent employee to PAR when the Summative Evaluation Report contains one (1) Unsatisfactory or two (2) Needs 12 Improvement in any element of Standards 1-6 and Standard 7. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Needs. All employees should be given the opportunity to develop the competence that is needed for new or changed tasks by different means. It should also be taken into account that individual employees have ideas based on their own perspective of their own and the company’s development needs. These may concern developing skills and abilities that may be advantageous for both the individual and the company in the long term. Development at work takes place through combinations of actions that concern work content, work methods, work organisation, technical support and competence. Responsibilities It is the companies’ responsibility to implement development measures concerning personnel, organisation and technology and to make the requisite resources available. At the same time, it is the duty of the individual employee to take initiatives and feel involvement in and responsibility for his or her own competence development.
Needs. All employees should, through various measures, be given opportunities to develop the skills needed for new or changing tasks. It should also be kept in mind that individual employees have their own ideas about their own and the company’s development needs, e.g., on how to develop knowledge and abilities that can in the long term benefit both the individual and the company. Development at work is the outcome of combinations of measures in such areas as work content, work organisation, technical support and skills.
Needs. The colleges in Lanarkshire were involved in SFC pilot activity in 2010 to review extended learning support arrangements and use ELS funding to support learners using a “needs-led” approach. Good practice in these approaches was shared in various Scotland-wide workshops. The colleges became early adopters in implementing these approaches and have built on the principles and practices since then. The colleges will continue to address extended learning support requirements of students based on need with the explicit intended outcome to help support high attainment among these learners. Ongoing discussions will continue to take place with the Outcome Agreement Manager for the Region to ensure that sufficient funds are made available to ensure that these learners continue to be adequately supported. Progress from the 2013/14 Regional Outcome Agreement for Lanarkshire has been strong and can be demonstrated by the achievement of almost all Key Performance Indicator targets. These targets were set above the national average at that time and provide confidence in the quality of Lanarkshire’s provision. As a consequence our learners are experiencing better outcomes, greater opportunity and enhanced life prospects and will continue to experience the highest quality of learning and teaching and overall learner experience. We set out in 2015/16 to continue this journey with further improved outcomes for learners and higher levels of student satisfaction and success. The colleges working together with pooled experience and more consistent approaches will result in improved outcomes demonstrated by higher numbers of learners achieving positive destinations on the completion of their studies. The colleges set a combined region-wide target for expected learner attainment at FE and HE level. When the 2014-15 Outcome Agreement was being developed, the ROA group used the three-year performance data published by SFC for 2009-10 to 2011/12 as a benchmark to inform target setting at FE and HE levels. The targets for 2013/14 at both FE and HE level were exceeded. However, the region-wide rates levelled out and remained static for 2014/15. The on-going aim of the colleges is to continue to implement strategies that will further enhance annual student attainment levels over a continuing three-year period. Nationally,between 2013/14 and 2014/15 attainment rates reduced for FE FT provision by around 2% and remained stable for HEFT provision. Against this backdrop, Regional outcom...
Needs. Production Office: ☐Yes ☐No Dates: Dressing Rooms: ☐Yes ☐No / How Many: Dates: Hair/Makeup: ☐Yes ☐No Dates:
Needs. Click on the ADD button to a new Need. The next display is to add or edit "Specific target groups or geographical areas and short descriptions of the needs" info in the system.
Needs. The Members recognize that the fire and building safety problems that have historically beset the Bangladeshi apparel and garment industry are widespread, complex and systemic. Accordingly, certain of the Members have committed a combination of direct funding and access to capital, spread out over five years, for the purpose of funding necessary company-led improvements designed to impact significantly factory fire and building safety within Bangladesh. Alliance Members are keenly aware that they have a critical role to play in improving the lives of RMG industry garment workers in Bangladesh. The Members also believe that in order to be lasting and significant, those changes must be made in concert with parallel efforts on the part of the garment Factory owners themselves, the Bangladeshi government, the BGMEA/BKMEA, and international buyers generally. To support the Alliance effort, Members will employ two primary funding components - one collectively and one building upon new and ongoing Member-specific initiatives.
Needs. 2.4.1 Provide Live Data M Yes 3.
4.1.1 Retrieve Data M Yes