Open Time Sample Clauses

Open Time. 1. Following the awarding of bid lines, all uncovered sequences or portions of sequences including but not limited to sick calls, Management Drop(s), Personal Drop(s), leaves of absence, jury duty and bereavement leave will immediately be placed into OT and made available to Flight Attendants for pick-up or trade, except that: a. Once the Reserve self-assigning process begins at 10:00 AM PT per Section 11.E.1.a. [Reserve Self- Assignment], the following provisions will be in effect for OT sequences that report on the subsequent calendar day: 1. Sequences coded TO or CP may be picked up or traded for greater, the same or fewer number of days regardless of whether the “threshold sequence number” per F.3., below, has been met. 2. Regardless of whether the “threshold sequence number” has been met, no new TO coded sequences may be created. 3. Trading of all sequences coded other than TO or CP must be traded day for day or greater. b. Crew Scheduling may remove sequences from OT no earlier than 2:00 PM PT for reserve assignments for the following day except as provided for in Section 7.F.1.a. [“Job Familiarization” Flights…]. Any sequence not assigned to a Reserve by 6:00 PM PT will be returned to OT. Any sequences that become available after 2:00 PM PT will be subject to the withholding provisions of 1.d., below.
Open Time. 29.2.1 A flying line holder who has bid for Open Time and who has indicated in writing or electronically that he/she requires further contact if awarded such Open Time must be available for contact at his/her contact telephone number or must make available an alternative telephone number where he/she can be contacted from the normal closure of that Open Time. Such an employee who has been allocated the Open Time must be telephoned twice by the Company with a minimum of 15 minutes between calls. If the employee is not contactable the Open Time may be allocated to another employee. 29.2.2 A flying line holder who has bid for Open Time and who does not require further contact or may not be contactable at the time of awarding the Open Time must indicate this to the Company in writing or electronically and it is the flying line holder’s responsibility to determine whether or not the flying line holder has been awarded the Open Time for which he/she has bid.
Open Time. 1. The Company may designate no more than ten percent (10%) of known and proposed flying as open flying in each domicile at the beginning of each month. 2. Open time will also include charters and all other time (including, but not limited to, promotional, hurricane relief, non-revenue passenger flights, etc., unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement) which becomes available during the bid period after the pairing packets have been published. Any charter flights and all other flying known prior to the completion of a given month's pairing packet construction will be included in the pairing packet.
Open Time. 1. All unassigned time, except as defined in Section 5.A.5, will be available in each base. Load/variable staffing may be included in open time, but is not required to be. Additionally, the Company shall provide at the beginning of the adjustment period approximately three (3) ISM, FLS, FLB, and FA hours of open time per ISM, FLS, FLB, and FA line in each base. All trip(s) that are placed in open time and changes to open time will be made available as soon as possible. Time may be moved from one base to another to accommodate staffing requirements and the operations. 2. The Company will request flight attendant volunteers to work required positions on inaugural flights. Selection of the crew will take into account availability (trip conflicts), special qualifications and/ or situations, and seniority. Inaugural position(s) may also be placed in open time. 3. All trips removed from open time by a bid line holder and placed in the bid line holder’s schedule will become part of her/his bid line for the month unless the flight attendant contacts Scheduling within one hour (1:00) of the transaction to withdraw it. 4. The Company may place reserve days in open time. These days will be referred to as “RO” days. RO days may be picked up by lineholders provided they are legal and available to fly on the day(s) picked up. A trip assignment on an RO day(s) is limited to the RO day(s). An RO day where no assignment occurs does not constitute a calendar day free from duty. A flight attendant who picks up an RO day shall be paid and credited for the value of a reserve day or the value of the assigned trip if it is greater.
Open Time. 1. All unassigned trips will be available through open time for the current bid period and shall be posted on the Company’s Intranet site after the final bid awards have been published. 2. Open time shall be awarded on a first come, first served basis by telephone or email. 3. Once a trip has been awarded to a flight attendant who meets the requirements of Section E.4., below, the Company may not retract the award, unless the Company reassigns the flight attendant in accordance with the provisions of this Section. The Company may, at any time, assign unawarded trips from open time to a flight attendant for the purpose of line training, a flight attendant for whom the Company is constructing a schedule, a management, supervisory, or training flight attendant, or a reserve flight attendant. 4. From the 11th day of the bid period through the 21st day of the bid period, the Company may deny trip pick ups and trades for trips scheduled to operate on the last six (6) days of the current bid period. 5.
Open Time. 15.1 Patterns and ground duties which are not included in a roster or any pattern or ground duty which becomes available, including for sick/carers leave reasons, becomes Open Time. 15.2 Open Time allocation will be determined by Qantas/QCCA on the day, taking into account an employee's projected hours for the roster period. Operations will determine which employee is assigned open time taking into consideration each employee's projected hours for the roster period. 15.3 Open Time will be allocated by Qantas/QCCA to an employee on an available span or a reserve line holder on an available day or otherwise to an employee on an available day. 15.4 Open Time, where practicable and subject to operational requirements, should be allocated to crew bidding for additional hours in the first instance, then crew offsetting pay protection (reassignable hours) and then crew trading patterns or hours.
Open Time a. Open Time consists of all Trip Pairings that become known after the Bid Lines are published or become vacated after the Bid Lines are awarded. b. When an Open Time assignment becomes available, the Company shall make every effort, when economically practicable to award/assign in the following order: i. Assigned to a qualified Flight Attendant on Reserve status; then ii. Awarded to a qualified Flight Attendant on Reserve status with no scheduling conflicts who agrees to work on his/her days off; then iii. Awarded to a qualified Flight Attendant with no scheduling conflicts who agrees to work on his/her days off; then iv. Assigned by junior assignment or extension.
Open Time. 1. The Company may designate no more than ten percent (10%) of known and proposed flying as open flying in each domicile at the beginning of each month. 2. Open time will also include charters and all other time (including, but not limited to, promotional, hurricane relief, non-revenue passenger flights, etc., unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement) which becomes available during the bid period after the pairing packets have been published. Any charter flights and all other flying known prior to the completion of a given month's pairing packet construction will be included in the pairing packet. 3. Open Time Requests All requests of open time will be awarded consistent with theturn time” parameters established for each domicile and bid period, as stated in the pairing packet, applicable to the particular domicile in which the pairing originates. Such turn times will be no greater, but may be less, than the bidline construction parameters used for the same domicile for the same bid period. 4. Flight Attendants wishing to pick up partial pairings from open time will be limited to picking up flight pairings that commence and end at the same domicile. Any partial pairing must include either the beginning or the end of the original pairing. If, following such a split, the pairing remaining in Open Time still contains a pass-through domicile, that pairing may be split again but must include either the beginning or the end of the pairing. 5. The chart below outlines the display / listing of available pairings. N4D/Base//Date (e.g., N4D/DFW//10JAN) Displays all pairings that are open (“above the line”) or posted for drop (“below the line”), making them available for pick up. N4DL/Base//Date (e.g., N4DL/DFW//18JAN) Will display only those open and posted pairings that a Flight Attendant is qualified and legal to pick up. If a “D” follows the pairing, a Duty-Free period (DFP) conflict exists, requiring the elimination of a DFP. N4T/Pairing/Date (e.g., N4T/22132/24JAN) Will display a list of “redder” open pairings with which a Flight Attendant is qualified and legal to trade his/her red pairing. If a “D” follows the pairing number, a Duty-Free Period (DFP) conflict exists, requiring the elimination of a DFP. N4TL/Pairing/Date (e.g., N4TL/22123/24SEP) Displays only those “redder” open pairings for which a Flight Attendant is qualified and legal to trade his/her red pairing. If a “D” follows the pairing number, a Duty-Free Period (DFP) conflicts exists, requ...
Open Time. 1. Open Time is the time unassigned through FLICA after the publishing of the Initial Award, plus any time made available by Flight Attendants through retirements, resignation or any other absence.
Open Time a. All open time will be published on the final bid award. Bids for such open time will close at 1700 on the third day after distribution of the awards. Bids will be awarded by seniority to qualified Flight Attendants in domicile and then to qualified Flight Attendants system-wide by 1700 on the day after closing. The Company will notify successful bidders of their awards. b. Open time which remains or which subsequently becomes available during the month will be listed by electronic means by 1700 on a daily basis. Bidding for such open time may be accomplished electronically. Such open time will be awarded to qualified Flight Attendants on a first-come, first-served basis. c. To be awarded open time a Flight Attendant must be scheduled to be off duty when the open time is scheduled to be flown. The Company may adjust the Flight Attendant’s schedule to accommodate open time with the concurrence of the Flight Attendant. d. Open time which is not awarded by bidding will be assigned to Reserve Flight Attendants in domicile and then to Reserve Flight Attendants systemwide, in accordance with Section 9.L. The Company may retain reserve coverage by not assigning all available reserves.