Sick Calls. CONTRACTOR shall ensure sick calls are provided in accordance with FDC procedure 403.006. CONTRACTOR shall coordinate and cooperate with the security personnel to administer as much healthcare as is practical to inmates housed in the confinement. This includes sick call. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that there are appropriate facilities at the respective housing unit.
Sick Calls. In the event that a nurse is ill and unable to work, it is their responsibility to advise the unit on which they work if they are returning to work the following day in accordance with the following: The nurse must call the unit by 1300 hours the day before. If no call is received by 1300 hours, the nurse will be replaced.
Sick Calls. 39:01 Employees who will be unable to attend work due to illness or other emergency, shall contact the Employer as soon as possible, and shall endeavour to make such contact not later than three (3) hours prior to the start of their afternoon or midnight shift, and two (2) hours prior to the start of their day shift.
Sick Calls. 37.01 Employees who will be unable to attend work due to illness or other emergency, shall as soon as possible telephone a Manager in the case of day-time hours, or the on-duty Service Attendant during night hours (7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.). In all cases the employee shall endeavour to make the phone call not later than three (3) hours prior to the start of their shift. Signed this day of , 2013. FOR THE EMPLOYER FOR THE UNION The parties recognize that female employees may sometimes need to discuss with another woman matters such as violence or abuse at home or workplace harassment. They may also need to find out about specialized resources in the community such as counselors or women’s shelters to assist them in dealing with these and other issues. For this reason the parties agree to recognize the role of Women’s Advocate in the workplace. The Women’s Advocate will be determined by the Union from amongst the female bargaining unit employees. The Employer prefers that the Advocate come from among the unit chairs or stewards. The Advocate will meet with female members as required, discuss problems with them and refer them to the appropriate agency when necessary. The Employer agrees to provide access to a confidential phone line and voicemail that can be maintained by the Women’s Advocate and that is accessible for female employees to contact the Women’s Advocate. As well, the Employer will provide access to a private office so that confidentiality can be maintained when a female employee is meeting with the Women’s Advocate. The Employer and the Union will develop appropriate communications to inform female employees about the advocacy role of the Women’s Advocate providing contact numbers to reach the Women’s Advocate. The Employer will also assign a management support person to assist the advocate in her role. The Women’s Advocate will participate in an initial 40 hour basic training program and an annual three (3) day update training program delivered by the CAW National Women’s Department. The Employer is not expected to pay for lost time, including travel time, registration costs, lodging, transportation, meals and other expenses associated with this training. Signed this day of , 2013. FOR THE EMPLOYER FOR THE UNION RE: SOCIAL JUSTICE FUND The Corporation agrees to pay into a Special Fund three cents (.03) per hour per employee for all compensated hours for the purpose of contributing to the CAW Social Justice Fund. The Fund is a registered non-profi...
Sick Calls. Employees who will be unable to attend work due to illness or other emergency, shall as soon as possible telephone a Manager or the Office in the case of day-time hours Monday to Friday, or the on-duty Service Attendant during night hours (4:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.). In all cases the employee shall endeavour to make the phone call not later than three (3) hours prior to the start of their shift. It is the responsibility of the on-duty Service Attendant to replace the shift with another employee. If not possible, the Manager on-call is to be notified as soon as possible. The parties agree that if no contact with management is made with the initial phone call a voice message detailing name and shift to be absent can be left.
Sick Calls. All employees must call in to the designated supervisor or maintenance office when they are sick and cannot work. This report must be made at least one hour before the starting time. Failure to make this report may result in disciplinary lay-off. Repeated failure to report may be grounds for further discipline, including discharge.
Sick Calls. 37.01 Employees who will be unable to attend work due to illness or other emergency, shall as soon as possible telephone a Manager in the case of day-time hours, or the on-duty Service Attendant during night hours (7:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.). In all cases the employee shall endeavour to make the phone call not later than three (3) hours prior to the start of their shift. Signed this day of , 2010. FOR THE EMPLOYER FOR THE UNION
Sick Calls. When calling in replacements for sick calls seniority shall govern subject to the following: Part-time employees will be called first by classification; thereafter, qualified alternate part-time employees from other classifications may then be considered, then followed by full-time employees.
Sick Calls. In the event that a nurse is ill and unable to work, it is their responsibility to advise the unit on which they work of the absence on a shift by shift basis. In the event that the unit is not open, the nurse is to advise the Manager or delegate In the event that the nurse is aware, in advance, that they will have to miss multiple consecutive shifts (if they know the anticipated length of absence), it is the responsibility of the nurse to convey that message on the initial day of absence due to illness.