Order of Separation. The order of separation of employees with permanent status shall be on a geographic basis by class and department in the following manner. For purposes of determining this order of separation, “geographic basis” shall be construed to mean that area within a thirty-five (35) road mile radius of the position’s regular duty station.
(1) Employees with less than three (3) years of continuous State service and whose current, annual performance evaluation is less than Satisfactory shall be separated first.
(2) Then, employees who have not received their first annual performance evaluation will be separated. These employees will be separated on the basis of their original probationary period evaluations and separated in order of their ratings, those rated above “Satisfactory” being separated last.
(3) Then, employees with only one (1) annual performance evaluation will be separated. These employees will be listed by order of their ratings, “Outstanding” being separated last.
(4) Then, employees with two (2) annual performance evaluations will be separated. Those employees will be placed in the following groups based on their performance ratings: 1. 2. 3. Group A: 2,2 3,2 2,3 Group B: 4/5,2 3,3 2,4/5 Group C: 4/5,3 3,4/5 4/5,4/5 The employees in Group A will be separated first, Group C last.
(5) Then, employees with more than three (3) and less than five (5) years of continuous State service will then be separated. The order of layoff of these employees will be based on seniority (the employee with the most seniority will be separated last), except in the following instance. An employee with any one (1) of the following combinations of ratings on his/her three (3) most recent annual performance evaluations will be separated last: 4/5 4/5 3 4/5 3 4/5 3 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 4/5 (6) Then, employees with five (5) or more years of continuous State service will be separated. The order of layoff of these employees will be based solely on seniority; the employees with the most seniority will be separated last.
Order of Separation. Employees within a classification shall be laid off in inverse order of their seniority within such class. Seniority within class for the purpose of layoffs is defined as the length of the employee’s fulltime cumulative service time within the rank or class targeted for layoff within the unit, plus any time in a higher rank or class. Ties in seniority within the class shall be broken based upon the order in which employees were selected for fulltime employment or promotion by the department head.
Order of Separation. Preference for retention shall be based equally upon performance as determined and supported in writing by each supervisory level involved, and upon seniority of service.
Order of Separation. The principal criterion used in determining the order of separation and bumping rights shall be seniority, time worked within a class within the City, provided the employee presently possesses the skills, ability and qualifications to perform the job. Furthermore, seniority shall govern unless the following criteria show that ability, merit, and records of the employees considered for lay-off are not equal:
Order of Separation. Employees in the same classification and department shall be separated considering type of appointment and total continuous seniority with the least senior employee in any category of appointment being the first separated and with tied seniority scores broken as provided herein. The sequence of separation by appointment types shall be:
Order of Separation. Management shall first designate the division(s) and classification(s) where the reduction in force will occur. Layoff will occur in the following order:
1. Temporary Employees
2. Intermittent Employees
3. Part-Time Initial Hire Probationary Employees
4. Full-Time Initial Hire Probationary Employees
5. Part-Time Employees
Order of Separation. The principal criterion used in determining the order of separation and bumping rights shall be seniority (time worked within a class within the City), provided the employee presently possesses the skills, ability, and qualifications to perform the job. Furthermore, seniority shall govern unless the following criteria show that ability, merit, and record of the employees considered for layoff are not equal.
a. Last four performance evaluations ratings
b. History of written disciplinary actions
c. Attendance record -- tardiness and unexcused absences
d. In the event the less senior employee in the position in the class to be laid off has superior skills, ability, qualifications, merit, and record, as determined in the above manner, then the more senior employee shall be laid off.
e. The City shall have the burden of establishing the above criteria.
Order of Separation. A. Separation (lay-off) of employees shall be in the order in which their names appear on the seniority list for the affected class, with those persons having the least seniority credit being the first separated, except as provided in 5.01(IV)(C).
B. Employees in the same class shall be separated during a reduction in force (lay- off) according to the type of appointment under which they serve, in the following sequence: First part-time, then probationary, and finally permanent.
C. The lay-off of employees in grant funded positions shall be guided by pertinent regulations set forth in the grant contract. If a grant does not provide guidelines for lay-off, then the lay-off of employees occupying all grant funded positions shall be determined by the availability of the grant funds, except that such employees may be displaced by qualified probationary or permanent employees in the same department who are scheduled for lay-off and who have a greater number of seniority credits.
Order of Separation. The principal criterion used in determining the order of separation and bumping rights shall be seniority based on the total years of continuous full-time service and any prior part-time service as calculated on a pro-rata basis with the City provided the employee presently possesses the skill, ability and qualifications to perform the job. Layoffs shall be in the reverse order as hired. That is, the employee in the affected job class with the least total City service shall be laid off first. Whenever seniority is equal, the following criteria shall be applied in the indicated order:
a. Ranking on eligibility list; b. Performance Evaluations; c.
Order of Separation. The order of separation of employees with permanent status shall be on a geographic basis by class and department in the following manner. For purposes of determining this order of separation, “geographic basis” shall be construed to mean that area within a thirty-five (35) road mile radius of the position’s regular duty station.
(1) Employees with less than three (3) years of continuous State service and whose current, annual performance evaluation is less than Satisfactory shall be separated first.
(2) Then, employees who have not received their first annual performance evaluation will be separated. These employees will be separated on the basis of their original probationary period evaluations and separated in order of their ratings, those rated above “Satisfactory” being separated last.
(3) Then, employees with only one (1) annual performance evaluation will be separated. These employees will be listed by order of their ratings, “Outstanding” being separated last.
(4) Then, employees with two (2) annual performance evaluations will be separated. Those employees will be placed in the following groups based on their performance ratings: